
Friday, April 5, 2013


Baby Blake's Beautiful & Bright Nursery

When my bestest gal pal found out she was preggers with her baby this past year, it was one of the happiest moments in my life.  Erin is like a sister to me, and she went through a very long process to grow her family, so the day it became a reality that she was plus one in her tummy, much joy was spread and happy tears were had.

The excitement stayed strong throughout the entire pregnancy, and once she found out she was having....

....a GIRL, I couldn't wait to help in the nursery planning!  Seriously, a little lady room?  How could I resist?  I am always living in all boy mode of blues, reds and oranges... I couldn't wait to play with pink.

Erin and I had many chats about her little gal's nursery, and it all came back to a very common theme which was low fuss, simple and budget friendly.  There was no need to go crazy and fill it with designer items and trendy finishes, just items picked and made with love {which is totally the best kind of nursery in my opinion}.  And she already had a crib, bookshelf, changing table and glider from their first baby, all which she wanted to use again for baby numero dos.  So it was my job to take those items and bring in the pink!

Only, she didn't really want a lot of pink either.  But she did want color!  Which I love to play with, so here is what I came up with:

The inspiration started from some striped fabric we found one day while on a girl's shopping trip to IKEA.   The plan was to use that fabric for the curtains, paint the walls a muted purple/gray, find some meaningful art for a gallery wall thanks to Etsy, photographs and free printables, sew up a pouf for in front of the glider and to later act as a play cushion, recover the existing glider, install some light fixtures and throw down a rug to tie it all together. 

Here is how the room turned out after lots of painting, sewing, painting and more sewing!

It turned out to be such a happy and charming space.  I love all of the little details...

Let's take a quick tour around the room, shall we?

The room has a small wall in-between the closet and door into the room, so the bookcase landed there as it fit just right.  Some baskets for baby essentials, along with adorable L O V E blocks {from Target around Valentine's Day}, and the shelves were cute as can be.  Above the bookcase, Erin spent time wrapping a giant cardboard letter with purple yarn for some soft texture.

Next up is the changing area...

The dresser received a hardware upgrade thanks to some pretty acrylic pendant knobs and a super adorable pink dot changing pad cover.  A small tray corrals all of the daily baby goodies.

A special shout out to the Target dollar spot!  Fabulous little drawer organizers win big for the small baby bits!

And just above the changing table is the sweetest little gallery wall, filled with hand-picked art by baby's mama, along with some maternity photos I snapped for my favorite fam.

A small sconce was installed in-between the changing table and glider rocker because late night diaper changes and feedings need just a little light, not a lot.

As I mentioned, there was quite of bit of sewing.  I contributed only a very small portion in that department {more on that in a moment}, Erin's mom was amazing and whipped up both the curtain panels and the DIY pouf {using this tutorial}.

The fabric is mainly Premier Prints patterns found on  And isn't that glider absolutely incredible?  Just for the cost of some fabric and the love and help from Grandma Barb who was a sewing wiz, and the chair had a very Cinderella moment.  It felt so much more high end than the plain oh-so-typical glider that it started out as.

On the other side of the room, is where the little lady rests.

Some books are stored in a set of wall baskets found at HomeGoods, and toys are corralled in a woven basket below.

And yes, this happened.....

I brought my sewing machine to Erin's house and attempted to use it for the very first time, with the help of YouTube videos.  It was a fun and comical learning experience... but in the end, we still saved so much time making a DIY mobile.

To make the mobile, we selected three shades of teal cardstock paper and used a paper punch to make stacks of circles, which I fed through my machine to create an ombre effect.  The ring at the top is the inside of an embroidery hoop which received a quick coat of white craft paint.

The wall art with Miss Blake Waverly's name, was a DIY done by the hubster and I.  Remember this Instagram sneak peek? 

Many of you guessed it was for my studio.... it ended up in the nursery instead!

And that completes the tour!  It's been really fun to take the room from vision....

To reality!

And the biggest congrats to Erin for delivering the most precious little peanut.  She made me a super proud "Auntie" again!  Sigh.... baby fever has set in....

Pretty sweet, charming and happy baby room right?  And it is one that little Blake can totally grow within, which makes for a happily ever after nursery story!


  1. This room is beautiful! I would love if you posted how you made the wall art with the baby's name? The writing is perfect... did you print the name from a font and then paint over it? I'd love to hear!!

    1. Sure thing! Stay tuned for a tutorial post coming soon! :) And thank you!!


    2. I also love the wall art! Did you post a tutorial? I can't seem to find it. Thanks!

  2. So pretty!
    This is the first time I comment in your blog but I really like it!
    Big kiss from Spain

  3. wow! The interior design inspire very positive.


  4. Wow, it looks amazing! My favorite part is the ottoman cushion that can be used for play later on but everything looks wonderful! :)

  5. What an absolutely lovely nursery. How kind and generous to help create this for your friend.

  6. Such a sweet little girl, I loved how you pulled the space together. So bright and fun! Such a lucky peanut indeed! And you're not the only one catching baby fever these days, it's spreading like wildfire!!

    x Rachael

  7. OMG! The room is so cute! I love that it's not just an overly pink room. Loving all the special touches you guys put on it. It's awesome you guys were able to use so many pieces from baby number 1 and turn them into something new for baby two.

  8. This. Is. GORGEOUS! I love everything about it.

  9. Welcome to the world little Blake Waverly (I LOVE her name!). I also love seeing a room go from inspiration board to awesome!! It is so pretty, and I love the fabric!
    ~ Kimberley

  10. Beautiful room! Where did that little stuffed hippo come from?

    1. Thank you! The little hippo is from Land of Nod:


  11. Oooh, it is so gorgeous and totally "I Heart" chic! I love all of the cheerful colors and DIYs!! Beautiful!

  12. Love your fabric choices...especially for the glider! Love the baby's name, too!

  13. Where is the rug from?

    1. Hi!
      I snagged it during a flash sale on Joss & Main, however, it is also here on overstock:


  14. Lovely, Lovely! I am in the process of doing my 2 year olds room and would LOVE to know how to recover his glider - do you have any tips?
    So, are you ready for another baby now? :-)

    Great job!!

