Wednesday, September 19, 2012

838 IHeart Jo Totes & a GIVEAWAY!

OK gals, this week's giveaway is a lady's dream, and one of my favorite businesses to work with.  It is brought to you by the kind friends at Jo Totes, camera bags for women.

I have received two Jo Totes as generous gifts in the past, and I loved them so much that I recently purchased another for the newer features.  I love everything about them, from the quality to the storage to the fact that they protect my camera investment with care and most of all, they are simply gorgeous!

Jo Totes provide a fashionable way for women to safely carry their camera bodies and lenses, along with regular purse items, every day.  The bags come in a variety of sizes, styles and colors.  They all include interior pads that can be customized around your equipment and regular handbag items.

I am such a fan of being able to carry all of my belongings, including my DSLR, with me anywhere I go.  And anything that combines style and organizing, is a huge winner in my book!

Today, Jo Totes is offering one of you very lucky IHeart Organizing readers, the opportunity to snag a Jo Tote camera bag of your choice!

This means you could even get your hands on one of the very new Georgia bags!  Sooo pretty!

Good luck my friends!


  1. My favorite photo is of my daughter at age 21 months leaning with her chin on a fence rail looking out at the park where we were. She is always a bundle of energy, so it was a rare moment to catch her still.

  2. Oh my goodness... That striped one is perfection!

  3. Wow so beautiful I know my dslr would look great in one if those x

  4. My favorite photograph is one just recently taken of my little family of 3. My husband had been in California for 3 weeks and my little boy and I picked him up from the airport and went to get shaved ice. We snapped a simple iPhone picture, but it's my absolutely favorite picture! We all look like we are glowing with happiness- just so happy to be together again!

  5. My favorite pictures are of my children when they are happy and caught in a moment. I'm also learning to take artistic photos so those are fun too.

  6. My favourite photo was taken by my mum using black and white film. It is of a country track in the middle of nowhere with the most beautiful bare-branched tree. It was taken outside a small village in the west of Scotland and is full of drama. I love the scene and it always makes me really proud of my mum's talent.

  7. I have been looking for something just like this! Awesome give away. Thank you!

  8. I'd love one of these! I sure could use it as I recently dropped my camera! Argh!

  9. It is so hard to find a cute camera bag I may have to buy one. My favorite picture is one of my oldest daughter, who is now 8, when she was about 2 we had celebrated a birthday at a local mexican restaurant and they gave out sombrero's for birthdays and she has put it on and of course it was too big for her but I got the cutest pic of just her face and the hat.

  10. My favorite picture is a picture of me with my mom and dad a few years back. It holds even more sentimental value now that my dad has passed away. I love looking at it and seeing what features I get from my mom and what I get from my dad and what is a perfect blend of the 2 of them.

  11. My favorite photos are of those of my son. With him, I am not afraid to get on the floor, roll around, laugh, dress him up or whatever. <3

  12. My favorite photograph is the one I took of my grandparents at the park. They were standing side by side, and it was only afterwards did I notice they were standing right next to 2 enormous trees. I love the unintended symbolism, because trees are strong, natural, and can provide comfort and shade because they are very down-to-earth (haha punny). Best picture of my grandparents and what they stand for in my life :)

  13. My favorite photograph is one I have hanging in our entryway. It shows my 2 kids playing on the beach at sunset in the Virgin Islands. It is just their silhouettes and priceless! Thanks for the giveaway!

  14. My favorite photo {recently} are the birth photos from my son's entrance into the world - they're absolutely priceless!

  15. How lucky rhe winner will be! My two favorite photos are of our three older girls camping and our twins on their first Easter.

  16. My favorite photograph is of my daughter Alona. She made the cutest face! It was at the coast in Oregon and the wind was blowing her hair all around and she was pouting. It really shows her personality!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I so want to win one of these!!!

  19. Love Jo Totes - thanks for the chance to win! My favourite photograph is one taken of my husband and I on our wedding day. We are walking, holding hands, on my family's farm. Some of the old farm buildings are in the background and hubby & I are looking at eachother, talking & laughing.
    Love everything about it! The farm is where I grew up - so to have our wedding photos taken there meant a lot to me - - the background of every photo holds a ton of meaning for me.

