
Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Monthly Clean Home Challenge: Clean Out One Closet

Welcome back to the Monthly Clean Home Challenge daily task!  I am on a quest to maintain a clean and organized home in less time and the goal is simple; four daily tasks, four weekly tasks and one additional quick task each week day. 

In no particular order, here are the individual tasks I am tackling each day this month:
  1. Make cleaning supplies
  2. Cycle clean appliances
  3. Clean out cars
  4. Clean out microwave
  5. Wipe down cabinets/appliances
  6. Wipe down trim/doors
  7. Clean out one drawer
  8. Clean out fridge
  9. Clean out freezer
  10. Vacuum under furniture
  11. Vacuum mattresses
  12. Clean oven
  13. Clean out one closet
  14. Wash out garbage can/recycle bin
  15. Wash windows
  16. Scrub grout
  17. Clean out one cabinet
  18. File paper piles
  19. Purge bathroom toiletries
  20. Clean out pantry

Today I am chatting about the extra task:  Clean Out One Closet

We are pretty lucky that the majority of the closets within our home are fairly "organized" due to four years of blogging about the subject.  But that doesn't mean that they are all perfectly clean and clutter-less.

I had a jam packed day today so I wanted to pick a cleaning task that would be nice and quick.  There are no before and afters with jaw dropping results, but I still accomplished my goal with glee.

I selected my own personal clothing closet....

I typically remove everything from a drawer or closet when doing a good cleaning out, however, given the type of closet I decided to forgo that step this time around {it is simple enough to sift through hangers}.  However, I did remove everything from the bottom shelves and give it a quick vacuuming.

The basic steps for any closet clean-up are the same:
  • Remove items
  • Vacuum/Wipe things down
  • Purge
  • Evaluate storage
  • Put things back

After the lower section of the closet was vacuumed, I went through each and every hanger, basket and drawer and purged a bagful of items.  

I always keep that bag hanging in my closet and if I purchase something new, something old goes inside of the bag.  This has been working so well for me in keeping my closet from bursting at the seams and really made today's process even easier.

While purging the items in my closet, I was ruthless asking myself the following questions for each item I touched:
  • When is the last time I wore the item?
  • Does the item fit me nicely?
  • Do I still love the item?
  • Is that item torn, damaged or in wearable condition?

Prior to today there were a few tops and a pair of shoes inside the bag, but after today's purge it was nice and full.  Feels good to give myself a little extra room, because let's face it, my closet is not boasting in size.

Once I went through all of the clothes, baskets and drawers, I turned my focus to my jewelry station.  I figured while I was in the ruthless mood I should clear some of that clutter as well.

The glass mirror and dresser top were also wiped down to a sparkling finish.

The entire process took me about 15 minutes, no need to DIY pretty storage or line any drawers.  Just a good closet purge with an end result of a bagful of clothing, a pair of shoes and three necklaces being sent to our location donation facility.  Oh!  And it is dust free and clean again too, so that in itself is a win for me!  Got 15 minutes?  What closet are you going to purge today?

Looking for something?  Check out my favorite cleaning products below:


  1. Where did you get those jewelry hangers?! I love them!! I was thinking of DIYing an earring holder for myself but I don't think I could DIY the necklace holder.

    1. Hi Corley!

      Both are DIY versions. The earring holder is a radiator grate clipped into a picture frame and the necklace holder is fabric covered cork clipped into a picture frame with push pins holding the necklaces.


    2. Ooo I understand now! I thought the necklace holder was a bunch of metal branches inside a frame that you draped necklaces over. What a smart idea with the cork board. I'm definitely going to give these a shot!

  2. Hey Jen! Can I ask about the pics on the door? Are those outfit ideas?

    1. They are! I try to find outfits on Pinterest that match up with items I have in my closet to help me out in the morning. :) xo!

    2. Oh my gosh, if I tried to match Pinterest outfits to my own clothes my search terms would be something like "outdated, frumpy, nothing matching." Ha! It's such a good idea though. It might prevent me from randomly sticking my hand in the closet and pulling out the first thing I find. :)

  3. Hello, love your blog. I did a little research on microfiber cloths and just wanted to pass on this idea. Menards sells white 80%polyester 20%polyamide microfiber cloths in the automotive section (2 for $1.99). This is the exact same material used by Norwex. I love them, but saw your blog posts and decided to see if there were any differences. It turns out not all microfiber cloths are the same, and polyamide is the key. Wouldn't it be cute to dye the white ones to match your decor? I saw you painted your paint brushes so you might enjoy this. By the way, consumer reports has yet to report on microfiber cloths. I may be a cleaning geek lol.

