
Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Changes for the Better!

I have the biggest before and after reveal in IHeart Organizing history.  It's a project that I have not only been working on here and there over the entire course of the 2 year blog run, it's also one project that I worked on every waking second of this past weekend.... No joke, I really did.

Last month I mentioned that I was going to be making some much needed changes around this place.  Especially now that I am going to take this blog and run!

Ready for the big B&A?!

It all started with a change to my hair color...

And grew from there!

Like a whole new header!

The new header is cleaner and has a "tag line" to share what me and this blog are really all about!  Family, Home & Life!

I couldn't resist updating the background a bit as well.  Same color scheme, just a fun new pattern!

Almost all of the top navigation tabs and the content of the pages were brought up to date:

For example, the Home Tour now has dividers pointing out each room, and the current paint color{s} in that room!

I created a new Project Gallery.  I wanted to be able to use photos to direct you to projects, and categorize things better.  So I added boatloads of labeled categories, all with pictures and links!  This may or may not have almost killed me.  I hope you love it as much as I do!

I updated My Services tab to include a photo gallery slide show of some of my Style Tiles, and now included a questionnaire you can fill out upon ordering!  I also have a special email box to handle custom order inquiries and requests, so they take highest priority:

There is now a specific tab for those looking for advertising or to host a giveaway, which also includes the previous month's statistics along with a new contact email {}:

Who doesn't love a freebie?  Now, you don't have to scour old posts as though you are on an Easter egg hunt {although I would love it if you still did!}, to find those free printables!

Of course, I wouldn't be where I am today without the fabulous folks that have featured my blog posts and ideas!  So of course, they are deserving of their own tab as well!

The sidebar got a fresh new look also!

First obvious update is the cleaner titles:

You will also noticed I fixed the search functionality and moved it up higher on the sidebar so it's easier to find!

I added a box on the sidebar to easily find the amazing giveaway for the week so you can be sure to enter and not miss out on a chance to win some fabulous goodies!!

Social networking links have been added to Twitter {still have no clue how to use it}, Facebook and Pinterest!

The post labels.  There were SO many.  And as new labels were added, I never went back to update old posts.  It was a giant ball of mess.  This weekend I deleted all of the labels from 505 posts and went back through each and every one with a smaller list of category options.  Ahhh, MUCH better!

You may notice new photos of me popping up here and there, because with the updates, I also had a photo session with a good friend of mine who was kind enough to photograph me at my home, so I could have some better head-shots as I start to promote my biz...

So there you have it!  It was fun to treat my blog like I would a space in my home.   Enjoy!  Hopefully you find things are cleaner, fresher, easier to navigate and just more organized!   And I must give some props to my hubs, he messed with my coding to try and fix some of my spacing issues on the sidebar and also removed all the obnoxious shadows around each image!  He really does help me in all areas of my life, talk about a heart melter!

I appreciate all of your suggestions to keep this place moving in the right direction!

Psssst.  Some of you have mentioned that you can't leave comments.  Could you let me know which browser you use that won't allow you to do this?  Or send me a screenshot of your error to  I would love to try and troubleshoot this for you!

UPDATE:  I googled around a bit and it seems to be a compatibility issue between Internet Explorer and Blogger.  You can leave comments if you select the Name/URL option:


  1. Hi Jen!
    I was writing a post on a few projects I've been working on myself and went to link back to you this morning and noticed the changes right away. The site is much more looks GREAT! Congrats on a {big} job well done!


  2. Love the whole new look. So bright and inviting.

    Your projects page looks amazing. I love how you included the reader organized spaces as well. Thanks for making it easier to find projects from the past. =]

  3. Much much better. I should something about my blog as well....

  4. OMG Jen I heart all the changes!!! You did an awesome job. I love it all. You are inspiring me to make some changes to my blog now. Sometimes you just need something different to feel motivated. As always, thanks for the inspiration. :)

  5. I love the changes you've made to your blog. It looks so fresh and clean and new, yet it still has the same feel as before. Keep up the awesome the work!! You are a true inspiration!!!!

  6. Looks GREAT! Love the new background.

  7. I love all the changes and they are definitely for the better:) I'm super amazed that you were able to do all of these design elements on your own. You can email me your secret...I promise I won't tell;)

  8. Don't you just love a little change a roo? Reminds me when I was a kid and always rearranging my bedroom furniture.

    I am a big fan of changing hair color too- never know when I might show up a red head or blond. My family jokes about it.

  9. I love it! Everything looks great and I definitely love the project section. Will be referring to that. I saw your clip last night on the Nate Berkus show - loved it : )

  10. I love the changes - Looks great!

  11. I love the new look! I've been working on a bit of an overhaul to my blog as's fun, but also sort of exhausting! You did a ton and it turned out great!

  12. Gorgeous changes girl! I cant wait to look at it all.

    Love your pretty blonde hair :) I wish my hair looked as healthy as yours.

  13. love the change. i've been doing a little boosting to my own site as well! love you with the blonde hair!!
    xo TJ

  14. Yayyy!! Thanks for figuring out the comment thing! I love leaving bloggy love and am so excited to be able to now! (although i love how fb is so much more interactive!) :)

  15. What font is on your header for "family, home, life"?! SO CUTE!

  16. Love the changes, but I would suggest maybe not having your background scroll as you scroll down the page. It's super cute (the same as mine in fact)! Can't wait to check out all the other changes! :)

  17. I'm so glad I've found your blog and just recently referenced your blog on my blog I hope you and your readers will check it out and subscribe. Thanks : )

  18. It looks great! Thanks for sharing the before and after. That was a lot of fun to see the new look.

    LaVonne @ Long Wait For Isabella

  19. Oohhh it looks great! :)

  20. I looooove it!!!! I am always referring back to old posts and love that you made that easier and more ORGANIZED!! Keep up the good work.

  21. I LOVE all the happy colors... it makes me smile!

    Kudos on a job well done: everthing looks FAB!!

  22. Beautiful changes, Jen! Everything looks sooo pretty. I wish I had your organizational skills. You Rock and your blog is Amazing!!!

  23. Love all the changes Jen!!! Love the background pattern and the blonde the most!! :) Is blonde your natural color? I have gone dark a few times but always come back to my blonde roots!

  24. I love your new changes!! And your new photos are amazing, you're so gorgeous! Looks great!

  25. Love the changes, Jen!! Let's see if this comment posts...I am trying the name/URL option.


  26. I love the new changes! I just decided to change some stuff on my blog, too. I love the fresh new look! You rock, lady!

  27. The new blog is awesome Jen - Great Work!

  28. Oh man, I seriously love your blog. And your new layout is ah-freaking-mazing. You are the best.


    Allison @ House of Hepworths

  29. Love the new look - hair and blog!
    May i ask where you got the new background from?

  30. It looks great! I love how you set up the project gallery! Much easier to find what you are looking for now. :)

  31. I am so impressed with your blog. It is very obvious you invest a lot of time into it. It is also obvious you are a very kind person to share so many tips on running a blog! I am new to the blogging world and really appreciate the information. Thanks!

  32. Jen, have you always designed your own blog?


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