  20. Mmm anything taken at Lake Tahoe, my favorite place :)

  21. Mmm anything taken at Lake Tahoe, my favorite place :)

  22. My favorite picture at the moment is one I took at a friend's wedding earlier this year. It is an unusual portrait capturing two sisters unusual personalities perfectly.

  23. My favorite was of my girls two years ago. Caught them by surprise holding hands. Love it!

  24. Recently my favorite photo was a close up of my youngest son with huge eyes & a huge smile.

  25. My favorite is any photo of my baby girl!

  26. My favorite picture at the moment is of my two little boys (2 1/2 and 9 months). We were out on a Sunday walk and looked down and they were holding hands in the stroller. I love my boys and I love it when they get along so well, especially in a tight stroller.

  27. My favorite picture is one that I took last month when my daughter and I were walking on the beach, it is a picture of our footprints in the sand walking next to each other.

  28. I want them all! I hope this is open to Aussies! I've entered anyway LOL!

    My favourite photo (at the moment!) is of my partner and I from a couple of years ago. We were posing for an improptu photoshoot with a friend who wanted to try out a new camera. The photos look so fun and playful, and sum us up perfectly. Can't wait to get out for another photoshoot soon! :)

  29. It seems as though all the moms that have entered mentioned their favorite photograph was of their children. I was trying to think of something different, but I cannot think of a more favorite photograph than that of my daughter. The specific photograph is very recent of my daughter at age 2 - she looks exactly like me in it. It really endeared my soul to see how much of her is actually me. It filled my soul with so much joy!

  30. My favorite photo is of me and my husband on our wedding day . The photo was taken in a beautiful garden and now it hangs on my bedroom wall.

  31. I absolutely fell in love with the blue striped bag! I hope I win, thanks for this giveaway!

    1. Oh, and my favorite photo at the moment is our family picture from when my babe was 6 months. we need new pics, pretty soon!

  32. My favorite photo is one of myself and my aunt (who has downs syndrome). In the picture I'm about 4 and she's probably 11 and we both look so happy. There's lots of pics that I love but for some reason this one has always been my favourite :)

  33. I've been trying to get into photography more, but I can't stand the camera bag that came standard with my camera! This is perfect, and all of the bags are super cute yet still handy! :) Thank you for this giveaway!

  34. My favorite photo is of my son when he was probably around 8 months old. It's a portrait, close up of his face, of him in front of a wood pile. The lighting and textures just turned out perfect and his expression is just wonderful.

  35. My favorite pictures are ones of my niece and nephew playing sports!

  36. My favorite photo is a strip from a photo booth with my mom at the county fair when I was about 5. In it I am holding a hand blown glass rose necklace that my mom bought me (and I had forever until it finally broke). I am just beefing with joy and my mother looks so happy too. This was right after her and my father got divorced and we settled in Arizona. It marked the beginning of our new life together. A mother daughter bond that grew so strong over the years.

  37. My favorite photo is of my little guy on the day he was born :)

  38. Replies
    1. Sorry! My favorite photo was taken on the day my second daughter was born because her birth completed our family.

  39. (I don't think I can be a part of this give-away, since I'm from The Netherlands. But I thought I might just give it a try. Who knows.... Maybe I can promote Jo Totes back here with my new camera bag :-) )

    My favorite photo is one with my two lovely pets. I have a dog and a rabbit and my dog can sit for hours (!) I front of the rabbit hutch. (Is that the right word?) Anyway, I have a photo where they almost touch each other with their little noses. :-)

  40. My favorite photo was taken on the beach in Spain with our whole family, all 7of us!

  41. My favorite photo is of my dad and I when I was five. He is currently on Hospice and it is so great to be able to look at that picture and reminisce on happier times.

  42. My favourite photo is one of my girlfriend jumping in the air with the background of the french alps... it reminds me of holiday and mountains...

  43. My favorite photo is of my fiance and I petting a cheetah at the local national park near our home in Kenya. We loved it so much we used it for our save the date!

  44. Me and the hubs in a busy restaurant. The on staff photographer captured a moment where he was kissing my cheek and I am just smiling. It's one of those everyone in the whole world is busy around us, but look at us photos. I love it.

