
Tuesday, December 21, 2010


IHeart Giveaway: Wickedly Excited for Tom's of Maine

 **  Attention:  This Giveaway has since ended.  Thanks everyone for participating!!  **  

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Tom's of Maine. All opinions are 100% mine.
For anyone who has been hanging out with me via the blog, you already know that I have been making changes to how we live, and focusing on being more natural and "green".  And for those that didn't know that, well, it was on the top of my New Years Resolution list.

That didn't just mean that I was going to simplify our living, use greener home cleaning products, reduce waste and increase our recycling and cut down on our energy consumption... it also means using greener toiletries and cleansing products, and taking note of how companies we support, are doing their part for the environment.

I was already enjoying Tom's of Maine toothpaste, when I was contacted to give the new Wicked Fresh flavor a try, in both toothpaste and mouthwash!  Wa to the Hoo people, I was happy dancin'!
Why is this eco-friendly? Because Tom’s of Maine is made using all natural flavor oils and botanical extracts, giving long-lasting fresh breath.  The hubs and I have been enjoying the new flavor immensely.  It truly feels as it describes, Wicked Fresh, and leaves our teeth feeling great and breath smelling fresh for hours.  Smoochable fresh!

But what we also love is that they are not filled with unsafe ingredients, and that they support what we support, and that is greener living.  I also loved that my eyes weren't burning after 30 seconds of swishing with the mouthwash.  Just sayin'....
Oh, and thanks to some smart thinking on the behalf of the brains of Amanda and Jen on our recent shopping adventure, I decided to store my uber awesome mouthwash, in this pretty glass jar.  Are you swooning with me?!

You wanna know what else totally rocks?  Tom's of Maine is giving all of their fans a chance to win Wicked Fresh!™ Prizes at their That's Wicked Fresh contest page, and all you have to do is share your Wicked Fresh moments!  You can also find them on Facebook here.
But that's not all!  These fine folks are not only green with great tasting products, but they are also giving one of you lucky IHeart Organizing readers, a $50 gift card to Target where Tom's of Maine products are sold!  Feel free to happy dance with me now!
Yep, that's right, and entering to win is SO easy, and you have three chances to snag up that gift card!
1.}  Become a follower to IHeart Organizing and leave a comment that you have done so or already are.
2.}  Leave a comment describing your most memorable Wicked Fresh!™ moment.  A recent ski trip?  A boating excursion?  A shower?
3.}  Follow @TomsofMaine on Twitter, or "Like" them on Facebook (…) and leave another comment right here letting me know you have done so!
click here
Contest Closes: Thursday, December 23rd at 11:59 PM, EST
Number of Winners: One!
Other Info: The winner will be selected using and is open to anyone who (i) is a legal U.S. resident, and (ii) is at least eighteen (18) years of age.
Thanks everyone and good luck!

Visit Sponsor's Site


  1. My most Wicked Fresh moment was sitting on the edge of a snow covered mountain with my husband last November. Realizing that we were to be parents very soon.

  2. I have like Tom's on facebook...woohoo! I hope I win! I love Tom's!

  3. My most Wicked Fresh moment was last year- on the beach in South Carolina while it was snowing! Incredible!

  4. I can't believe I wasn't already a follower? weirddddd! I am for sure now =)

    Wicked fresh moment eh? hmm... Does taking a bubble bath in tea tree oil count? that was surprisingly zesty! haha

    Maybe the snow in Pensacola Florida last year... that was a HUGE surprise =)

    Jenn @ Peas & Crayons

  5. My most recent Wicked fresh moment was snorkeling with a few Honus (Hawaiian Sea Turtles) and a pod of sting rays in Maui 2 weeks ago.

  6. I'm a follower! :-)

  7. My most wicked fresh moment (most recent, that is), was just the other day when I was shoveling a few inches of snow off the driveway. You get surprisingly warm doing that, but every so often, the wind would pick up and little bits of snow would fall on my face and cool me off.

