Wednesday, June 5, 2013

43 Reader Space: A Little Love, A Big Difference!

I feature a lot of mega makeovers done by readers each week, but sometimes it is those simple and quick projects that hold just as many smiles and downstream impact!  Catch-all drawers and food cabinets are used daily and often endure as much traffic as an entire room.  Taking 15 minutes to give them some love will leave you warm and fuzzy for days to come.  Don't believe me?  Check out these happy projects Iris tackled, I bet you will be smiling too!

Iris had a cabinet for her food....

And a desk drawer for her miscellaneous goodies....

So, she invested a couple of minutes into sorting, streamlining and organizing each area and came out with dashing results.  Here she is now to explain a bit more about each!

What is the main function of each space?

"The drawer belongs to our desk.  When I open it, I expect to find pens, post-it's or even staples {not too much to ask right?}.  It's super tiny and it used to be messy all the time.  Sometimes I would open it and find food, important papers or keys.  "Humm... that's not supposed to be here".  So the first thing I did was to redefine the main function of the drawer and that helped me organize it.  This was definitely not a key holder, or a food cabinet, but a desk drawer.  So, I put stuff that went along with it's function inside.  That may seem logical but trust me, by doing that I emptied half of the drawer.

Our little food storage cabinet - as the name says it all - is the place where we store food.  It used to get pretty wild in there.  I didn't like opening this cabinet!  It wasn't pretty, it wasn't organized, it was just messy.  "Beurk" as we say in French. "

Any superstar tips for keeping the spaces organized?

"I am not going to lie, drawers are the worst!  I used to organize them, but they would soon get messy again.  Until I used dividers!

In the drawer:
  1. Use dividers:  It is so important that EACH item has it's own place.  Even the little ones.  You can find cheap but great dividers, I even like to write what belongs in each divider beneath it.  And if you have kids, you can put a drawing of what's supposed to be in the divider as I did here.  Nothing complicated, but trust me it helps keeping it organized.
  2. Make it pretty:  When something looks pretty you just want it to stay that way.  Don't you agree?  That's why I put colors and a nice background in my drawer.  And if you hear yourself say, "Awww, it used to be so pretty in here", then you do what you have to do!
  3. Show it proudly to your husband every week.  Haha, not really. But what I do is that sometimes, I say to my husband, Mathrew, "Hey, you can check al the drawers in our home, they are still clean!"  He'll feel obligated to say something like, "Good job, I'm proud of you", and this will keep me motivated.

In the cupboard:
  1. Define the main function of the space, and then which items are supposed to go in it.
  2. Use Tupperware containers and label them.  The more you define where items go, the less it will get messy.
  3. Add an inventory.  That's what I did recently here, and it really helps! "

What items did you find were essential in organizing the spaces, and why?

"In the drawer, the dividers!  In the cupboard, containers and tupperware were essential, because they makes the food easier to access.  And they are much prettier than the original food boxes."

What did you do to go the extra mile and "make it pretty"?

"In the drawer, I "rainbowtized" my pens.  Which is weird.  But it looks good.  Haha!  I put a nice background which makes the drawer so much prettier.

In the cabinet, I made the shelf liner myself {found a pattern, worked on it, printed it, laminated it and taped it}.  I made the cute labels myself to stay within in my budget, you can find them for free on my blog!" 

What items did you DIY to stay on a budget?

"The background.  In the U.S., you have amazing shelf liners, but in France, you can't find many or they are really basic.  However, I decided that this was not going to stop me!  I found a pattern I liked, I worked on it through my computer, I printed it, taped it and TADAA!  Trust me, you don't see the difference, and it was FREE!"

How have the spaces impacted your life for the better?

"Every time I ope the little drawer, I feel good.  When I need a pen, I know where to get one, haha!  I don't lose little items {like memory cards, SIM cards, USB key...} anymore.  This made me want to do the same with my other bigger drawers, which I did here and here.

When I open my food storage cabinet, I feel SO good!  Like I want to do a happy dance or something!  Haha!  I am just happy that the before photo is a long lost memory!"

Pretty sweet eh?  Those colors had me at hello!  LOVE them!  So happy and bright!

These projects are a perfect example why I love to do what I do and go the extra mile to add a little color and life to organizing projects.  Some may not understand why I love pretty shelf liner, darling labels, drawer dividers and clear containers.  But Iris said it herself, now when she opens the cupboard door and the drawer, she smiles!  She feels happy!  She is more inclined to keep the spaces organized, because she used simple systems that she adores!  Such an important part of the organizing process.

Iris has a great time working on fun little organizing projects, and shares all of those details over on her super spunky and darling blog here.  I am wrapping up a huge virtual hug and shipping it all the way over to France to Iris for being so kind to stop by and share her details with us today.

What do you think?  Do you love those little projects as much as the big?

ATTENTION!!  Want to be featured in a Reader Space edition?  Have an awesome organizing story to share?  I am looking for projects that have made a positive impact to your life.  Please submit your story and photos here and I would heart to feature them right here, on the blog!!  Photos should be high resolution and unedited.  Please include a description of the project, including any costs, inspiration, and how it has changed your life and routine for the better!  Oh, and no worries my friends, we will NEVER judge "before" pictures because that just wouldn't be nice!  Only love goes on at this blog!


  1. i am working on doing the same thing to my office thinks for the inspiration and great ideas

    1. Really ! Can't wait to see hoy it turns out in your office! Please come show me a photo when you're done! :)
      And feel free to go steal some free labels on my blog :)
      The Colored Married Life

  2. Oh just what I teeny-tiny junk/utensil drawer is a disaster. Everytime I go to reach for a spoon I pull out an ipod charger or a pen! Great work!