  45. My favorite photo is of the ocean, taken at Cannon Beach Oregon. It is a beautiful photo with the sun setting over the water. It's a very special photo to me because we were on a vacation celebrating our 30th wedding anniversary.

  46. A couple of days ago, I was searching for ways to organize my cramped apartment & stumbled across your blog, which I love! I've been visiting your blog daily ever since! I've already started on reorganizing my files. Additionally, would you create a post about your favorite inexpensive portable/mobile storage solutions for small spaces? I (and other people who lives in apartments) would greatly appreciate it =)

  47. My fav photo was taken by me this year on a girls weekend trip to the high country here in Victoria, Australia!

    While pottering around very pregnant with twins lol I managed a gorgeous photo of a tree in the sunlight on a beautiful cold, but sunny winters day! I called it "You are my Sunshine" !

    One day I'll have it enlarged and place it on my wall where I can remember being pregnant with our twin boys and having a great weekend with such beautiful girlfriends!

  48. I'd totally give this to my sister in law.

  49. My favorite photo is one of my husband when he was a toddler. In the photo he's swinging on a swing, and looking back over his shoulder towards the camera. It's the cutest picture ever, and it looks very professional, but I think the picture was actually just taken by his mom.

  50. well, my favourite photos are of things/people no longer here. my cat, who slept in my bed for 16 years. my grandpa, who was the true godfather ;) my brother's awesome red hair which he cut... it helps remember.

  51. My favorite photo is of a cup of coffee, it was taken by my mother when she was younger. It transmit me the peace of the first hours in the morning.

  52. Has to be me embracing my husband during our first dance on our wedding day (8 years ago yesterday!). Knowing now all the amazingly beautiful and challenging times that were ahead of us, I can see just a pure moment of happiness and fulfillment in that instance. Captured forever to enjoy for eternity.

  53. Joli blog et intéressant

  54. My favorite photo is of my baby nephew. He's looking straight at the camera with such a cute face that it always brings a smile to my face.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  55. My favorite photograph is a picture of my husband in the delivery room holding our triplet sons. The lighting is bad and it's all slightly blurry, but the joy in his eyes over the hospital mask is amazing.

  56. My favorite photographs are the ones of my family and friends! No one photograph stands out-I love them all equally!

  57. My favorite photos are most definitely from the European cities we have visited.

  58. I have too many favorites to count, but most of them are of my son. He's just so adorable!

  59. Hi Jen, my favourite picture is of my little brother and my big horse. It is really awesome to see my darling ridnig my honey fearless!

  60. One of my favorite pictures is of my son who was about 22 months standing in the open refrigerator. He looks like he is going to take something out. It melts my heart all the time. thanks for the giveaway.

  61. One of my favorite pictures is of my daughter. I was snapping pictures for a spring/easter photo and she took the colored egg I gave her and scrunched down to study it. It was so cute.

  62. I have a picture of my two boys holding hands. They were 1 and 3 years old and both having huge breakdown tantrums. Suddenly, things got quiet and when on I went to check on them, they were laying on the floor beside each other holding hands. So sweet.

  63. My favorite photo(s) are of my hubby and I on our wedding day. I love the ones of just the two of us because they capture our personality and how we were feeling that love!

  64. My all time favorite is a picture of my little one and daddy taken at the beach. They are having so much fun and have the biggest smiles ever!

  65. My favorite photo is of my boyfriend and I in front of Cinderella's Castle at DisneyWorld, after the "Wishes" firework show. The castle is illuminated and everything.

  66. My favorite picture is of my little brother and my mother. He was four years back then and they had just come home from vacation. They look so relaxed standing in their pjs in the middle of our living room. Every time I look at the picture it makes me feel like I had just come back from a vacation!

  67. My favorite photograph is one I took of my boys on our front porch. They had beautiful, natural smiles and their happiness was so pure.

  68. Wow - these are amazing! My favorite picture is of my two big kids holding their little sister the day she was born - the look of awe on their faces just slays me.

