
Monday, December 9, 2013


DIY Washi Tape Organizer

Raise your hand if you have a Washi Tape addiction.  Me Me Me!  I have collected a few rolls here and there over the past year or two, and all of the sudden I realized I have Washi Tape coming out of my ears. 

I love that Washi Tape has endless uses, however, my desk drawer organizers are bursting at the seams and the tape is taking over my work surfaces.  And with it spread here and there, I forget what I have and want to prevent over-purchasing.  Time to get it organized.  Did you know you could organize Washi Tape?  Ha, me either.

This projects was super simple.  Those are always the best kind.  And it can be done in under 15 minutes.  Yes please.

I found a clear drawer organizer and two small tension rods at Target.  I went with two rods and a wider organizer to accommodate my collection.  For this project, I also used the serrated edge from two boxes of plastic wrap and some double stick tape {not shown}.

I started by fitting the tension rods to the organizer.  Then, I just slid the rolls of tape onto each rod, making sure that they were facing in the correct direction to be unrolled.

Next up, I removed the serrated edge from the boxes of cling wrap.  I have actually seen people use the boxes themselves as Washi organizers, however, I was looking for something easier to update and a bit sturdier.  Once I removed the plastic serrated edge from the box, I ran it under water to remove the extra glue and cardboard.

Using some double stick tape, I attached the plastic serrated edges to the top lip of the drawer organizer.  Truth: I tried hot glue first, it was messy and didn't allow the edge to sit flush against the drawer organizer edge.

To somewhat hide the tension rods from the front, I added a pretty gold bookplate label holder.

 And done!  Simple as that!

Now all of my tapes are stored in one shiny, happy place, and are simple to use to boot!

Tell me, what is your favorite way to use this pretty tape?


  1. Completely GENIUS!!! We especially heart the upcycled cling wrap serrated edge!!

  2. I love your blog! I am always checking it daily for inspiration and ideas!! Love this washi tape idea!! :)


  3. Very clever!! It's a very nice way to store as well as display your collection. I love to use my washi tapes on different projects, but especially to enhance organization around the house: pretty labels, tabs...
    Thanks for sharing your new organizer Jen!

  4. Absolute brilliance with the plastic wrap edges. Never would have thought of that!
    I love washi tape for a thousand and ten reasons, but my favorite is hanging things up in my dorm room since I can't use anything that might chip paint.
    I'll definitely be using this idea for my slow accumulation of washi tape.

  5. Sometimes the simplest little project BLOWS MY MIND. There is a reason why you are the queen of organizing. Must try this NOW.

  6. Jen, this is brilliant! I'll have to modify it a bit for my stash, since I may otherwise end up convinced that I need to buy more rolls to fill up the empty space. ;)

  7. where did you buy that colorfull tape? i have never seen anything like this in any store.

    1. Hi Joanna,
      You can sometimes find Washi tape at Target in the office supply section at a great price. The Target brand is four rolls for $4.00. I know that Michel's carries it and you can probably find it at Hobby Lobby. If you are like me and live almost an hour away from the nearest craft store, then do a Google search for Washi tape. In the past I had ordered from some of the online craft store. But I recently ordered from and found their prices to be very good and they have a large selection of Washi tape. You do have to pay through PayPal. I was pleased at how fast my order arrived. I hope this helps you but watch out it is addicting.


    2. Hi Joanna!

      I find my tape a few different places, and have been slowly building my collection. A few small local boutiques carry it, but Etsy is also a really great source, as is and


    3. thanks a lot for you answers! :)

    4. I found washi tape at Staples. 3M makes it, the same company that makes regular scotch tape.

  8. That is a brilliant idea! I am going to check out Target very soon, I need one - or maybe 2- of these.

  9. No joke I needed this over the weekend when I was organizing my tape! Totally going to recreate this!

  10. This looks so pretty, makes my mere collection of 3 tapes crawl under the table. Need to stock up more and make this super cute organizer too!

    9 out of ten | find me on bloglovin

  11. I am amazed. This is such a great idea! {Now I just need some Washi tape...}

  12. I haven't seen Washi tape here in Australia. I'd love to buy some. Wondering where to look?
    Julie :-)
    Mrs Stowe's Kinder Cottage

    1. Hi Julie,

      You can read my reply to Joanna K. But since you live in Australia, I don't know if it will help you much. I realize how much international shipping can add to an order from the US. Try local craft store, local rubber stamping store, or do a Google search for online stores in Australia. Good luck.


