Monday, August 29, 2011

101 You Asked: Can We Ask?

You guys are so smart.  Tell you something you didn't know right? 

Laura wrote:

"Hey Jen!  How about a Q&A video?  Thoughts?"

My response?
"That would be F U N!  Great idea!!"

So I decided that next week, I will hold my very first video Q&A on the blog!!

Are you so excited?  I know I am!  I can't figure out why I hadn't thought of this sooner.  Another example of why I need you and love you.

So what would you like to know?  Feel free to leave a comment on this blog post with your question and I will pick my favs and consistent themes to chat about in the video!  The best part is that it can be anything blog related or not!  Time to get personal with the author of IHeart Organizing!

I will compile the questions and create the video this coming weekend and debut it one day next week!! 

So leave your questions and stay tuned...


  1. This is so fun! How are you doing with all 3 little ones in school now?

  2. Okay I don't comment here enough but I love your blog and just had to say how pretty you are!! So photogenic! My question is, "what is your beauty routine? Any favorite products that you can't live without?" And I love the blonde!!

  3. Jen, how do you stay motivated to keep on top of your organizing and whats your least favorite area to organize?

  4. Okay okay I have one...What is your biggest organizational goal that you have on your to do list? I'm talking big big! I can't even imagine what could come next as all of your projects have been amazing. I guess the answer to the question I am really after is "can you top yourself?":)

  5. Great idea!!! First of all I love your pictures! and one of my questions is how do you organize under your bathroom sink? I feel like ours becomes the dumping ground for evertying in the bathroom and there is no organization there. Any tips? Thanks.

  6. Ooh, I love this! I love to be organized but it's taking a long time to get there because I've got kids and none in school yet. So I guess my question is, how did you manage to stay organized with super young children (I'm talking 2-year-old and newborn) and still feel like you were able to give them the time, love, and attention that they need?

    I feel like the more time I spend getting our house into some kind of order, the more my 2-year-old begs for attention. I know she doesn't understand that an organized house means I can clean the house faster leaving us more time to play, so I never get to the state of organization I'd like to be in! In the end I give up some of that organization to play-time with her and then stress over my not clean, not organized house. So how did you do it???

  7. If you could visit any celebrity and help them organize their home, who would it be and why?

  8. So much fun! And so many great questions already.

    I am going to second The Scott's Crib question about your biggest goal.

    Also I have a request that may not fit a video format and perhaps you have covered this already in your blog somewhere (I haven't managed to read the whole blog yet!) but I would love to know the measurements of your rooms so I can picture how big your space is in relation to my own and therefore how scaled down or up I may have to go with any projects that are inspired by your blog.

    Don't worry, I am not looking to carbon copy your house :) I'm just really bad at picturing things in my head without comparing it too something concrete.

  9. I love your blog!! Every thing seems to run so smooth in your house. What is your day to day routine?

  10. I, too, want to know how you STAY organized with kids. My own three sons destroy all of my efforts in approximately two seconds.

  11. I'm a first time commenter. How do you stay on top of it all with boys in the house? I have two boys and I cannot keep this house clean. Any tips??

  12. I LOVE this idea! I hope you do it often!! Can't wait!
    What would you do with an unfinished laundry room?
    (I want to organize it best I can but I don't think it can ever be pretty -- too many things in there e.g. water heater, oil tank, etc. I do have all of my crafting stuff in there too but don't seem to craft in there -- just not inspirational!!!)
    When do you fit in your exercise? (You always look so great) and what is your exercise routine?
    Thanks Jen!

  13. Hi Jen! I love your blog! but have to ask, where on earth do you find the time to keep your house looking amazing at all times?? I have two small children and am a part time photographer and find I am always rushing trying to get everything you have a strict schedule you follow every day?
    Thanks! :)

  14. What is your favorite project you have completed since starting this blog?

  15. Such a fantastic idea. Can't wait to see it and learn more about you {great photos by the way}

  16. Have you always been organised, or did you decide one day that organising (sorry for the 's' - am a Brit!) was where your future lay?
    Also, are there any secret hotspots in your house? Like Monica Bing's cupboard (closet) that she was ashamed to show Chandler? C'mon! Tell us that you have a whole heap of dis-organised rubbish hanging around somewhere!

