
Wednesday, January 12, 2011


My Problem Wall... Solved!

I recently saw a transformation over at Centsational Girl, that really got my heart pounding.  And I sat and looked at it over and over because I knew that I just had to incorporate it into my home!

So I commented on the post....

“I would love to do this project right in between our front door and large picture window in our living room/entry.  It almost looks to be a similar situation to the room you worked on . . . I have always struggled with no coat closet in this room.  When I saw what you did, it seemed like a perfect solution!  Just wondering your thoughts.”  

Who knew I would be so lucky to have Kate herself, whip up some magic in photoshop to show me how it would look in my entry!?

Wanna see?  Pop on over to her blog to check out her magic.  She is incredible!


  1. I left a comment this comment on Kate's blog, "I like how it even lightened up the corner. It looks very welcoming and put together. Great idea!"
    Now, what type of bench will you choose? lol

    Thank you for sharing this Jen. Absolutely fun and inspirational design.

  2. how're both in my google reader so both posts popped up together. :) this would be a great solution to your area! can't wait to see what you do :)

  3. I loved kate's post too and keep going back to it, bc i looove it so much and want to do it! How fun she answered you back. It would look fabulous on your "problem wall". Goodluck can't wait to see a post on this in the future!

  4. I saw!!! Hooray Jen!!!! I think her photoshopped upgrade looks great! Are ya gonna do it?

    Jenn @ Peas & Crayons

  5. Ooooh, I'd love to do something like this in my foyer... hmmm...

  6. I found your blog from Centsational Girl's. I love organizing and love learning new tricks! Thanks for sharing.

  7. Kate did an amazing job! Mayjor kudos! Love both your blogs!

  8. Wow, how cool is that? It would look awesome.

  9. I really like what she did....are you going to do it? :)

  10. We have baseboard heat running along all our walls in our house. Huge bummer because I would love to utilize this in our entryway. I might still see if I can run some kind of wooden rail with hooks, though. Love the hooks she used. They're stunning!

  11. That would look so great!! I love it!

  12. Sooo... when are you going to do it? :)

  13. I made a comment on Kate's blog this morning about this. I think it will look fabulous! :)


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