
Thursday, July 7, 2011


IHeart: A Fantastic Fourth

Because my personal life tends to spill over and make major impacts to my organizing life, I thought I would share our little excitement from the weekend of the "Fantastic Fourth"!

Each and every single year we head out to my sister-in-law's home for their annual Fourth of July party, which they host not only for the love of the holiday, but also because it's their wedding anniversary!!  It's always a day of fun and endless socializing and activities, followed up by a great display of fireworks!

It's one of the only days of the year that the kiddos get to have a soda, can you see the excitement?

And tractor rides!

And even a giant bounce house obstacle course!

Yeah, it's a pretty big deal and a pretty fun tradition.  So this past Saturday, that's where we were headed, and once we arrived, the kiddos ran straight for that bounce house.

And about a half an hour later we were here....

Yep, little Parker jumped onto his brother.  And broke his leg....  He was persistent about returning to the bash to watch fireworks, so that's just what we did.

He got endless amounts of love and waited on for the rest of the evening.  He was totally mama's super trooper!

At the ER they put a temporary splint on his leg until the swelling went down:

I told him he needed to get lots and lots of rest....

When I asked him what he thought about being a couch potato for a couple of days... this was all I got....

Yep, totally sporting mis-matched PJ's.  It's the new trend.

We still managed to catch a couple of great firework shows this weekend!

And Parker got his new cast yesterday:

He has figured out the bottom scootch, however, is pretty terrified by crutches:

He just can't quite figure them out yet.

So that's all the excitement that has been happening around here.  Parker has been doing just great and we are letting it be a perfect excuse to get in some good snuggles.  And with three boys, we are surprised this is the first broken bone we have endured.  And probably not the last!

How was your Fantastic Fourth?  Any exciting stories to share?  How about annual traditions?  Did everyone else manage to stay out of the ER {I sure hope so!}


  1. What a little trooper! Looks like a fun time!

  2. Poor little guy! He does have a pretty cool looking cast though! I'm sure he will be flying around on those crutches in no time!

  3. I am totally with your boys on the soda excitement. Growing up I was rarely allowed to have soda and NEVER with caffeine...except at Christmas. On Christmas day I was allowed ONE caffeine soda, and I always chose Mt. Dew. Then I looked forward to it for 364 more days!!

  4. Poor little guy! My brother broke his arm when he was about Parker's age and the cast looked too big for his body--as does Parker's :)

    I hope he gets the hang of the crutches soon!

  5. Awwww... poor guy... hope he recovers fast and gets to have some of his summer cast free!!!!

  6. Bless him, he does have the best looking cast I've ever seen though! Despite the trip to hospital it sounds like you had a great 4th!

  7. Sorry to hear about the broken leg! Poor guy! Hopefully he heals up quickly. That would be a hard way to spend summer.

  8. Poor guy! Being in a cast in the summer is totally crummy. I lived through that twice. He does have a super cool cast though. I wish I had the option of stripes when I was a kid.

  9. Oh man this sounds like the beginning of our July of '09, my daughter, then 2.5 yrs old fell (ahem flew off) a swing and broke her leg and arm! I know how much your mama heart hurts for him right now! She was too young for crutches so it was a lot of carrying her around and I was 6 months pregnant to top it off! Good luck, will be praying for swift healing!

  10. Poor Parker! He seems to be one tough little guy though. And, his cast is pretty awesome. :) How long is he stuck in it?

  11. Awwww, poor lil' guy! You're family tradition sounds awesome though!

    My lil' guy broke his leg around this time last summer (he was 3) yeah, totally relate to the "bottom scootch" thing, ha! And at least he was small enough to go in the stroller, which worked as our "wheelchair" when we were out.

  12. oh! well bless ALL your hearts - what an ordeal!

    it's so wonderful how resilient those kiddos are, isn't it?

    we've got two boys and had our first broken 'bone' (a tooth) this year...also due to a sibling (one knarly accidental head butt)

    oh the joys of mothering boys!