  8. I'm a FB Follower (and where I JUST read about your great giveaway)

    Lindsey75 at gmail dot com

  9. I follow you on GFC (Beth)
    jacobsonbeth at yahoo dot com

  10. My favorite wicked fresh moment was my first kiss with DH!
    jacobsonbeth at yahoo dot com

  11. I like Toms on facebook!!
    jacobsonbeth at yahoo dot com

  12. I am a follower and I also {heart} organizing :D

  13. My wicked fresh moment was a kiss from my hubby a few minutes ago.

    mami2jcn at gmail dot com

  14. I like Tom's of Maine on Facebook under the name Mary Happymommy.

    mami2jcn at gmail dot com

  15. My latest wicked fresh moment was shoveling snow on our driveway!

  16. I am a follower AND I am a facebook fan of Tom's of Maine!

  17. I am a follower! Love your blog!

  18. My latest Wicked fresh moment was coming in from the snow and enjoying a hot cup of peppermint hot cocoa snuggled up on the couch with my husband.

  19. I LOVe Toms of Maine! Im now a follower on FB of Toms, have been your follower for a while... and hmmmm a wicked moment?? Probably when I went to Times Square for New Years Eve when I was in college! :))


  20. I follow @TomsofMaine on Twitter. @jsechere

  21. My most wicked fresh moment recently, was a cookie exchange with some girl friends. Fun times with food, wine, cookies and laughs...sounds tame but raising 3 boys, I take my moments where I can get them!

  22. Wicked fresh...probably the Peppermint candy cane I just ate. ;)

  23. My wicked fresh moment was today when the water went freezing cold in the shower!!!

    I use the Tom's sensitive toothpaste and absolutely love it!

  24. Wicked fresh, huh? I'd have to say finally getting a shower after my little 2 year old's stomach virus had run its course! ha, ha

  25. I'm a new follower on your blog. Yea!

  26. I liked Toms of Maine on Facebook.

  27. My favorite wicked fresh moment is when I use my favorite shampoo and conditioner. It leaves a great feeling when I rinse it.

  28. My moment is that thrilling feeling from playing (or shoveling) in the snow! Coming inside to warm up by the fire and drink cocoa is a perfect way to savor the moment.

  29. I am a follower!
    aidanis7 at yahoo dot com

  30. I liked Toms of Maine on facebook.
    aidanis7 at yahoo dot com

  31. My wicked fresh moment was last night at a friends house with some girlfriends. We laughed ate and drank. Can't go wrong!
    aidanis7 at yahoo dot com

  32. I'm a follower!! :)


  33. My Wicked Fresh Moment was living feet away from the beach for a year in a beautiful condo. There's nothing like waking up to the sound of waves and the smell of salt water.

  34. I have Wicked Fresh Moments every day watching my baby girl do new things! It is so amazing!

  35. I just liked Toms of Maine on Facebook!

  36. And my most wicked fresh moment was playing in the snow with my son!

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  37. Love Tom's of Maine and your mouthwash solution :) You rock!

  38. that would have to be taking a shower after staying in the hospital. i've never felt more fresh!

  39. I'm a follower of your blog! :)

  40. I think my most wicked fresh moment is when I get into bed right after a shower and have wicked fresh sheets on the bed! :)

  41. Also, I would have to say skiing for the first time last February in Red River, NM was pretty wicked fresh! That cool mountain air is the stuff my dreams are made of :) :) :)

  42. Our most recent snow was pretty fresh! We don't get it too often in NC but it's always refreshing!


  43. Wicked fresh moment was building a snowman in the crazy cold weather :)


  44. I am a follower!


  45. My wicked fresh moment is when I first wake up!


  46. I became a follower on GFC via Twitter.

  47. most wicked fresh moment was probably the first time I tried a peppermint patty! So minty & delicious :)

  48. I "Like" Toms of Maine on Facebook.


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