  17. yah! I just purchased the menu planner from your etsy shop! SO excited! my question is...I have a new pantry and I have no idea how to organize it. What is your thoughts? It holds non-pershiables, and small appliances as well as snacks and stuff for the kids (2 girls) any certain products that make your life easier?

  18. My question is similar to some of the others- what is your daily schedule like? Do you find yourself caught up in blogging, fb, etc. How do you manage to get your projects accomplished with 3 little ones? I have a 3 year old daughter, and it is difficult for me to manage to organize and tackle big projects when I stay home with her!

    Also- are you a big reader? I am, and find that I have a hard time figuring out which books to hold on to, and what to do with ones that I will not read again....

  19. This is such an awesome idea Jen. I can't wait to see it. My question is "How do you stay motivated to keep everything so organized?" And "have you always been this organized or has it been since getting married and/or having kids?"

  20. How do you time to stay active/work out?

  21. How do you get your husband and children to participate in (or at least go along with!) cleaning out and organizing?

    Also, with four males in your house, do you ever feel outnumbered? I've only got two boys, but I do feel like I'm trying to "hold the girly line" all by myself! So how do you stop yourself from feeling overrun with boy stuff?

  22. I have three boys as well....How on earth do u keep all the organizing from being undone in seconds??

  23. Great idea. My question is what advice do you have for someone who is on a budget when it comes to organizing? (any must haves, etc)

  24. Ok..I haven't read through all the comments so I hope I'm not asking the same question as someone else.
    Looking for an honest answer...Do you have a "Monica closet"? If you weren't a Friends watcher then you have no idea what I am talking about! What I'm asking is, you seem SO organized but I am curious to know if you have one closet, drawer or corner of the house that is a mess or unorganized that you never seem to tackle or want to tackle?

  25. Wow! You have a lot of questions to answer! :)
    Can't wait to see this video! :) Seems like you have an awful lot of questions to answer already, so Ill just enjoy the video and take the tips! :)

  26. Here's my question: How do you keep things looking "pretty" when you have reeeeally helpful family members giving you their crap, I mean, prized possessions ALL THE TIME? Just an example... not specific... say your INSANE mother-in-law is cleaning out her knick-knacks and keeps giving them to you, and then your adorable (but perhaps slightly insane) husband puts them on display? So your mantle starts off tastefully decorated, but then you come home from work, and a trio of ceramic geese are staring at you. Just a hypothetical example, of course... *rolls eyes*
    xoxo Mandy

  27. Hi! Faithful reader from Germany here :) Since someone asked my first question ,I'll ask another-.......What color blonde are you using? Do you do it yourself or go to the salon? and how often? ...I love your color! (I'm curious about the "monica closet" too, great question!) Have a great week and thank you for always inspiring me!

  28. I have one. I am looking to organize our office but we are on a budget. Any tips on finding affordable organizing pieces or DIY?

  29. Love, Love, Love your blog! Read everyday!! My question is similar to others, regarding routines with kids around. How do you stay on top of it all? What happens if you are sick or life throws you craziness and you fall behind with everything, then how do you get back on top?

  30. Bathrooms - the clutter, the variety of clumsy bottles of products of all colors and shapes and sizes, under the sink, around the sink, in the shower; do you buy in bulk quantities, then what do you do with it all? The bathroom stuff - what to do with it? Kid stuff, husband stuff, and my own stuff all add up to a cluttered mess.

  31. I have poured over your blog for help with my own organizing and from what I can tell the key is... baskets. You have everything coralled into containers/baskets/boxes/bags... but I could be wrong. Which is why I want to know:

    If you could only pick one type of product(hooks, furniture, boxes etc..) to organize your home with what would it be?

