
Monday, November 28, 2011


IHeart Organizing Cyber Monday Sale!

Good morning friends!

I hope you all had the most fabulous holiday weekend!  I took a couple of days off to enjoy time hosting our first holiday feast, playing with the kiddos, watching football and doing a little shopping.  All in all, it was a wonderful and relaxing couple of days! 

With Christmas just around the corner, I thought I would remind you all of a great tool I use every year to keep track of our gift giving ideas and progress:

It's how I can keep my gift giving ideas down and track my spending and budget.  You can find it in my shop here.

But don't think that I forgot what day it is today!

That's right, today only, I am offering 35% off all printables in my Etsy shop!  Everything {including Household Binder Printable Kits}, all 35% off!!  Just use code IHEARTCYBERMON at checkout!

Pssst.... stay tuned, another post later today to share a super easy table setting project we did for Thanksgiving that was a  hit with our guests and can be used year round!


  1. Yay! I finally got the personalized household binder! I can't wait! :)

  2. Ok Jen I am becoming a little stalkerish lately. I feel better to just go ahead and get it out there. ; )

  3. jen, i am falling more & more in love with your blog and all it's amazingness! i cannot wait to put some of your organization tips to good use next weekend when the boyfriend and i tackle his dreadful kitchen!

  4. Very excited for this table setting post! Yes, I am. :)

  5. Hi Jen your blog is amazing! I love (heart) organization, i'm just not very good at it, maybe you blog will help me :)

    Glad i found your blog, i'm following :)

    Stacie xo

  6. I read the code as "I heart Cy Bermon." It took me a good 30 seconds to realize how it was supposed to read. Hehe! Maybe a sign I should take a few days off, too?

  7. Hi Jen! I was just trying to purchase your Household Binder Printable Kits and it says it's sold out. :( Any idea when you will have more? meganhykes (at) gmail (dot) com

  8. @Megan - Thanks so much for the heads up! I just relisted some more :)


  9. Yay yay yay for the sale! My husband is buying me the Household Binder kit for Christmas. I am soooo exited to fill everything in and start using it!

  10. Oh dear. I read this post too late for the sale...maybe next time! It's an amazing product!

  11. What a great sale! I'm so bummed I missed it, hopefully I will catch the next one. Hey how do you get the images of your templates onto your blog posts? I'd like to post some of my templates but can't figure out how!

  12. @AJ - I copy them and paste them into Photoshop to size them and add any text.

    Hope that helps!


  13. Hi Jennifer, I've messaged you a few times on Etsy, as I ordered some organizing printables from you a few days ago and haven't heard anything yet. Perhaps you're busy but I just want to make sure everything went through. I also think I forgot to order the meal planning sheets....eek!


  14. @Mominstilettos,
    Thank you so very much for ordering! My shop received more love than I ever anticipated it might on Monday, so I am still plucking away at all the orders, trying to stay within the 2-5 business day turnaround time that I typically maintain.

    Thanks so much and you will hear from me very soon!



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