
Wednesday, July 24, 2013


IHeart: Silhouette and a GIVEAWAY!

This week's giveaway host is no stranger around here.  In fact, if you have been a long time reader, you know that this week's host is also one of my most favorite partners ever!

I can think of 11,437,938 reasons why I adore Silhouette.  I have used the die cutting machine around our home for the last few years making oodles of labels, cards, pillow covers, artwork, more labels, book bags and even sprucing up otherwise plain decor.  It really has been a versatile tool and I will continue to adore it until the end of time....

So imagine how school girl giddy I was when I found out they have a slew of new products that they just released!?

Here is a closer look at some of the new items that have just hit the Silhouette shelves:

You can find all of these new items and more in their online shop now, and for this next week only, they are offering IHeart Organizing readers 40% off all Silhouette consumables! {excludes CAMEO, Portrait, Downloads and Gift Cards}  Just enter ORGANIZING at checkout!

But that's not all my friends!  The really exciting news is that not only do I get to share a sneak peek at their new products, along with a fabu discount, I get to giveaway a Silhouette Portrait!  Eeek!  My favorite part!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

And be sure to check out the Silhouette blog all week for more chances to win and to see some great projects using the new Silhouette products!

Good luck everyone and....

IHeart Organizing official giveaway entry rules can always be found here.


  1. Whoops, sorry Jen, take me out of the Silhouette competition as I've just noticed it is open to US only. Good luck to everyone though!


  2. I'd like to enter the giveaway but I'm not from the United States ... :( by the way .. your blog is amazing :)

  3. Great giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!

  4. Thanks for hosting this giveaway Jen! This little machine here surely looks amazing, and their new products are so inspiring! I think I'm going to go do some crafting right away ;)

  5. Yay!!! I was just about to order some Silhouette stuff today -- thanks so much for sharing your code!!!

  6. I can't wait to get my hands on the stamping kit! I even had a dream about it last night - I have no shame in admitting that.

  7. Hi Jen - you may have mentioned this before, but what are the differences between the CAMEO and Portrait? Do you recommend one over the other? Thanks!

    1. I love them both for different reasons, however, the CAMEO is larger so it can accommodate larger projects, and the Portrait is smaller and less expensive, so it is more portable. You can find a side by side here to help as well:


  8. Hi Jen, would love to have a Silhouette!

  9. Thanks Jen-this is on my list for Santa-would really love to win it! Thanks for the chance

  10. Woohoo! I'd LOVE this! A friend and I were just talking about this product yesterday, trying to decide if she could justify one for her business!

  11. Oh, I'd love to try out one of those!

  12. Oh I so wish Silhouette would ship to Canada! I neeeeed one! Haha.

  13. Swooning, but alas I am Canadian. I wish your sponsor had chosen to include us :( Oh well, ces't la vie

  14. Thanks for the great giveaway! I sooooooo want/need one of these awesome machines. So many projects waiting to happen with this little machine.

  15. Thank you for hosting! I'm itching to try the etching kit and the adhesive backed kraft paper.


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