  32. Oooh, this is going to be so much fun to watch! OK, so, here's the question. Being the primary organizer/cleaner/cook/caregiver is A LOT of work - and even if you're getting help from your husband and have kids who are uncommonly neat, the work to keep things the way you want them has to be constant. So what do you do to avoid getting burned out? Do you ever give yourself a day off? I can't wait to see all of your answers!

  33. My question is when and how did you discover your love for organizing? And what is the most difficult spot for YOU to keep organized in your home?

  34. i wanna know more about blogging! what's your schedule like? how do you find sponsors? etc.

  35. Woo Hoo!
    My question is: With three boys do you buy food and supplies in bulk? If so, where do you store it all?

  36. I love this idea! Can't wait! :)

  37. My question is...does it or would it bother you if someone 'copied' something you've done?

  38. Love this idea! I know you were working on switching your family over to more natural/organic foods- just curious how this is going for you and what changes you may have made?

  39. I'd love to know how you keep so upbeat and creative in with so much going on in your life. What gets you out of a stressed out funk?

  40. My question would be, how do you organize your photos? We have a mix (prints from the old days, and now digital).

  41. I'd love to know where you got your smiley face spoon that I saw on your kitchen cabinet tour! Thanks.

  42. Just wondering if you had any good ideas on how to corral all those extra plastic bags after shopping trips. I'm looking for something cute yet functional since they are usually in my pantry. Thanks Jen!

  43. I saw that you use clear, acrylic containers for DVD/video game storage...what do you do with the original packages? Do you throw them out, store them elsewhere? Can't wait to see the answers to these great questions!

  44. Containerizing (is that a word? haha) can get expensive. How do you get all of your organizational supplies without busting the budget? Do you space it out? Buy what's on sale and learn to love it or wait till your favorite items are on sale? What's your secret to containerizing on a budget?

  45. I would appreciate if you put text what you going to say in every video because Im deaf and I would love to hear what you say. I hope you will do that. Thank you!

  46. What is the best thing to have come out of the lower level flood?

  47. Where do you get your inspiration (internet, pinterest, books, magazines)?

  48. Sounds like fun.... though I have a bit of a request?? if it's not too much work for you, would you add subtitles... because some of your readers (me, for example) are deaf! :)

    and now a question for your Q&A .... I have a homestay student coming to stay here this year... any suggestions on making her more comfortable here, organizing wise?? (she's 14, if that helps!)

  49. Dieing to know where you got the bedding on your master bed!

  50. Hey Jen! I love your site! I was just wondering...your pictures of you and your kids look so great and professional! What kind of a camera/lens do you use? Where did you learn photography (i.e. any suggestions on books, classes, etc)? And what is your process of editing? I'm guessing you use Photoshop? I'd love to know! Thanks! ;)

  51. Oh where to start??? Some questions may have been written about in past posts--where'd you meet your husband? How'd you go about picking the boy's names all with P's? How old are you? You heart a lot of blogs but how many do you read? subscribe to? Thanks bunches! This is cool. From Iowa--

  52. Awesome! Okay, I've been reading your blog, but have to say that I am an absolute clutter magnet. We live in a small house, very little storage inside the home, and four children. What are some easy, get-me-started tips for organizing our home? We do plan to remodel, but I can't wait three more years to get organized!! Thanks!

  53. Oh my gosh!!! This made my day! When I saw this for the first time I squealed! I'm so happy your running with my idea. I can't wait to see your video. Girl, I wanna know where you like to buy all of those cute clothes and fab accessories you have. :) Do you have any funny pet peeves? Where you always this organized, even growing up?

  54. What is it that is the hardest to keep organized?

  55. I am so excited to see your video, so many awesome questions... I really like the question what is your daily routine.... and I'd like to add how much time do you think you spend on cleaning a day?