  15. This is JUST the post I needed! My daughter has been begging for rainbow curtains and I actually bought six yards of the same fabric a few weeks ago. But I got nervous that I would screw it up or that it wouldn't look right in the room but seeing those curtains has given me the push I needed. They look amazing!! Thanks!

    1. That's awesome! I am excited for you, they make great curtains!! :)


  16. Two questions - where is the small bookshelf from? My daughter's nursery could use one! Also, where did you get that cool wire rack you used for books?

    1. Oh, I see the book rack is from Home Goods :) Whoops! Missed that.

  17. This room is beautiful! I would love to know where you guys found that gorgeous blanket hanging over the edge of the crib! :)

    1. I got the blanket at Babies r Us. It's Carter's brand :)

  18. Oh, Blake Waverly! You have a lovely name and a lovely space to grow into! Such a great balance of color and all of the sweet personal touches make it so special. Just beautiful!

  19. Such a beautiful room! I would love more details on the gallery wall. Were any of those free printables? It looks like a sweet collection of pictures and words. Thanks!

    1. I believe some were from Etsy and others she created on her own. I will ask her if she has any of he sources :)


    2. Here are the Etsy art sources for you:




      EE Cummings quote-

      The world is your oyster-

      Winnie the Pooh-


  20. Beautiful mobile. I love how simple a project that would be with a sewing machine. I bet it would be easy to do with paint chips too.

  21. Is the little pink hippo DIY? Tutorial please!

    1. Sorry, hippo was from Land of Nod:


  22. I love the mobile - really want to make one myself now. :)
    How large did you make the circles? And how many? (Or maybe easier - how many pieces of cardstock did you need?)

    1. It was pretty simple! I used a 1" punch I believe. We purchased 3 pieces of card stock but didn't use it all. Each line had three of each color for a total of 9 circles. We just laid the out ahead of time to get a length and size that we liked and went with it. :)


  23. the most adorable childs bedroom ..



  24. So beautiful room. iv been dreaming that kind a room for my kids

  25. Oh Jen...this is absolutely lovely. I am so grateful that you share your wonderful and creative ideas. It's also fun to be a part of this community of inspired and positive (not to mention uber doober talented) women who support one another! This post is so joyful. It made my day:)

  26. this is stunning! the mobile caught my eye right away in the first picture. super awesome that it was DIY! ill have to attempt it. great job ladies!

  27. Lovely!

    What color paint did you use on the walls? It looks gray'ish?

  28. Blake's room is so adorable!!! I love the purple gray wall paint! What is the wall color? I want to do my 4 yr old daughter's bedroom and this color would be perfect!

  29. This looks awesome. Love that mobile, so cute. I'm with you on sewing, i have a sewing machine and a strong desire to use it, but I need some lessons! Great job!!

  30. I need to know where the curtains are from - or the fabric name if they were handmade. Please!? :)

  31. Wonderful post with some great ideas! I'm expecting a baby girl as well and really needed some nursery ideas. Thanks!

  32. oh so gorgeous.. would love a splash of girly in my house.. one day I will make a room just for me! well done..

  33. Beautiful room. I absolutely love how you did your hair in the second to last picture! Could you happen to tell me how you do it?

  34. I love this room. You and Grandma both did a great job. My favorites are the glider (I love the fabric) and the mobile.

  35. Love this so much! I really love the idea for the mobile. How did you connect the circles together? Looks almost like it was done with a sewing machine?

  36. I'm going to need you to swing by NC and make a mobile with me =) Just saying.. haha! LOVE IT!!!! Such a bright and cheery nursery! I'm hoping to start mine next week! eee! We just found out what we're having!

  37. Love the wall art. Where are all the frames from?

  38. BEAUTIFUL, FUN & with a lot of PERSONALITY! Thumbs up!
    And I love the wall color, what number/brand is it?

  39. I love it!! all the bright colors and pattern...and so full of love! And love the little punkin's name!! Great job you two!

  40. Such a sweet nursery for a beautiful baby girl. Your friend is so fortunate, and I bet they're all enjoying the space!

  41. I'm drooling over every detail of this room! Ironically, my blog this week is about babies too. I finally recapped the baby shower that I threw for my cousin!

  42. I love this! I'm going to look for that rug and also share the mobile tutorial with my neighbor who's in the process of doing her nursery. Love all the little touches and that this room will go from baby to big girl seamlessly!

  43. just when i think i couldn't love this blog anymore, you make a post like this! LOVE LOVE LOVE. I lived in Wisconsin and we were friends ha.

  44. So cute and love all the DIY! Was the bookshelf something she already had or do you know where it came from? I've been looking for a small bookshelf JUST like that for my little guy's nursery.

  45. I absolutley LOVE the pouf/ottoman. You mentioned you sewed it. I am dying to make one. Do you have a tutorial?

    1. Yep! Here is the tutorial:


  46. I love the glider! I have one that needs to be recovered desperately! Do you happen to have a tuturial on it?

    1. Hi Carrie!

      It's pretty amazing how well it turned out. The cover was done by the baby's grandmother, I am guessing she just used the original cover/pattern to redo it in the new fabric, however, I can see if I can get any additional details for you.


  47. Lovely room! I'm currently working on a post about organizing the nursery and some of your images are perfect. I will give you full credit & provide a link to your blog.

    Thank you,



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