
Wednesday, February 29, 2012


A Special "Thank You" to my Homies!

You all seriously make me the happiest gal in the whole wide world.  And that is an understatement!

Someone nominated me for this year's Apartment Therapy 2012 Homie Awards.  Pinch me now!

In fact, somehow I managed to be nominated in three categories!  I am blushing big!

I am in the best company over there.  Many of my absolute favorite daily reads {and some new ones that I discovered because of this fun process}, are all worth taking many moments to check out.

I sincerely appreciate each and every vote.  From the bottom of my super smiley heart, THANK YOU my fine blog friends!


  1. Jen's too nice to say it, so I will: Voting ends March 2nd, 2012 at 11:59PM EST! Go vote for Jen! (You can vote for multiple blogs if you love a bunch, too!)

  2. LOVE IT Brittany!!!! And so happy for you Jen . . . you sounded surprised your were nominated! You're crazy . . . of coarse you were nominated!!!
    Lots of Love

  3. Thank you for posting all the categories. I just voted in the other two. I am pulling for you. You definitely deserve to win. ;)


  4. Congratulations! You totally deserve this.

  5. Seriously, you deserve it! I really enjoy many DIY, home decor, etc blogs but I love yours because it is so niche. I need some help in organizing my life and I love getting a dose from you every day. I actually posted today on my disorganization... I'm working to change it but I always need a little reminder and some great ideas.

    1. In the same vein, if you guys ever want to have a working vacation out in New England, you just let me know. I'll show you my messy drawers... and the Freedom trail, the Mystic Aquarium, & walk your boys around the Harvard campus!

  6. I voted for you Jen!!! You deserve it girl!!! :D

  7. You Rock!! Congrats! I'll go check it out and vote now. :)


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