
Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Reader Space: Jenny's Wrapping Center

This one is just in the nick of time for Christmas.  In fact, I gotta feeling this one may be bookmarked for later use!

The great thing about what Jenny shares with us today, is that it doesn't have to be holiday specific.  Wrapping stations are great year round!

Jenny wrote:

Hey Jen,
First off, I LOVE your blog! I've been reading it from nearly then beginning and am so inspired by it! I am very organizational challenged, but slowly and surely have been plugging away at organizing our home and documenting the venture on my homemaking blog 'Jenny Free Style'. I just did a post I wanted to share with you. I have a spare bedroom that winds up being a 'random room' of sorts so I decided, especially for the Holidays, to make it into a wrapping room! It is so organized and pretty now! It makes me excited to wrap!
Here are a few pics. More are in my blog along with the details on how I put it all together!
Thanks again for all you do!

Jenny blogged:

Bring on the holiday wrapping!
I'm ready!

I decided that with our spare room I wanted a designated and peaceful space for wrapping gifts.

Wrapping on the floor or clearing my pretty table-scape was getting old...


I decided to use the sewing table in 'Otis' Room' as the wrapping table.

I used a cute trash can to corral my wrapping paper.

I used another container to the right of the table to corral my big bags, boxes and tissue paper.

For above the table I knew I wanted to make a pretty board to hang all the wrapping necessities.

I started with this:

Cork board: $3.99
Fabric: $2.50
Glue gun

Then I glued the fabric to the cork front:

Then added ribbon trim to the edges:

And after....

I hung scissors, pens, ribbon, gift tags and small gift bags.

For the 'wrap' to the left I started with $.50 chipboard letters:

Then spray painted them yellow:

Easy peasy!

On the table top I have my roll of tape, my container of additional ribbon and my grandmother's serving piece with a plethora of bows.

So there ya have it!

I bet gift wrapping this year was a breeze for Jenny!  She has quite the setup, and everything right at her fingertips!  I adore how she corralled her paper in a trash can, gift bags are close on the opposite side, and the pretty board is able to hold all the wrapping accessories?!  Genius!

I am also incredibly envious of the fact that Jenny has space to devote to a wrapping station.  It's been a long time dream of mine.  And this is just what I needed to get my wheels a turning....  Oodles of thanks to Jenny for sending this great project my way!

Who else sports a wrapping station that saved their tushes this season?  If you don't have one, who is off to make one now?  What's your favorite part of this project?!

P.S.  Have an awesome story to share?  How about some organizing tips and tricks?  Maybe a project completed from an inspiration found?  Please send your story and photos to and I would heart to feature them right here, on the blog!!  Oh, and no worries my friends, we will NEVER judge "before" pictures because that just wouldn't be nice!  Only love goes on at this blog!


  1. I love it! I'm taking the corkboard idea for my home office.

  2. So cute! I linked my wrapping organization. It's not exactly a wrapping station, but it does make dragging everything out much easier.

  3. This is totally a great idea for my 'idea file'. Thanks to both Jen's for posting. Jennifer, you will have to jump over to my blog and see what exciting thing happened to me this weekend. I am a happy girl BIG GRIN.

  4. Super cute!

    We don't room for a wrapping station either, sadly. Rumor is that Candy Spelling has/had an entire room devoted to gift wrapping -- how amazeballs would THAT be?

  5. ohh... Jen, I have been dreaming of creating a GREAT gift wrapping station {my goal for January} while wrapping my gifts this year. Mine is organized, BUT I just know it could be so much better & will be checking back here to see those links for some great inspiration! Thanks for the post.

  6. I am a new visitor stopping by from Jenny's blog and I am so glad that I did! I definitely need some help in the organization department so I will def be subscribing! Off to look around!

  7. Oh to dream! I don't have a spot I can do this... but I love the idea of using a cute trash can or something. And old long plastic bag doesn't help the already sloppy look of the closet that all the wrapping stuff is stored... one thing/change at a time right! Thanks for the inspiration!

  8. I wish I had space for this! I use a big, plastic "under the bed" storage thing for all my wrapping. I actually have two: one full bags (because we have like a million of them!) and the other for wrapping paper rolls, tissue paper, ribbon, and all the other goodies. In that one I have a zipper pouch with scissors, tape, and pens. At least it's handy to pull out when I need to wrap, and easily slides back under the bed when I'm done and I don't have the mess out for days!


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