  69. My favorite photo is of my husband with my son, at Christmas time. You can just see the adoration in their eyes!

  70. Wow! First time i see these, beautiful. How practical and fashionable... LOVE!

  71. Those bags look amazing! My fingers are crossed!!!

  72. Loving these bags! My fab photo of the moment is of my husband and I from our first date... It is a constant reminder of how smitten we were and if we could date for 3 yrs being 15 hours away from each other... Our "team" can get through anything!

  73. Those bags are so cute. Loving the striped one!

    My favorite photograph is my hubby and I's first kiss from our wedding.

  74. My favorite photo is any photo that includes all four of my amazing grandchildren and shows their sweet faces. In most of the photos I take of the four of them, somebody is looking down or behind them or has their eyes closed. So anytime I get a good one of all four, I cherish it! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  75. I am in need of a new camera bag! I love these JoTotes!!! My favorite photo to date is probably one of my wedding photos with my husband standing under a cover of large oak trees on a dock leading to the beach.

  76. I love these bags! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  77. Ohh thanks so much! I am a professional photographer and only have my giant bag that holds my equipment and a shootsac. I don't have anything to carry my camera in on a regular day. My favourite photo is one that I took of my grandparents at my brothers wedding. It is such a special picture to me!

  78. my favorite photo is the one I've taken of my sister and her hubs when we were all on holiday at the beach... they're kissing on a stone with the sun setting in the sea as background and all you can see of them is a romantic silhouette... this photo is almost 20 years old, can't believe we have the fortune of still be together as family now when space keep us apart...

  79. My favorite photo is a landscape shot of my grandparents backyard when they lived on the bay in Florida. You can see their deck, a perfectly hung hammock, a few sailboats, their dock, the bay and a gorgeous sunset. It reminds me of my summers growing up and how I would lay in that hammock with a pillow for hours just listening to the waves. Ahhh, to be able to go least I can in my mind by looking at the photo.

  80. My favorite photos are all photos from my wedding! We had an amazing photographer, and our photographs are beautiful!

  81. I think it is from when my husband and I were hiking in the Appalachians. We had just finished a intense hike and I set the camera on a rock in our camp on top of a mountain to take a picture of the both of us. It was a big deal to me that I made it and that we did it together.

  82. My latest favorite picture of my kids is from the summer. they are all looking, smiling, and acting like they love each other! ha!

  83. Great giveaway! I've been looking for a stylish and quality made camera tote/day bag for traveling. Loving the Betsey and the Millie!

    My favorite photograph is one I took of the Eiffel Tower while studying abroad in 2008. It was taken at dusk just as it was beginning to light up and it looks like it is glowing from the picture frame.

  84. My favorite picture is a tie between two of my children taken last year for our holiday cards. They captured their personalities so well!

  85. One of my favorite photos is one I took of my grandfather this past weekend. He came up to see our new house for the first time. Its of him sitting on my porch, bit of our American flag in the background and a great shot of him laughing.

    Those bags are fantastic!

  86. My favorite picture right now is one from our summer vacation to the beach. Our family of four at sunet on the beach.

  87. My favorite picture is one of my two boys sitting by the Tennessee River. I made it into a canvas.

  88. I take my camera EVERYwhere! My most recent best shot is from our school garden -- cuddling owl figures in the bark mulch with lambs ear and obedient plant in the background.

  89. My favorite picture is one of my brother and I when I was 5 and he was 3. It was taken at a beach near our house, and it represents how we spent a lot of summers.

  90. Those are awesome bags! I would LOVE one!

    Thanks for the chance!

  91. Wow, simply beautiful! I would love to sport my camera in one of those lovely bags ;)

  92. My favorite is one I took on the day my husband and I were engaged at Niagara Falls. It is a wide shot of the falls and captures perfectly a bright, clear rainbow over the water.

  93. My favorite pick is of my son at an apple orchard sitting next to a bushel of apples and thoroughly enjoying test tasting them.

  94. My favorite picture is one from my wedding. It was a spur of the moment decision for me to jump up on the window sill of these huge, gorgeous windows and gaze down at my husband. The black and white effect is amazing!

  95. My favorite pic is from my wedding, right after we were pronounced husband and wife.

  96. My favorite picture is the one I took of my two boys looking out of the window and into the rain. They were asking me when daddy was coming back from war. It is the sweetest picture of the two I have.