    2. Julie, washi tape isn't as easy to find in Oz and NZ. There are a few places in NZ that stock it, but it can be a bit pricey - I don't think we can get the same cheap deals as what you can in the US. Try a google search for shops in your area that might stock it.

    3. I have bought some through an Australian eBay store who posts from Brisbane where I also live, and I have also found a similar version from Kikki K

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Just go online and type in Washi Tape you will find more than you can imagine. I get mine at office supply stores as well as craft stores. 3M makes some but it is not as "papery" as the original Washi Tape.

    6. Etsy is a good place to start and there are several Australian sellers who ship really quickly, and I think kikki K stocks some nice ones as well. I've noticed that more places are starting to stock it like some Target stores and post offices too.

    7. A few ladies from my planner groups live in Australia and there are sources for it, though it can be tough to get. If you happen to live where there is a Daiso, they sell it and deco tape. Deco tape is similar to washi, but it's plastic-y (sort of like cellophane tape in pretty colors).

    8. Im in Australia, you can purchase 4 packs for $3 at kmart, big w and target. Theres also a few online places to purchase, just google. Think Lark store has them online.

    9. Funnily enough I went to office works last night and picked up a catalogue while I was there. (Flyer for you Americans:-)) and they are currently selling washi tape for $2.95AU. Not sure if it's a regular thing they stock or not but might be worth a peek. :-) (I live in SE Victoria)

    10. I am in Australia too I'm not sure where I would find small tension rods.. That is great storage tho :)

    11. Hi Julie, I am a Canadian Close to my heart consultant and they are now in Austrailia, you can type in close to my heart to find a consultant in your area. CTMH has awesome washi tape :)

    12. Hi Jen, I love your blog and the Washi Tape storage idea is a fab idea!
      All the Aussies out there check out It has designer tapes from Japan and Korea and the Chinese tapes that you can find in many other shops..

    13. Look anywhere they sell scrapbooking items.

    14. I've been getting all of my washi tape from Kmart in Australia and Spotlight

  13. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only person who hasn't become addicted to washi tape. I just don't know what I'd use it for.

    1. I am with you. :) Seems cute enough but I don't think I would ever use it.

    2. I'm a little bit with you, but I found some at Target on holiday clearance, and I have just regularly just purchased. I've found it's cute to use as reinforcement on taping envelopes shut (for the holiday cards...((I just got mine sent out today! :-/ )) :-) ) That's one example. If you want to tape up some directions onto kids' wall(s) without using a picture frame, that's neat. I'm sure there's a BUNCH of ways this stuff can be used. Those are two ways I've "discovered" recently (and my arsenal is empty otherwise!) Just Google or look on Pinterest though. That's my next step! :-)

  14. What brand or type of cling wrap do you use that has a clear edge? All mine are metal (or aluminum-whatever)

    1. It looks like Jen uses the Target Up and Up brand of cling wrap.

    2. Barbara is correct, I use Up & Up brand from Target.


  15. I love this! I use an empty foil roll box in a similar fashion, but this is much cuter. What kind of tiny tension rods are those? I've never seen any so small.

    1. I wonder if it was these 16" ones from Target?

      But this is the only clear drawer organizer I can find online at Target:

    2. Hi Robyn!

      I found both items at Target in the store. The drawer organizer was in the bathroom department {near towels and organizers} and the tension rod was in the curtain department. I can't find the tension rods online, but they are about 12" long within the organizer, and came in a two pack.


    3. I'm looking to see what I can find online also. (For some reason, replying to a post seems better? than posting my own, I guess? Maybe for reference purposes. =) I read you said the rods are 12" within the organizer. Do you, by any chance, know how wide this is? I think I see something on Amazon. Just wondering before I order! Thanks!

  16. BOOM! Jen knocks another one OUTTA THE PARK! Way to go girl! Love, love, love it! How brilliant are you? Pretty dang, I'd say!

  17. I too have a washi tape addiction. It just makes me happy!

  18. Wow! Such a great idea!!


  19. wondering what you use washi tape for and how did you make that metal pretty label on front?

    1. Hi Daniella!

      I personally love using the tape to make labels and for marking travel dates in my planner. I also use it for dressing up boring items around the house and for embellishing stationary. The uses really are endless!


  20. AWESOME! I've been storing them in used macaron boxes from Bottega Louis (a fancy resto in LA) because I fit like 8 washis in there. But I want to see it, so your DIY is perfect!