  4. So sorry, looks like they cannot be dyed due to the concentration of polyester

  5. Hi! I really love your blog. Your blog inspires me to be excited in organizing our home.Keep on posting nice ideas. :)

  6. I love your jewelry storage and the printed outfit ideas. I've been procrastinating about a closet clearance as I have a wall of built in robes/shelves, which *should* be ideal for perfect storage but is actually full of clutter, so when I open the door I close it again as fast as I can! Maybe I'll just approach one section at a time (or get my husband to do his own!).

    Nic x

  7. your posts always inspire me, but also bring me down. Your home literally looks like it's from a magazine, not realistic for most of us. most of your photos seem so staged and not real life. While they are beautiful to look at, I just don't see any need to clean and organize because the way you share your home here on your blog, does not look lived in.
    I don't mean to offend, but I just don't visit as much as I used to because I found myself becoming more depressed rather than inspired.

    1. It makes me really sad to hear that Nicole, as this blog is always intended to inspire vs. deter. Our home is far from perfect and I really do try and show our messes, mistakes and problematic areas along with the good. Unfortunately, I have always been a neat person and I love to organize and purge clutter, and have been working hard on our home for years {over 4+ years of sharing organizing project after project right here}. It is loved and lived in {I can barely walk through our playroom right now}, but it is a work in progress and I do take pride in what we accomplish. I understand that there is a fine line in trying to motivate others rather than turn them away, and I will stay in tune to that. xoxo!

    2. I have to pipe in here. I do agree that your home looks perfect and clean. Its the perfection, cleanliness and constant strive to improve your home and challenge yourself that motivates me! My home has never looked better, cleaner and I am proud when guests compliment those efforts. I then crack open the wine and laptop and show them the mastermind behind it all. Keep up the great work!


    3. Thanks Diana! Such a sweet testimonial! I appreciate it and you! And wine too. ;)

    4. Sorry Jen, I have to pipe in here too :0)
      Please, do not use the word "unfortunately" before stating that you have always been a neat person, you love to organize and purge clutter, and you work hard! Those are not unfortunate qualities!! Those are the reasons why so many people (like me!) love your blog.

  8. Everything look amazing, unfortunately my closet is to small for me to organize it like that. I just did a blob post on my chest organization as well.

  9. I think is where I go wrong - I look thru my drawer and see what I can get rid of - I think emptying out the drawer is the key here and then go thru each piece one by one - I am doing this on Saturday for sure!!!

    btw... loving these posts!! I scrubbed my dishwasher and it looks amazing!!!

  10. Totally off topic - I love your striped shoes! I may have an obsession with stripes. :) Where did you find them?

  11. I love the idea of posting pics of outfits on the inside of the door! You inspired me to tackle my closet this evening. I am sure it's going to take much longer than 15 minutes though!!

  12. This is so inspiring!! I plan on tackling our master bedroom closet very soon, and that will be a "take-everything-out, purge, clean, put-back" process. I'm already looking forward to seeing before and after pics. And I think I should have this post up on my laptop in there while working - so motivating. :) Thanks so much!

  13. You have inspired me! Monday I cleaned my fridge and yesterday I cleaned and flipped my mattress. It feels so good!

    1. So great! Isn't it fun how simple little tasks give such a feeling of accomplishment?

  14. Just in the process of cleaning my closet out and it's always so much more work than I thought it would be. Love all the pretty touches you have in yours. I may have to work something like that in this time around!

  15. I realy like the idea of the outfits pinned next to your wardrobe. I pin tons of outfits on pinterest, but rarely look at them when I start my day. Great Idea.

  16. I love love love your blog! I am new to it and I love it. So inspired from you! I have put many things into action so far! May I ask where is your adorable bag from? The gray one on the floor next to the shoes? Love it!

    1. I found the bag on Amazon:

      I have been using it in my closet for a few years now. I love that it is soft and compact so it hangs nicely for my purged clothing.


  17. I love your organizing ideas.

    I have had a different goal each month and March is "Fresh, Clean, & Organized". I find having my list to check off keeps me on task. I have 105 items on the list and need to accomplish 3.4 items each day in order to finish. Breaking it down makes it easier for me to not feel overwhelmed.

