
Monday, December 13, 2010


Tray Bien

As some of you Facebook buddies know, I have been away on a little family holiday vacation.  So please excuse my lack of fantastic blogging and my insane delays to emails.  I am back now, and have oodles to do to prepare for Christmas around the Jones' casa.  Don't think I have forgotten!!

However, since I was vacationing and I am not prepared for Christmas just yet, I thought I would share one of my most favorite display ideas.  In fact, you may have noticed this theme already.  It stares me smack in the face all over my home, it's a wonder I haven't boasted about this little obsession before.

I have already shared with you my love for white vases.  Because their versatility is beyond endless.  "Hi, my name is Jennifer Jones and I have an addiction to white ceramics."  There, I have come clean.  Because today I am not obsessing over the white vases {maybe just for a second I will}, but I have gone crazy for white trays as well! 

Of course, the concept is simple and the same no matter what color.  I just seem to lean towards white because they are so flexible to be moved to any space in my home.  But that doesn't mean that I won't be hitting up thrift stores for trays in a rainbow of colors, because these things rock with their corralling selves!

That's right.  I said corralling.  Because that's how I use them, to corral like items into a pretty display.

For example, before we had switched out the shelf in our lower level bath, I had been using a white tray to "corral" all of my perfume bottles!

And I have been known to use 'em next to my coffee maker, to "corral" my coffee mugs!

But the fun doesn't stop there!  You may have noticed that I sported a pretty white tray to "corral" my stack of paint swatches on my desk!

I have since moved that tray to my new living room desk... again, which you may have noticed.  I now use it to, you guessed it, "corral" my random office supplies {SD cards, clips, tape, etc...}

And finally, what I was staring at last night when I had this whole White Tray revelation... my once again updated, kitchen sink display.

By "corraling" my dish washing necessities right on the tray next to the sink,  I am able to keep the sink itself, clutter free!  Oh, and notice what my sponges are in, yep, a little white vase... weird.

If you are wondering where I found these glorious white trays, I got 'em at Target... in the kitchen section.  IHeart them!

Any favorite item you use to "corral" things?  Any trends popping up around your home as well?  Who's with me on this tray epidemic?


  1. teehee! how many of those trays do you own!? i love it! I have one that was a housewarming gift but I use it so darn much in the kitchen, that I'm affraid to let it corral stuff around the house! Hmm... must buy more eh?

    miss your posts! but i'm glad you're having mucho fun and family time! =)

    Jenn @ Peas & Crayons

  2. Hi Jennifer!

    It's funny, I only have two, I just keep moving them around... :)


  3. I have the same tray from Target. I also use it for my coffee mugs. I didnt even think to use it in other places. Thanks for inspiring. :)

  4. Great ideas and i love many of your containers. Who makes the metal bar with s hooks & cups? Too cool.

  5. I have a mishmash of trays that I use to "corral" my stuff too. Great post! I am looking forward to some Christmas posts. =) I hope you had a relaxing time off, and I'm glad you're back. lol

  6. I have a little plastic basket by my kitchen sink where I keep the drain plug and the scrub pad but now I think I want a tray for a more sophisticated look and maybe a little mug too!

  7. I love them and see that I am just not using this decor touch enough!! They seem to create instant little vignettes!!!!!

  8. Such a timely post, I *just* put on my Target list "small tray to corral S&P shakers by stove" and this is exactly what I was looking for! LOL! I've got a few of those trays from Target as well and I love using them as serving dishes.

  9. I've always loved using trays to organize with because they just make it so much easier to clean your counters/surfaces when you can simply pick up your trays of things and clean underneath them. They are one of my 13 Favorite Solutions for Storing in Style on my blog sidebar. I also blogged about my love for cutlery trays here:
    Hope this helps anyone looking for more inspiration. Fondly, Roberta

  10. Isn't it amazing how even the smallest boundaries set by a tray keep things in their place. I like all your uses for those great trays; I love ceramics too. I use lots of empty candle jars and candle holders to corral things in my craft room - pens, brushes, glue bottles, etc. I'm a big Longaberger basket fan too!

  11. What a perfect post and good timing! I share the same love and addiction to white ceramics. I was just out tonight looking for another white tray. Pier One has some great white ceramic dishes and trays.

    Glad you had a good family vacation. Hope you went somewhere warm :)

  12. Hey, I just found your blog (from Peas & Crayons) and I had to laugh because apparently you like organizing as much as I like vegetables ;)

    I love your blog though! I could definitely use some organization/decoration tips!!! :)

  13. Too funny, I'd never heard the word corral actually used until I started reading American home blogs and it was all they ever talked about!

    Anyway, I am a big fan of using bowls to corral (there, I said it!) my stuff but I can definitely see the appeal of trays. In fact I am on the hunt for the perfect one for our kitchen table.

  14. I love trays too. I have 2 gorgeous ones from Sweden. One has a Carl Larsen picture on it (I blogged about him a month or so ago). The 2nd one has red and yellow tulips and is designed by a Swedish designer. The third tray (in my kitchen) is a narrow one with birds on it. I prop them up on the side and back of my stove top so I can look at them every day. I have a small pewter tray that I put the salt and pepper and some of our meds in. My mom has dishes like your white trays that are green leaves that she always uses when she is serving dinner. We are a tray family. lol

  15. I actually have my coffe makers on a tray (coffe, espessoe & grinder. )


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