  97. One of my favorite pictures is on my wedding day. My husband and I are standing on a bridge with flowers all around. Beautiful reminder of an amazing day.

  98. My favorite photograph was taken of my husband and two boys. A reminder of how happy they were at that moment.

  99. My favorite photo is of my the four of us in WA . My son was laughing and my daughter wasn't making a sour face lol ;-)

  100. My favourite photo is one of my girls laughing together as they share a lolly. Reminds me of a great day. thanks for the chance, I would love a new bag!!!

  101. My favorite photo right now is from a sailing trip we took this summer. Just the boat and open water. It's so peacefull looking.

  102. I have a favorite for each of my kids with my husband. My daughter is about 10 months old in her beautiful easter dress. My husband is holding her and just beaming at her - he was SO excited to "show her off" at the Officer's Club that day. The other is my son at about 2 years being thrown in the air while he and my husband were playing in the pool - both look so happy! Thanks for the opportunity - I think the Noir bag is still my favorite!

  103. I love so many photos, its too hard to choose!

  104. Thanks so much for the chance to win - the bags are so pretty! (Did it say to leave a "your favorite photo" comment - I swear I can't see that anywhere, but everyone else seems to be doing it! Mine is after the birth of my second daughter - when my first was kissing her on the cheek and I'm in the background. LOVE.)

  105. i love jo totes! i've been saving for once since i got my upgraded camera for my birthday.

  106. Oh, how I would LOVE one of these! I have a new camera! I'm hoping to start a small business with it someday soon along with my jewelry making. I'm planning a cruise with one of my sister's and mom in Oct, and this would be great to have. You bet I'll be blogging about this, sharing it on my facebook, all three of them (Jeanette's Photography and Treasures by Terry along with my personal facebook) AND Twittering. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!!!!!

  107. One of my favorite photos is one I took when my daughter was born. She is maybe 20 minutes old and it is of my husband and our son looking at her in the little baby bed. He was 18 months at the time and his sweet expression is one of such innocence and amazement! It is definitely a photo I cherish.

  108. My favorite picture is one I took when visiting my now-fiance when he went overseas after college [to play basketball]. It was a picture of fishing boats all docked next to each other in still water with the sun and clouds in the background. It was just beautiful seeing that landscape, what God had built, and being blessed to have traveled this far to another country to visit him and see everything Greece had to offer.

    I loved it so much I blew it up and it is now hanging in my bedroom!

  109. What an amazing giveaway! I've been lusting after one of these since god knows when!

    My favourite photograph is of my little sister sitting in our living room, it was part of my portrait unit in high-school and became part of my portfolio that got me into university. She's so photogenic and it just reminds me of that summer where I spent most f it with her

    Good luck everyone!

  110. OOOHHH!!! I have been "eying" these bags for a while! Would love to get my hands on one!

  111. My favorite photograph is of my holding my daughter in the hospital when she was 6 weeks old. She passed away one week later.

  112. My favorite photo of recent past is the last one I snapped, actually. My husband wore the baby carrie for the first time at a fair on Monday. The photo is of my daughter looking up at him from the carrier. They are both smiling at each other amid the crazyness of the fair. It was a great moment and I'm so happy I captured it!

  113. My favorite photograph was one of where my husband and I went on our honeymoon, and passed by a desert on the way there. The photo is not staged, and we did not have a photographer with us, but we did get an amazing picture with me holding my hand over my eyes to block out the sun and my husband looking at me like I'm crazy...a picture that truly captures us! I think if I had to choose any picture to represent us, it would be that one. I love it, even four years later.

  114. My favorite photo is one I took this summer of my 4 kids laying down in the grass. we were trying to get a good pic for a canvas print we had a groupon for. I didn't have high expectations since it was rushed and last minute but it came out perfect. It hangs in our entryway now and I smile every time I see it.

  115. My favorite photo of recent past is the last one I snapped, actually. My husband wore the baby carrie for the first time at a fair on Monday. The photo is of my daughter looking up at him from the carrier. They are both smiling at each other amid the crazyness of the fair. It was a great moment and I'm so happy I captured it!