  56. Hi I have a question, what is your timing for meal preparation. For example with dinner, I have three little ones 7, 5 and 3. Between soccer and gymnastics and now homework I feel like I am at a loss with the evening hours. Do you prepare ahead of time, crock-pot, ect what works for your family?

  57. Hi Jen:)
    Q: Would you/could you bubble wrap yourself up inside a box (with airholes of course!) and ship yourself out to my house for one week? Seriously?! You are my inspiration and then I get in the midst of my clutter and my brain feels like bubblewrap with one little bubble being popped at a time! I would make your favorite meals ;) How do you not get overwhelmed? Ruth

  58. I am another who LOVES your blog but never comment... but I always wandered if you have just always been the "organizing" type or if you became that way at some point in your life, and how in the world do you stay so organized with three kids?!?!?

  59. I admire all the work you put into this blog. You do such an amazing job! I was wondering if you attended college, and if so, what was your major/degree?

  60. i have just started reading your blog, a few postings ago so i have a few questions that i am sure if i took the time to read all your postings i would find the answer to but here they are:
    1)before you became so organized did you have "stuff" every where? did you have a "junk drawer/closet"?
    2)how did you decide which items you could live without and get rid of them? did you have a sale or donate the items?
    3)i have a tiny house with no linen closet and not much room to keep all those bathroom items and since we have no exhaust fan in our bathroom things have the tendency to stay damp (yuck!) do you have any suggestions on how to organize and keep things dry and not get moldy/rusty?
    thank you so much i have learned a lot about organizing other rooms so glad i found you!!!

  61. Great idea! How did you organize your kitchen cabinets? What thought process did you do to get everything in just the right spot! I recently moved my pans to the lazy Susan and love how easy it is to pull them out now!

  62. I'm so excited for your Q & A video post! I'm always wondering about kid clutter. Does your house get cluttered with kid stuff? My two kids always manage to leave a trail of clothing, toys, etc. around our apartment and it drives me nuts. (They are 4 and 1.) I don't expect the house to be perfectly clean all day but I'm sure you have some good ideas to share. Do you have certain things you do to help your boys put things away and clean up after playing? Or maybe you just keep their stuff to a minimum. I'd love to hear how you how handle all that especially with doing day care too. Also, what do you do to keep general clutter from overtaking? Many times my house is mostly clean but then there's that pile (or 2 or 3) of random stuff I don't know where to put but can't throw away....ugh.

    After reading some of the comments above: Curious about your DVD/CD storage too...what do you do with all the leftover DVD/CD cases? Also, how do you handle photo books for your family and kids?

    Looking forward to whatever you end up sharing! :)

  63. How do your husband/kids feel about your constant need to keep things organized? Also, growing up did you always dream of what your future house would look like?

  64. I haven't read all the comments, sorry, so I apologize if I repeat this, but when and how did you get into organizing? I feel like this has always been my passion, but recently have been placed with two children (ages 2 & 3mos) and have found that it is impossible to keep things the way I'm used to. Did you ever go through seasons/phases while having children that you were more consistent/less consistent with organizing? Any best tips/practices that are practical and realistic? Thanks for sharing your gifts with rock!! :) ><>

  65. I'm super excited about your video!!! I was just thinking how you haven't done any videos and I'd love to see you on video. I have lots of questions I'd love to hear you answer:
    Do you have any secret hot spots/areas of your house that aren't super organized and beautiful?
    Did you get frustrated with lack of storage space before you ever started the blog and hadn't finished your basement? How did you deal?
    What's your workout/eating like? You look like you stay at such a healthy weight and always look great.
    I'd love to hear more about how you create all your beautiful printables. Where do you find the fonts? How do you lay them out? Maybe a video tutorial where you walk us through making one.
    I absolutely love your fun, colorful blog design (both the old and the new). Did you do it all yourself? How did you learn?