  21. On a random note, do you (or anyone else) have suggestions for where else to find small tension rods? No one in my town seems to carry them. I've checked Target, Wal-mart, Bed, Bath, and Beyond, Home Depot, Lowes, and even the Dollar Tree. None! The smallest I've seen are about an inch diameter and 24"+ long for use as curtain rods. I've searched online, even and not come up with much. It's nuts. I've been looking for them since July to help with organizing my bakeware.

    1. Hi Robyn!

      I can't find the tension rods online, but they are about 12" long came in a two pack. They were located in the curtain department in my local Target store.



  22. Cute idea! And it looks like it would be cheaper than what I spent on the one I bought and more roomy.

  23. so clever! now i want to go add to my washi collection some more! ;)

  24. This is such a great idea and ingenious to add the serrated edges! You can see everything you have, easily use everything you have, and update it as you need to. Very nice!

  25. Muriel Osborne-PetrykDecember 10, 2013 at 11:57 AM

    Oh my gosh, I wish I had seen this for my ribbon collection. The tension rods are the best idea. thank you. I will be redoing my ribbons.

  26. This is so cute and such a great idea! I only have 3 rolls of Washi tape, but now I have the perfect excuse to buy more! Thanks.

  27. I have been a long time blogless reader and now that I made a bloggy just wanted to say your tips were a lifesaver numerous times and during the most hectic periods kept my home organized and pretty :) thank you & stay awesome

  28. Sometimes the simplest things make me go, "WOW!!!" This is so awesome! And I think it's fate that I saw this because I have those exact tension rods sitting in my craft room right now just waiting to be put to work, lol! Thanks so much for sharing, Jen!

    ~Abby =)

  29. Where do you get all the bookplates you use?! I'm in need of some and I'm having a hard time finding them. Any resources? Thanks!!

    1. Hi Anna! I find the adhesive options at Staples {part of the Martha Stewart collection}, and they are my favorite. Otherwise, check out local craft stores and amazon.


  30. Oh how I love this stuff!!!!! I use it to label my leftovers in my fridge and my shelves in the fridge.

  31. Where do you buy your book plate label holders?

    1. Hi LoriAnne! I find the adhesive options at Staples {part of the Martha Stewart collection}, and they are my favorite. Otherwise, check out local craft stores and amazon.


    2. Ah, staples!! The one office supply store I don't have in fresno! But I can get to one!! ;-) thanks so much for your help!

  32. Oh my gosh, I LOVE washi tape. I use it every day for different things. I tape a plastic spoon or fork to my daughters lunch container, for cards or it!

  33. This is wonderful! I've been looking for a simple way to store my washi tape and hanging rods on the door just wasn't it for me. Thank you for sharing!

  34. I love this! I am making one and was curious if you attached the serrated edges to the inside or outside of the clear box? It appears to be on the inside, but wanted to check!

    1. Hello!

      I am guessing either way would be OK, however, I went with the outside of the bin. :)


  35. I LOVE LOVE LOVE!! I have the plastic tray just need the tension rods :)

  36. I just got back from target and made this. Awesome!! I LOVE your blog to bits.

    1. Would you be able to tell me the exact products you purchased and they're measurements? I would really appreciate it!

  37. Great Idea!! I am mega-jealous of your washi-tape collection!!

  38. Jen, how did you get your metal label to stick to your plastic drawer organizer? I tried museum gel, but it keeps falling off.

    1. Hi Martha! The bookplates I purchase come adhesive backed, so I just stick them on. I wonder if there is a stronger type of glue you could use, maybe E-6000?

  39. Wow what a fantastic idea! Ive been wanting a way to store my washi tape. You've inspired me!

  40. Awesome! I've been looking for an idea like this. Awesome. Right now mine are just in a clear container.

  41. Hey Jennifer, just wondering how this has held up. It has been a while since you made it and was wodering if you still use it or found something else that works better for you?

    1. I really like it overall, it has held up well. I stopped storing it with the tape stuck on the edge, because removing and adding became too challenging with that setup. But otherwise, still a thumbs up!

  42. Brilliant! Thanks for sharing!! :)

  43. Hi Jennifer! Brilliant idea. I have a collection of washi about that size that could really benefit from this idea. Could you tell me the exact container that you used? It kind of looks like something I've seen at Container Store.

    1. Hi Liz,

      The container was originally found at Target, but wasn't available online. I have also seen similar styles that would work at The Container Store.



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