  116. My favourite photograph was one I took in March of my brother and his girlfriend. I took it on a running track, and it is just of their feet with the rolling hills and a historical museum in the background. Love it so much.

    Great giveaway!
    Silver from A Silver Snapshot

  117. This bag is PERFECT!!!!! How have I never seen this before?

  118. My all time favorite picture is at my brother in law's wedding. The photographer caught my baby giving my husband (who was in his military uniform) a kiss. Just the sweetest thing you could ever see.

    It's at the very top of

  119. So hard to narrow down a favorite, but the one that stands out in my mind even before looking is one of my sons. My older son (5) is leaning in and so sweetly kissing my younger son (6mo) while he smiles up at him with that smile thats reserved for big brother only.

  120. I think my favorite photo would be of my newborn daughter taken from the perspective of cradled in my arm and looking down on her sweet sleeping face. Thankfully the camera I used was small.

  121. It's so hard to think of my favorite photograph, being someone who takes hundreds of photos every month! But one of my all-time favorites is from when my husband proposed to me. We were on the beach with his brother & sister-in-law, taking photos together. His sister-in-law was snapping some of us, and told us to do something crazy for the photo, so I make a ridiculous face, not knowing that this was all in the proposal plan. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Phil getting down on the ground. When I turned to see what he was doing, there he was with the ring! The whole proposal was caught on camera, and my absolute favorite shot was afterwards when we were hugging. We look so happy and relaxed and the beach setting was gorgeous with a pier and the sunset in the background.
    Thanks for the sweet giveaway!

  122. Oh, I was suppose to tell of one of my fav photos. WOW hmmmm. well, I take a lot, but one I took almost 19 years ago of my two oldest on the beach. We had just moved to Wilmington, NC. It was Feb, cold, and my son who was 4 and daughter who was 3 were sitting on the sand, my son put his arm around his sister and cuddled up in the cool ocean breeze. I snapped a shot, and it has hung in our house ever since. My uncle was so touched by it, that he did a huge painting of it that hangs in my parents living room.

  123. My favorite photo is the first photo taken of my family. My son, my husband, and I. Whenever I see it (it's hanging in my son's room) my heart is filled with so much joy and thankfulness.

  124. I love photos that really capture a moment - action, lighting, warmth, real smiles.

  125. one of my favorite photos is one of my niece that perfectly portrayed a scowl we routinely saw on her face at that stage

  126. My favorite photo is a picture I took of my kids for our Christmas card. They are standing in front of the tree holding hands and smiling. HA! Only minutes before they were bickering with each other and I was yelling, "Hold hands and smile and pretend you love one another!"

  127. I have the Rose bag in the teal color, but I would love to have something just a little smaller. I'm an aspiring photographer (so I really don't have a favorite single photo) and I always have my camera with me....

  128. one of my favourite photos is one I didn't take myself- a beautiful photo of a chickadee taken by a talented photog friend, that I framed for my family room. We were hiking with our kids in the forest- many lovely photos and memories were captured that day.

  129. What cute bags! My favorite photos are the yearly ones taken with my whole family. It is nice to look back and see how everyone has changed over the years.

  130. I'd love a bag like this! My favorite photos are of my kids during our travels through Europe. My most favorite is probably of the four of us in a field of Rapeseed flowers in the Cotswolds in England.

  131. One of my favorite photos is of my daughter when she was 5. She was laying in a pile of leaves and wearing a colorful poncho sweater. The pic was an explosion of beautiful color. Plus, she looks super cute in it. ;)

  132. My favourite photo is of my daughter at the park as she was so happy and you could really see it in the photo. She loves the outdoors so much.

  133. This would solve everything! And hopefully I would take more pictures :( My favorite photos are casual ones when my daughter was born and seeing pure happiness in my husbands face.

  134. My favorite photo is of my family in Alaska after rafting down a river. The background is the river and mountains - it looks so peaceful!!

  135. My favorite photo is of my and my son when he was in the NICU.

  136. I took a photo about 4 years ago of my brother holding my son for the first time. THat was in May, we lost him in November. this picture takes my breath overtime I see it.