  66. One more thing (not necessarily for the Q&A video). Have you considered moving to Wordpress (just out of curiosity) and/or (and I don't know if this is possible on blogger) having threaded comments such that other commentors can respond to people? I've seen several comments that I'd love to respond to (i.e. someone was talking about their unfinished laundry room and I have the exact same situation and wanted to say that I totally understand and give her a couple ideas) but rarely do people come back to the blog and scroll down through all the comments to see if someone responded to theirs.

  67. What's your natural hair color?

    How old are you? Your husband? Your kids? (How old were you two when you got married?)

    How does your family (particularly your husband) feel about this blog and what you post in it?

    Are you really as excitable in real life as you sound in writing? (You use a lot of exclamation marks.)

    Are you guys done having kids? Do you ever wish you had a daughter?

    Are your "in case of..." files (info needed by someone else if anything happened to you/your husband) as organized as everything else? What about your living wills, final wills and testaments, estate stuff, etc.?

    Do you paint your fingernails or toenails bright colors? Do you make each nail a different color like you often do with words on this site?

    What kinds of offers from various organizations have you turned down and why?

    How did this blog get started exactly? Did sponsors approach you or did you approach them? Same question for freebies/trials.

    Are there things in your house that your husband loves but you hate, and vice versa?

    Why did you choose all P names for your boys?

    What's your middle name?

    What's your favorite thing about your home?

    Your house is on fire. Your family is already out and in a safe location and you're about to get out, too. What ONE thing do you grab on your way out? You will very likely lose everything else.

    A wildfire is heading your way but your house isn't on fire yet. You and your family have 15 minutes to prepare before evacuating. What things do you take with you? You will very likely lose everything else.

  68. do you find yourself re-organizing the same spaces? If so, how often? Everything seems so organized already! What could you possibly have left to do?! I haven't had time to go back through all of your posts yet, so maybe this has already been addressed.

  69. Hmm, we can ask anything?? ;) I was wondering how old you are, and, what is your least favorite household chore and how do you motivate yourself to do it?

  70. So glad we get to 'meet' you! I have enjoyed reading your blog since I discovered it in January. My questions are do you still run a daycare? (don't know how you have the energy for all you do!!!). And are you planning on adding back a playroom downstairs since the old one is now your studio? I'm excited to see the whole floorplan when you get it finished.

    Thank you for all your work on this blog! You are such a help to organizationally challenged people like me!

  71. you dont know how flippin excited i am about this!!! i am like the people you see on that insurance commercial and they are doing the worm on the sidewalk and jumping on furniture because they saved money on car insurance.... yeah that was me when I saw you were doing a video to answer our questions!!! i thought my hubs was going to commit me.... then i showed him the video post and then he started the worm with me!! hahahahahaha... i think all the ones before me have fabulous questions so i will stick to those! :D
    love - Natasha

  72. i would love to know how you find time to be so clean & organized? (i apologize if someone already asked, i dont have time to read them all). last i read you had daycare kids as well as your own 3 children. im a SAHM also and barely have time to keep on top of the day-to-day cleaning!

  73. -Do you think you guys will ever have more kids? Try for a girl, perhaps? :) (Think of all the cute pink organizing!! lol)

    -Do you still do daycare?

    -Can you come to my house and organize it for me? LOL! haha :)

  74. Jen , with everything you do I am interested to know how old you are.=D

  75. Such a cool idea Jen, love it!
    Now I'm not sure if someone has already asked you this, but... How would you describe your personal style? (Both in fashion and home decorating) I love your look, but find it hard to put my finger on.
    Melanie (from Down Under)

  76. Great idea.. have you ever thought of doing a roadshow/workshop? Around the world even (Australia of course being your first stop ;-) )
    Cheers Amanda

  77. G'day! Another Aussie here.

    First of all, thank you so much for all your inspiration - I visit your blog daily. You have a beautiful home!

    Your home always looks so clean and fresh. What is your cleaning routine?

    Can't wait to see the video.

