
Thursday, January 6, 2011


Final Bathroom Reveal

You all know me.  My tastes are always evolving, I find new inspiration, and move things around like a crazy mad lady, ALL THE TIME!

So of course, this should come as no surprise to you, I updated my main bathroom, AGAIN!  And I forgot to share the goods with you until I saw a linky party happening over at Centsational Girl that is forcing me to get off my bum and show you the goods.

First, please let me explain myself, since I am sure you are thinking, "this gal is nuts!"  When you aren't happy with something, you should do something about it.  So I did.  The shower curtain that I had found that inspired the whole original update, actually hung really awkwardly.  I tried to ignore it because I really loved the texture the curtain boasted.  But it swooped horribly at the bottom, from what I believe to have been the ruffles in the fabric.  So I returned it.  That's right, I brought back the one piece that was inspiration for the space... and waited things out until I found the perfect replacement.  Which I did!

You will have to forgive me for some of the pictures.  I had the hardest time getting the perfect replica of the colors in the room.  The camera and I were fighting when I took these pictures... we are slowly working things out...

I found the shower curtain on clearance at Target for $19.99 {and I feel even better now that I see it's still full price online}.  Score!  It's a beauty and much higher quality than the original.  Happy dancin' at Target, oh yeah!

But that's not all I swapped out.  This crazy perfectionist started to have issues with the really awesome quatrefoil stencil I did on the backing of the bookshelf.  Because it wasn't really awesome.  To quote my favorite movie from my teenage years, Clueless, "It was a total Monet!"  It looked good from a distance, but up close, so many imperfections to be seen.  And in a teeny tiny bathroom, there is no distance.  It was right in your face obvious that my paint seeped under the stencil too many times...

So I cried.  And then I realized that I had extra wallpaper from my bedroom closet desk makeover!  Enter sigh here!

It really couldn't have worked out more perfectly, between the shower curtain and the paper backed shelving!  I actually made money on the shower curtain {$5 less dollars for the new one} and used paper I already had!  Gotta love when you can make major updates to the space for no cost!

Not much else changed....

Leaving me so happy with the simple updates that made such a difference!

One final before and after:



Am I the only one that updated a space due to a piece of inspiration, only to have the inspiration not even make it in the room in the end?  What little updates have you been making to your spaces, that made it feel all dreamy afterward?


  1. Wow! That looks great! Your bathroom looks much bigger with the new look! :)

  2. Just found your blog...and I love it! Your bathroom makeover looks great. I can't wait to read more!

    Karen @

  3. Love it! I just set up some white Billy bookcases in my daughter shared bedroom, I think I might just have to look around for some pretty wallpaper!

  4. dude now I want to rent clueless! =)

    I fall in love with that wallpaper every time I see it =) over and over again.

    Where is it from?

    Jenn @ Peas & Crayons

  5. Gorgeous!! What a great reveal! Where did you find the white basket/box with the lettering on it?

  6. I have a weird question - do you know the dimensions of your bathroom? It looks similar to our one and only in our home, but I can't imagine fitting a shelf opposite the toilet. Just curious if maybe your room is a tad deeper than mine? If it is the same size then I am off to try and fit a shelf :)

    I just discovered your blog and am in love :)

  7. looks beautiful! Our bathroom downstairs is on the bottom of our "to do with the house" (because we have other things in the house that are higher priority for us- like my bedroom!) llist but the color is AWFUL! It's a bright redish/orangish and I can't wait to eventually fix that. :)

  8. Ok, so you can't stop redecorating and reorganizing. . . and then, as if that's not enough for me, you quoted Clueless!! I think I love you.

    I actually much prefer the new curtain vs. the old.

  9. Love it. Very bright and cheery. It makes the space look a lot bigger also! :)

  10. It's so beautiful! I love the wallpaper in the book awesome. And the toothbrush holder sitting in its little bowl. Love, love that. I'd love to have that bathroom in my own home!

  11. Hello all!

    The wallpaper was from Home Depot, found here:

    We actually DIY'd that towel wall box from scratch, here is the post:

    Wall to wall {back of toilet to shelf wall is 5' 2"}, from the shower to the door is 5' exactly. Itty bitty! :}


  12. Love the new curtain. Very pretty!

  13. Oh, no - you're not alone on this one! I painted my guestroom just before the holidays and now I don't think it's what I had in mind. Everyone who sees it thinks it's wonderful but it doesn't quite take me in the direction I want to go. Thinking what I need to add - or if I should just change the wall color. Love the way your bathroom changed. Good job!

  14. I just started following your blog and love it!
    but i do have a question...
    I keep seeing those round white jars/vases? that you store things in and I love them! Could you please tell me where they are from? I especially liked when you stored office supplies in them and would love to do the same!

  15. You inspired me to blog about my bathroom remodel!! I love your blog.

  16. Seu banheiro ficou lindo.
    Essa cortina é muito bonita.



  17. I found your blog through Money Saving Mom and I love it!! All of your rooms look like they're straight out of a magazine, and you make it all seem so easy...and cheap, which is even better! I'm 7 months pregnant with my second child and am in a serious nesting mode, so this site has been amazing! Thanks for all the tips you share.

  18. You're not the only one. :) We decided to update our master bedroom to go with our comforter - picked paint colors and the whole scheme based on it, and then fell in love with a new comforter! Go figure, right? And we have Target to thank for our new one, too (saved $90 by buying it on clearance for $20)!

    Anyways, I love the new shower curtain! I love the details and movement it adds to the space!


  19. Ah, I definitely have decorating ADD too! Love the new look Jen!


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