
Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Extra! Extra! Organizing Reads!

Aside from hanging out here at my IHeart home, I have been also seen having a good time in some other towns around blogland.  This little monthly feature will keep you up to date with IHeart Organizing blog happenings, features and contributing posts around the rest of the www, so you don't miss a thing!

As many of you know, I contribute to the Better Homes & Gardens Style Spotters Blog twice per month.

Although my babies are no longer babies, I still love the idea of organizing for those cuddly and sweet little bundles of goodness, so I chatted about my love of the dresser turned changing table trend.

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Who doesn't love to add some pretty bangles to a special outfit, or to sport your favorite special jewelry on a daily basis?  I know I do, but there was a time when I couldn't find what I needed, necklaces were tangled and I would just forget to use my jewelry because it was out of site.  Jewelry displays are a hot trend because they not only keep your lovelies in order, but they also keep them in plain view and add a little extra beauty to your room's decor.  You can find out more jewelry organizing tips and product picks here.

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And to my super happy surprise, Style Spotter editor, Liz Frantz, rounded up her favorite bloggy offices, and mine made the cut!  Sigh...

The super cool Katie, from Bower Power, is starting a new series called Next Trend.  She invited some blog pals over to look into our crystal balls and predict upcoming home, DIY and design trends.  To kick off the series, we chatted about our favorite patterns {I say goodbye chevron, hello polka dot!}

What's your current favorite pattern?  Loving the Ikat or painterly prints?

Want some tips from real mom's on how to stay organized?  Babble rounded up their top twelve super simple and quick ideas.

If you have any future projects located in the laundry room, the folks at Spoonful rounded up some extremely inspiring laundry room organizational ideas to get you started!

In other really super duper exciting IHeart Organizing news, this gal has recently been invited to join the Target Inner Circle!

You can imagine a bunch of this happening...

You all know that I am a full on Target addict right?  Like I could happily move into their store and live comfortably for the rest of my life... it is my happy place, the place I go to unwind, the place I go to find inspiration, the place we purchase our home good and groceries and even things like makeup, clothes and accessories.  In fact, I was becoming so Target obsessed that I had to put myself on a little self imposed break before my home turned into a Target showroom.  Well, Target must have felt the pain from my spending hiatus, because they asked me to come back.  And in a super fabulous big way!

So what does it mean to be part of the Target Inner Circle?

The Target Inner Circle is a group of online folks that receive an all access pass to all things Target. That means from design partnerships to style makeovers, to store openings and community events, I will have the opportunity to partner up with Target and share my experiences with you.

Many of you know that as a blogger, the opportunity for me to partner with companies comes along very frequently, and it is important to be selective about who I work with to ensure they reflect me and my brand.  I have been shopping at Target since I was a youngster, and have always supported them and promoted them long before this opportunity came my way.  So please know that this is 100% awesome, authentic and amazing all wrapped in a pretty red bow.  Also know that this partnership isn't just about me, but it is also about you as well.  Target knows how much y'all mean to me, and they will be dishing out some amazing giveaways for you sweet pals from time to time {stay tuned later today!}, and will also be partnering with me to bring you all sorts of incredibly fun content and features.

Pretty stinkin' amazing right?  I am still in happy shock.

Every day I feel so blessed to do what I do, and honored to have you all be part of it.  Thank you for taking a minute of your day to read my posts, leave a comment, hit me up on my social networks, check out my features and give me virtual hugs and support.  You complete me.


  1. WOW! "Inner circle" at Target would be the place to be! Congrats! I'm excited to benefit from your success! I Look forward to hearing from you each post. You are inspiring me to be more organized. More organization = less stress. It's all good!

  2. Oh my gosh, congratulations!! YAY!! That is so incredible and exciting and downright awesome!!

  3. Okay, if my laundry room EVER looked that clean then I could die happy, LOL.

  4. Target inner circle!?!?!?! *SQUEAL* That's amazing! How fun!!!

    1. I know right!? I am squealing with delight over here too! Thanks for being excited with me! :)


  5. Congratulations Jen! You keep moving up up up! Lots to read and explore in this post, thank you. Also, I didn't get a chance to comment on Friday, but I wanted to suggest adding a thimble or two to your sweet sewing box if you don't already have one. You'll need one for sure!
    Anita Y. in Southern California

    1. Thanks Anita! I have added those to my list. :)


  6. Congratulations! You deserve all of your success. You have definitely been the inspiration for my blog. Thank you so much!!!

  7. Oh my! What exciting news about Target!
    I have been reading you for a couple of years, and you never cease to amaze.

  8. I am SO excited for everything that is coming your way Jen because you are a GIVER. Thank you for all you do ~ I'm sending a big virtual hug your way! :-D And personally, I've always been a fan of the dresser as a changing table since our first was born. We didn't have much room for anything else!

  9. Target Inner Circle! That's so awesome! Congrats! xo Kristin

  10. Congrats! That is awesome! You deserve it and I think it will be a great match for you! :)

  11. Is there a template for the label that says "bread" and "snacks"? I love it!!

    1. Hi Melissa!

      You can download the PDF file here:


  12. Congratulations on the Target gig! Did you ever think, say 4 years, ago you would be SO FAMOUS! :) Good for you, [and for us that you share]

    1. Awww, shucks! Thank you! Totally don't think of myself as at all "famous" but so sweet of you to say! Just a small town girl sincerely appreciating the amazing opportunities that I have been blessed with.


  13. Congrats! You lucky duck! You deserve it!

  14. Wow! Congrats Jen-I am surprised it took so long for Target to realize what we (your followers) already know-You are amazingly talented and being in YOUR Inner circle is a blessing-so Congratulations to Target!...As usual lots of great stuff in this post so must go back up and start clicking, just had to congratulate you and Target first. Keep up the great work

  15. Congratulations, Jen! So exciting!

  16. Congrats and thanks for this post. It led me to some gret links and ideas!

  17. You totally deserve this!!! And I am so excited to hear all about the goods that you get the inside scoop on. I heart your blog!! You make me a more organized, less stressed, mom to my 5 sweeties under the age of 6 :-)

  18. Big congrats on your good news, working with Target, I can tell it means a lot to you. You work hard to make your blog the best and deserve all your successes.


  19. Congratulations on the partnership with Target. *le sigh

    Also, I'm ever so grateful chevron is moving along. I like Chevron; but it got to the point that chevron was the only pattern for everything under the sun. I'm welcoming polka dots - because they can be all sort of fun shapes patterns!

  20. I totally used a dresser for a changing table. I didn't know it was some sort of trend. Just seemed logical to me. Why spend so much money on something you are going to use for only a few months?


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