    1. Love that goal!! Good luck to you! That is a lot of items but when broken out and tackled with a plan, totally do-able!

  18. My tip when purging my closet is: if I haven't worn it in a year, I probably won't wear it the next. That also allows me to make room for new things that may come in!
    The Beauty Break

  19. Thanks so much for this series! At first, I was skeptical, thinking, "How much interesting content can she blog about these items on the list?" But by the 2nd post of the series, I was totally convinced. I've been following right along with you - thank you for breaking these tasks down into time-manageable parts! My dishwasher has NEVER looked this good and my toilets are GLEAMING thanks to your post about microfiber rags! Such a fan of you!

    1. Thank you so much! It has been a lot of fun for me to share the daily posts, I always love hearing that people are finding them useful! Cheers to gleaming toilets! ;) xoxo!

  20. I'm totally coveting your collection of cute flats!

  21. I love your closet! With 6 kiddos and hand me downs to store our closet is more of a hard working storage space that also holds clothes. But believe me.... The boxes of closes are labeled and we can always find the size we need when we need it! I'm off to sort jewelry!

  22. LOVE the cleaning posts!!! As a 3 year follower I can't get enough! This week you have inspired me to clean out my fridge, my dishwasher, and this afternoon I'm tackling 2 closets! Thank you so much for letting us into your home! P.S. WHERE did you get the adorable bag that you are putting your purged clothes in? Love it!!

    1. I am clapping over here! Way to go Abby! Thanks for following along and kudos to all you are getting done! :)

      I found the bag on Amazon:


  23. My aim is to be as organised as this one day! I WILL train myself! x

  24. I know you have shared before, but I can't find it. What type of hangers do you use?

    1. Hi Sara! I use the Real Simple Super Slim Hangers:

      Make sure to watch for those sweet 20% off coupons! :)

  25. Hey! I love the thought process in deciding how to get rid of unused or old clothing. Thanks for the inspiration. I've tried it in the past and I can never seem to bring myself to throw something away. I'm definitely working on it. :D
    My blog:

  26. Hey girl! Good job on keeping your clothes condensed and I love that you have pics of outfits. I bet that saves a TON of time! Ok, quick mentioned earlier that you have the family do a quick clean up at night. Do you offer money for completing chores? Do your boys do it without complaining...or is it a hassle? Or are they just in the habit and don't complain now? HELP!!!! I'm stumped on what to do! I suck at keeping up with chore money and keeping on top of them to do the chores! My babies are pretty young still....but I want to start them off young! :) xo

  27. P.S. I just read a comment above about a girl who was feeling down about your blog and feeling overwhelmed. I totally get that. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed. But it's NOT because of your blog. I do not have as much drive as you to keep up on things at home sometimes, but I absolutely LOVE coming over here to read about what you are doing! It is so inspiring. You make regular things sparkle and shine! I love it!!!! When I am feeling down, I don't do much blogging or looking at other blogs. But once I feel that fire burning I RUN over here to see what you are up to! Keep on being amazing! I love you and your blog! Hopefully that girl above will realize that she is NOT you, and not to compare and only do the best she can do! I know it's hard to do sometimes, but it's not fair to put others down because of it. You go girl! You are an inspiration to soooo many of us! xo

  28. The room is so pretty !

  29. OH gosh! I don't know what's your secret to keep only this much clothes in your closet. I have about 5 times more and I can never find anything. Seeing your closet makes me want to purge 3/4 of mine, right now.Very inspiring, as always! Hugs~

    1. Thanks Aniko!

      I purged down a walk-in in favor of the armoire and I was surprised by two things. A: They can store more clothes than I initially thought and B: I LOVE having less clothes because I realized I didn't wear half of my previous closet anyway. It makes it much easier to manage my wardrobe now, I am definitely a fan. :)


  30. I keep a pretty wicker hamper in my closet, lined with a large shopping bag (reused from Kohls or something…) all my goodwill “ugh when did this get so tight!?” clothes and the “how did that end up in my closet? I don’t wear those??!” — they go in there. and I pop the bag out when full and run it to a donation center. I buy a TON of clothes: thrift shops, goodwill, garage sales… but I do 1 thing NEW = get rid of something old also. I purge after every season (when I have to pack it all up to make room for the new). and I invest in QUALITY staples. jeans, a few great basic shoes, and a couple classic skirts and blouses. everything else: frivolous city! my closet is colorful and beautiful and I display my shoes/purses/dresses boutique style- to inspire me to keep it that way!!


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