  137. These are so beautiful! I would love to win so I can give this to my daughter for her birthday! She is budding photog! Thanks so much!

  138. My favorite flower in the whole world is cosmos. We used to go to cosmos fields as a family and take pictures growing up. Now that I don't see my family anymore, I look at those pictures and reminisce...

  139. My favorite photo is of my two oldest boys holding hands looking off into the distance. You can't see their faces but it just represents to me how they have always been. Great buddies who stick together through it all.

  140. Very neat. The bags are so nice. I would have never guessed that it is supposed to be a camera bag. DJ

  141. My favourite photo was a picture I took on the morning of my wedding on the West coast of scotland. The snow had fallen, but the air was crisp and motionless, with the blue of the sky reflecting perfectly with the mountains in the perfectly calm loch water. The best photo for the start of a truly wonderful day.

  142. My favorite photo is of my husband and I when we were on homecoming court together our senior year of high school, the night of our first kiss.

  143. My favorite photo is a candid that one of our wedding guests shot of my hubby and my first dance.

  144. My favorite photo is one of my son (now 13) on his first birthday. He's looking out the back door so one half of his face is lit with sunshine and the other half is in shadow.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  145. I don't know if I could pick just one favorite photo... my daughter was born just over 6 months ago, and I have so many beautiful photos of her now! I love looking at her as a newborn and, even though she looks so different now, I can still see the same expressions on her face!

  146. My favorite photo is of me and my daughter standing on the beach in front of the ocean. The weather was perfect that day and we were enjoying our vacation together.

    These bags are very pretty and functional. Would love to win :)

  147. Those are lovely! I could definitely use one for my new SLR! My favorite photo is a shot my father-in-law took of my daughter, almost eight months, proudly standing on her own and smiling at the camera, her hair all crazy and sticking up in the back.

  148. I could easily carry my hubby's camera in style. We don't have a case, so we often forget our camera! And we don't want to miss the moments and memories that our 2, soon to be 3 kiddos are making!

  149. My favorite photo is one we took this summer with both sides of our family at the beach, under the pier. It reminds me how much we're loved and I love having both sides of our family with us.

  150. My favorite photo was taken in Santa Monica at sunset. Seagulls were flying over the ocean as the sun was setting behind them, silhouetting them in such a cool way. I've been eyeing these bags for awhile now, love them!

  151. It's hard to pick just one favorite photo- but a favorite one of mine is of my daughter at 18 months. I told her to sit down on a leaf at some stairs near the beach, she sat down laughed hysterically (because she was squishing the leaf) and turned toward the camera and gave me the most beautiful smile!

  152. Finally! Fashionable ways to carry a camera around! My favorite pictures are any of my kids! I do have some that I like more than others but that would still be far too many to list:)

  153. I take lots of photos but at the moment my favorite is the one I took just last night of our Maltese puppy trying to join our twins in the bathtub!

  154. I still think the Rose is my favorite! My favorite photo is one i took of the sunset in key largo outside of our hotel room. stood on the walkway and looked down the path.

  155. One of my favorite pictures is a chest-up portrait of my husband and our new baby boy in the bathtub together. It's such an intimate moment, and I had to beg my husband to let me take it. He's glad that I ;)

  156. My favorite photograph is of my daughter wearing my husbands socks! Just too cute for words!

  157. Oooo I love the new Georgia Herringbone I don't even know that I would use it for my camera:)

  158. I'd love to win a bag! My favorite photo is one of my grandfather and me on a bike when I was around 3.

  159. My favorite photo is of our kids with our chocolate lab before she passed away from cancer. So happy we have the photo of showing how much we all loved her!

  160. I've been searching for a nice camera bag that doesn't scream 'I have a camera!' The Georgia looks perfect for that.

    I think my favorite picture I took was when my sister, mom, and I were shopping for wedding dresses for my sister. I caught her looking at herself in the mirror contemplating one of the many dresses she tried on.

  161. My favorite photos are all of my son, and the particular favorite changes frequently, probably because my son is a toddler and HE is changing frequently! My current favorite is a photo I snapped of him running around on the grass in his tuxedo during the photo shoot at my dad`s wedding this summer. It is absolutely precious and so HIM right now!