  13. Poor little guy! hopefully that cast won't last all summer...I do have to say nice pictures!

  14. What a bummer! It looks like you all had a fun time still though. :)


  15. Oh no, poor baby! :(

    I have two boys. We had our first broken bone on Easter morning in 2008. A broken arm from jumping off the couch -- hyped up on all that sugar from the Easter Bunny!

    Those stripes are pretty cool. My Sammy had a lime green cast with flames! Boys! haha

  16. Poor little guy..he looks like such a trooper though! And his cast is so cute! :)

  17. Aww, poor little thing! Crutches really are no fun!

  18. Poor little walking cast? That is too bad.

  19. Parker says, "Thank you so much everyone!" He has big smiles for all the love and well wishes! :)

    Parker & Jen

  20. oh no - poor guy! i hope he gets all better fast! glad the rest of your 4th was fun :)

  21. Oh not fun during the summer (no fun anytime really). What a trooper. Hope it mends quickly.

  22. Poor little guy...hard to believe that could happen in one of those things but you just never know. Good to hear that he is doing better already. Hope you have a less "eventfull" weekend this coming weekend. Fondly, Roberta

  23. Poor guy! I know he'll heal quickly..those little bones knit amazingly fast! BTW: Love the stripes on the cast!

  24. Parker, what a story you have to tell as you get older, and you will always remember what day it was! You will be up and running around, again, in no time! :))

  25. What a trooper!! I hope he's already feeling better!! I love that he just couldn't let a trip to the ER get in the way of him going back and enjoying a great party! :)

  26. Oh my goodness! A broken bone sounds terrifying. But good for you for sounding as cool as a cucumber. I'm impressed!

    Hang in there, kiddo! Your cast is pretty awesome.


  27. Oh, poor Parker! And Mommy. That's rough when it first happens. So glad her was able to return to the festivities and enjoy. It will be a fourth you all never forget. BTW . . his eyes are just gorgeous.

  28. Ouch! Sorry to hear about your little guys leg! At least he got a cool looking cast out of the deal!

  29. Oh no, poor parker! I hope you had a good weekend anyway!


  30. Poor guy! I hope he gets lots of get well attention.

  31. What a super trooper you have there! I almost wrote - at least it's not summer, but then I remembered it is for you guys!! Poor little fella - I've been in plenty of casts in my time and summertime has to be the worse!! At least it's a pretty cute colourful cast he's got on.

    Don't worry Parker - I'm terrified of crutches too ;)

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Oh no poor little guy! Hope he is feeling better :)

  34. Owww poor little poppet hope he's on the mend and climbing trees in no time!

  35. Oh! I hope his leg heels quickly. I am sure he will become a crutch master in no time. Glad you still had fun on the fourth despite your emergency room trip!

  36. Poor little guy - not a fun way to spend the sumer! I read on another blog about some type of covering you can get to put on the cast that is 100% waterproof so he can get in the bath (and maybe the pool!) wish I knew what blog it was . . .I'd give you a link!

  37. poor little guy! Hope he's feeling better real soon.

  38. Your ER must be a lot faster than ours if you could still make it back to the bash. My husband broke 2 fingers last week and it took 5 hours in the ER!! In the middle of the night! It was awful.

  39. That is so sad and too cute! Poor little guy! What a trooper!
    He's way braver then I would have been!!! Maybe he could have another pop :) cause he's so darn cute!

  40. You have such sweet kids! Don't worry, they'll be fighting to take turns on those crutches in no time. I remember at school we used to love it when someone came in on crutches (!) because we used to have races up and down the long corridors. Which, surprisingly, never ended in more broken bones.

  41. What a trooper!! At least he's mastering the couch potato resting :)

    Gorgeous fireworks!

  42. Been there with the broken bones!! He is so adorable. Glad to see him smiling again!

  43. I love the close up pic of Parker's little toes in his cast. I think he has the cutest little toes on the planet.

  44. Seriously can he be any cuter ? What beautiful eyes he has !

  45. Yes...those baby blues got me,too! Hang in there!

  46. Poor boy! Sounds like he is a trooper though. Hope he heals soon!


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