    Hayley :)

  78. Do you have any advice for dorm room organization, or advice for college students in general? :)

  79. Ok so I am the most frugal person ever and I know I shouldn't but I pass up a lot of storage solutions at times thinking "it costs too much!".... So my question is: How do you budget for and/or validate that you're not spending frivolously on organizing?

  80. Ha! Pretty sure you just opened a big, fat can of worms you'll have to find a way to organize. I think you might just have to commit to a weekly vlog=)

    I am wondering if you have a few blogging tips... How'd you start? What was your ultimate goal in starting a blog? Do you find that where you are now is close to that initial goal? And, again, maybe your top 5 tips for new bloggers?

    I visit everyday! Your blog first caught my eye because of your spreadsheets! My fiancé, friends, and family have an oh-so-funny running joke: "why don't you just go make YET ANOTHER spreadsheet and binder for (insert anything you can think of here)?"

    So, I have a love affair with excel... They wish they had our talent;)

  81. I want to know how you keep your house so darn clean!!! I know that if it's all organised and everything has a place it is easier. And maybe if you don't have a toddler who pulls out anything and everything she can reach it's easier too. But really, how do you do it? Do you have to constantly nag your family to put things away or do they do it automatically? Do you assign chores to your kids? Does your husband help? Is there a certain time of day that everything gets picked up? What is the routine? Do you have a professional cleaning crew and hiding in the closet??? :)

    And (mostly) unrelated: How big is your house? How many rooms, square feet, etc. Helps to know what you are working with.

    What kind of things are the bane of your organising existence? I find myself with little odds and ends that really don't have a home.

    Love your blog, love love love all the pictures!!

  82. Great idea! I have 2 questions- 1 related and 1 not so much...
    Our master bedroom has a "walk-in" closet. The only thing that makes it walk in is that you can take about 2 steps into it- I hate it! It wraps around the tiny square area in an L shape which is not functional at all. How do you organize these types of closets?

    Not related... you are always dressed super cute! Where are your favorite places to shop for clothes? -Nicole

  83. I heart your site! I have started a home binder, the kids school organizing folders and MANY more ideas. We are grateful for you to be sharing all your ideas with us. My question is, how do you organize/store holiday decorations? Beyond tossing it all in totes, is there a more decorative solution?

  84. Fun! Will you use Youtube or something else?

  85. I love reading all of your great ideas & I am super excited to see a video Q&A. I have to echo what was stated above that you are so pretty & photogenic! I would love to hear about your beauty routine & must have products (esp. if they are budget friendly). Also, I would love to hear how you manage your day to day routine with little ones (and esp. with school starting). Do you wake up early to get things done before kids are awake? How do you fit in time for yourself? Do you work out (and how do you manage to squeeze time in for that as well)? Thanks for all the awesome inspiration!

  86. I want you to know that there are many reasons that I love your blog so much. One of the reasons why is all of your awesome fonts! Your posts are always so colorful, exciting, and fun not only to read but to look at.

    So...I WOULD LOVE to know what your favorite fonts are.

    Thanks for all you do and inspire!
    Lindsay Butler

  87. I'm so addicted to your site! Now I need to just turn off the computer and get busy implementing all the ideas you've put in my head!! Anyhoo...I'm wondering what products are your staples, or go-to items, that you keep around your house at all times? You know, so you don't have to run to the store when you feel inspired.

  88. Ok, I have gone back and read over your receipt post but my question is. When/how often do you file your receipts? Do you pull them out of your purse once a week? Do you file them immediately? I have a file for receipts but I am having a hard time getting them in there! I have them wadded up in my wallet, crumpled at the bottom of my purse, stacked in my car console, laying on the kitchen counter... How do I get them into that receipt folder? Thank you for such an amazing blog! I love all your practical/easy tips!

  89. All I want to know is if you can come to my house for a week and get all the still disorganized parts of my blogging / business-running life in ship-shape. I'd pay good money. :)

  90. We are renting a house that has an extra coat closet. I'd really like to turn it into a closet with shelves, but I'm not sure the best way to do it since we don't own (can't be expensive or permanent). Suggestions?