  162. Hi Jen, My favorite photo is one I took of my daughter. It was at the Tyler Azalea Trails. It is a great photo of her and the bokeh of the flowers makes it look like a painting. Thanks for the chance to win!

  163. ::swoon:: for the Georgia bag!

    My favorite photo is one from the day after my son was born. He looks so alert & I look so in's a perfect black & white photo.

  164. My favorite photo has turned out to be a simple snapshot, taken with our point-and-shoot, on a trip to New Zealand many years ago. It's an image across the glassy waters of Lake Wanaka looking up at the snow covered peaks. It is breathtaking and peaceful.

  165. my favorite shots are the ones of my kids, but my most memorable is one of a duck on a lake with a perfect reflection, so it is the same exact picture upside down!

  166. My favorite photo is of my son in overalls on a country road.

  167. My all time favorite photo is of my husband and daughter leaning up against an old truck. It makes me smile everytime!

  168. The photo that comes to mind is of my now 9 year old at 9 months in a santa hat, all smiles and chubby cheeks. It was a close up taken in our apartment and it brings me back to those baby days.

  169. My favorite photograph is of my parents with my children. My Dad has a lot of health problems and we are not sure how long he has with us, and I am so eternally grateful that he knows each of my children. It is something I will treasure forever.

  170. My favorite photo (right now - this changes often) is one of my husband and little boy by the water. We live in a beautiful area at the base of a 14,000 ft peak. We were at the reservoir one sunny beautiful day and I captured my little boy walking closer to the water and my husband holding his hand to help him. It reminds me of my favorite people, my favorite place, and a beautiful day.

  171. My favorite picture is one I took of my daughter when she was 5 months old for Valentine's Day. I got the best smile out of her and it is just the most precious picture.

  172. My favorite photo is of me and my niece at my wedding. It captures us both laughing and is so natural (which was kind of hard to get of a three year old girl). I will always remember that special day and how excited she was to be my flower girl!

  173. Love love love these bags!! Hoping to win!

  174. what an awesome giveaway! i love jototes! :) these bags are the cutest and since im a photographer - i could really use one!

  175. my daughter at her first birthday shoot. she was a bit sick and had a meltdown so we stopped about five minutes it. but the photog caught a pic of her looking down with a single tear in her eye and it kills me.

  176. ah! so hard to choose my fave photo ever taken - i'd say a picture i have of my husband and our two dogs. my husband is typically a serious man but in this picture his face his BEAMING as he poses by our christmas tree with our two dogs and even THEY look so happy! :) melts my heart

  177. My favorite photos are two that a friend has taken of my husband and I. He has this cool little spy-like camera, and it prints in a sepia, slightly oldish looking tone. He always gets shots of us when we are looking at another camera or not paying attention, and they are always great!

  178. My favorite photo is of my son. It was taken on his first day of school.

  179. Love Jo totes! My favorite photo is of all four of my kids together when they were little - it was so hard to get them all in a pic together!

  180. So--- cute. my favorite photo is a vacation shot from a few years ago. it totally captures for me all of the fun and energy from the trip!

  181. Several months before my husband and I got engaged, we did a quick, fun, photoshoot in Boston with his sister (an awesome photographer). My favorite photo was of us holding hands, facing the camera, with a wooden wall behind us. We were off to the right with lots of wood on the left in the photo. It really embodied who we are and we looked really good together. It actually became the header for our blog for the first 11 months of its existence, but after being married for over a year the photo seems very outdated. We don't really have a replacement, though, so it's still my favorite! And yes, it beats any photo taken on our wedding day. It was us in a very natural setting and I love it!

  182. I love taking photos of my family for Christmas cards...every year the new one becomes my favorite :D thanks for the chance to win!

  183. My favorite photo is of my son and myself at his 1st birthday party. My cousin took it and it's in black/white. He was so scared with all the people at our house and was clinging to me all day.

  184. i cant even explain how much I need one of these!

  185. My current fave photo is one I took recently of my almost 4 year old son with our almost 4 week old daughter.. So sweet! My all-time fave photo though is one my mother took of me when I was a toddler, sitting in a window with my favorite little doggy in my arms..


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