    1. Haha thank you.
      Well now it's YOUR turn :)
      It's never too late!
      And please show me how it turns out, I love a little before/after project.
      The Colored Married Life

  3. I am going to have to start reading your blog for the great ideas and to brush up on my french. I saw the Carrefour food labels and was like "since when did Iheartorganizing move to France?" lol. Am very jealous of your chocolate tuppeware...I do miss the chocolate in France.

    1. Nope, didn't move! Although, Paris sounds lovely! :)

      I have readers from all around the world, and it's exciting to feature awesomeness from everywhere!


    2. Hahaha. Nope, Jen didn't move. Also Jen, if someday you do, can I be your french neighbor/bestfriend? ;) I'll just babysit your cute boys while your organize my house.. hahaha.

      Honestly, thanks again for letting a little frenchie (who LOVES what you do) share a few tips on your happy place.
      You're the best.


  4. Thanks again for having me Jen ! :) You just made my day !
    Bisous de France,
    @ The Colored Married Life

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you Suzanne. Now as I like to tell my reader : it's time for YOU to do the same while you're inspired :)
      (it's always easier with a little inspiration ;)
      The Colored Married Life

  6. Thanks for the inspiration!!! On another note, Jen did I miss the reveal of your studio?


    1. Hi Tuere!

      I haven't done a full reveal yet, sorry to make everyone wait. I have one last larger project to finish up and then I think it will be done... or as done as any project is around here. :)


    2. Thanks!! Just wanted to be sure I did not miss it!! I visit your blog all the time and love everything you do. I have so many project on my to do list!!


  7. I absolutely LOVE your blog! I spend hours at a time just browsing everything! I LOVE your playroom & just everything you have done with your beautiful home! I want to HIRE you to come do mine!! We are finishing our basement right now so EVERYTHING is in our garage! I am going to have to get on your blog every day as I start putting things back & dejunking things we have had for years & never used! Thanks for your inspiration!

    1. Oooh! Finishing the basement will be a great time to organize! Only bring back in the items you love love love.

      Thanks so much for the super sweet comment! I appreciate you checking in on the blog!


  8. Can never get enough cute labels! Love it!
    Kerri at HollyMuffin

  9. This is gorgeous! And I love those colourful labels. Great work! =)

    Sam xx

  10. You had me at Chocolate! Any organization that makes a space just for chocolate rocks! :)

    1. Hahaha :) Thanks. Guys, you have to try French Chocolate! :) Thanks for your sweet comment, made me laugh outloud.
      @ The colored Married Life

  11. So smart to line the bottom of the drawer for added loveliness, and even better that you just printed the pattern and taped it in. When things look great, we ARE more inspired to keep them looking great! And I totally agree with labeling the bottoms of the drawer organizers. Really helps when it's more than just you accessing the drawer! I love how your project turned out!

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words. I'm glad you liked the project ! Don't hesitate to go steal some free labels on my blog ;)
      @ The colored Married Life

  12. I love this post. You've inspired me to start organizing!

    1. And I love your comment. You've inspired me to keep sharing my organization projects! ;)
      Thank you!!!
      @ The Colored Married Life

  13. So sweet you share this with us! Love your blog and what you do in your home! Thank you!

    1. Thank YOU ! Honestly reading these sweet comments is so ''rewarding''. You guys are the best. (you too JEN! ;)
      The Colored Married Life

  14. I love this look - the labels and colours used are so cute! I'm in England and it's hard to find drawer liners here too, so I use offcuts of old wallpaper to line mine Xx

    1. Haha :) Yep, not always easy NOT to live in the US, because we don't have as much cool stuff as they do overthere haha. So we have to find new solutions. And I'm sure your wallpaper solution looks great, I have to see how it turned out in your drawer!
      Thanks again for your sweet words.
      The Colored Married Life

  15. Someone loves tuna

    1. Haha. Best comment ever, haha.
      Yep we do indeed. I'll soon post a great french recipe on my blog. It's called a ''tarte au thon // tuna tart''. And I promise you it's am-az-ing. Even my American husband looooves it. :)
      The Colored Married Life

  16. LOVE a big impact in a small space! Her labels are the cutest and she's totally right--the liners make such a difference. And it's so great that she made them herself! Wow! Thanks so much for sharing, ladies! Have a wonderful week!

    ~Abby =)

    1. Wow, thank you Abby that's really sweet and nice!
      Please, if you like the labels, feel free to come steal them on my blog :) (in the free printables section)
      Thanks again!!!!
      The Colored Married Life

  17. Thank you. With my husband Matthew we do our best to make it the happier place on earth :) There's no place like home as they say :)
    Thanks again !! :)
    The Colored Married Life

  18. My little sister is AWESOME :) I remember our conversations when we just started our blogs about how we loooveedd iheartorganizing, and guess what ?? she featured your blog :) Well, i just have one thing to say, I LOVE YOU little sis :) Your blog is amazing :)

    1. Haha!! I love you too!!!! :) It's true being a guest here is so amazing ! #dreamcometrue

  19. Love your organizing tips! I love the desk drawer organization


  20. I would love to know what kind of pens those are in the upper right of the drawer photo. I don't recognize them. I love pens!!! (I apologize if I missed them being mentioned) Thanks!

    1. Ahhh ! Since I live in France, maybe you guys don't have them in the USA? :( Sorry, because they rock! I guess you have to come in France to get them :P
      haha! - Iris

  21. I love the little projects too...the little ones make such a difference too! Love her pretty labels. :)

    1. Thanks! Please, feel free to steal them on my bloggy blog! :)
      - Iris

  22. I like your DIY, you have the magic to make the world more beautiful!


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