  91. Tell us about container shopping. I get stuck on trying to find the right containers without spending too much, or worse, going to store after store. Do you have a few go-to containers/stores that you use regularly? The worst is that all my built-ins are not very deep.

    I really love your site and have found it so inspiring. You obviously love your work and are gifted at it!

  92. As your kids grow older (much much older), what will you do with their school items? I've accumlated textbooks, 3D models and projects and artwork over the years, they are now temporarily taking up space at my mom's house as I've graduated. I'm proud of my achievements and I'm not sure I'm ready to part with them just yet. Should I just let go and start purging everything or is there a way to organise it all?

    Thanks in advance!

  93. Any tips for those planning to build their "forever homes?" ie: room sizes, how many closets, beds, baths, etc. for the most functionality.

  94. Great idea! I love, love, love your blog.
    I love a clean & organized home.
    So one question I have (mainly because you have touched on the subject recently) is... How long do snacks (chips, cookies etc.) stay GOOD/perfect, if stored in zip lock bags? I read your post on how your have your snacks pre-made into little bags- easy for grab and go or quickly packing lunches. I want to do this... but I'm scared my snacks will go stale (stail?) sp?
    Anyway- if that question was answered on the video or via e-mail, that would be great!
    I can't wait to watch!

  95. How do you get all the amazing graphic designs and fonts on your blog? I have just stepped into the blog arena and just learning the ropes!

  96. I've recently found your blog and love all the tips for organizing. I have four little kids, between 6 years old and 3 months old, and we've just finished our basement so their toys are now out of our living room/family room. So now it's going to be a piano/living/home office room. We are going to put in a large L shaped desk for our computer, a kid's computer and space for doing homework. We're planning to put some shelves on the wall and I'm hoping to get either an expedit shelf from ikea or a long sideboard from craigslist for more storage. I have 2 questions for you, first, what tips can you give me for organizing our desk and shelves for incoming mail, bill paying, school and other activity paperwork, etc. Secondly, what tips can you give me for organizing kids art supplies (in the sideboard) and displaying finished art work.
    Thanks so much!

  97. I'm always curious to find out what and AVERAGE day is like for other people. And I want to emphasize AVERAGE...not what you want people to THINK you do every day...but what REALLY goes down. Why? I think I have such huge expectations for myself and with a 15 month old, I don't get much done and feel guilty for it.

    thanks in advance!!!

    kathy h.

  98. Sounds great! I'd love to know how you organize your kitchen countertops. I have very limited countertop and storage space and just recieved a new KitchenAid as a gift (WOO HOO!!). I thought I had pared my countertops down to only the basics, but now something else has to go. Thanks!

  99. How do you organize deep spaces? It can be difficult to access the itmes in the back of a deep space.

    How do you plan out a project? I have a difficult time being decisive when I purchase containers or set up a project. I always think, will this work for the long haul?

    How do you decide what to get rid of when it comes to keepsakes from your children? You don't need 9,347 art projects, but how do you decide what to keep and how do you organize them?

  100. I use coupons and have a "stockpile" of sorts of health and beauty products (first-aid, body washes-at least 15, deoderants, toothpaste,travel size items,etc...) I have everything in US Postal boxes stacked in my linen closet and labeled with masking tape. How do I store these items? The shelving in my bathroom is the build a closet deal and the products I keep out on hand keep falling over! HELP!!!

  101. I would love to hear more about container shopping with a limited budget. Sometimes I see baskets I love on clearance, but I don't buy them because I don't know exactly where I'd use them or how many I'd need. Then later when I know I need something, I have sticker shock.

    Also, I love your most recent post on organizing your studio work space. When I see piles, I get overwhelmed and don't know where to go with them. How do you break it down, so you can decide how things should be categorized and how they'll work best?

    I love, love the pictures of you in this post!


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