
Tuesday, December 21, 2010


IHeart: December Sponsors

I am such a blessed lady.  Blessed to have a fun blogging hobby turned passion turned daily job.  Blessed to have fine individuals sponsoring this dream of mine, to keep it up and running!

I have a new sponsor on board this month!  You may remember her, as she partnered with me to do an awesome giveaway earlier this year, which was a huge success and caught a lot of buzz!

Michelle's title says it all.  It's quite amazing really!  But you CAN cook 5 dinners in just ONE hour too!!

Here's how:

Michelle has created a plan to cook all 5 dinners for the week in just ONE hour. All the menu plans have family friendly meals that feed 4-6 people and no, they are not all casseroles. :)

The meals are fresh, not frozen. They keep in your refrigerator until ready to heat and eat!

You could spend one hour on a Saturday or Sunday preparing 5 meals for your busy week!!  Yep, it only costs you the cost of the groceries and the one hour time investment, and you have meals for the whole week!  Done!

Not only does the fact that you can make 5 dinners in one hour sound incredible, but nothing is better than coming home from work and having your dinner already prepared before you run off to that kiddo's sporting event or music lesson.  It saves money on eating out and causes so much less stress in trying to find time to feed your family on a busy work/school night!  This is such music to this mom's ears I tell you!!!

You can find all the details right here on Michelle's blog.  And while you are there, I am sending Michelle virtual hugs to thank her for her support of IHeart Organizing!


Jane has continued to be a faithful IHeart Organizing Sponsor.  Love!

For those of you a litter newer to IHeart Organizing, The Borrowed Abode is the blog of a not-so-plain girl named Jane, who's on a quest to make her rented house a personalized home.  Whether she's busy creating landlord-friendly decor solutions, organizing closets, refashioning old clothes, or building her own furniture, she's having a blast and sharing her adventures in DIY-ing.  And she's doing it all while trying to make the world a better place, through simplifying, upcycling, and shopping for fair trade goods.

Jane shares the borrowed abode with her boyfriend {who occasionally takes over the blog to poke fun at the home design blogging world} as well as two cats and two dogs.

Having rented more than 11 spaces in only 9 years, she's had to adjust to make do with all sorts of quirky decorating solutions.  This blog was inspired by her search for affordable decorating and storage solutions that work, no matter how temporary the space called home is.

She is full of endless great ideas, makes me laugh all the time, and is in the process of sharing her journey in starting up her Etsy shop, which I know will be an amazing success!

I am still happy dancing for Jane's continued support!


My blogging BFF, Amanda who writes the blog Our Humble A{Bowe}d,  is continuing to support me as well!  You must be feeling the love now?!

You just have to check out her incredible blog, where this multi-talented gal will leave you insanely inspired with all sorts of crafty ideas.  Like insane amounts of multi-talented inspirational projects.  Not to mention, you can take her fabulous home tour, which is sure to give you oodles of bliss!

Fortunately for us, Amanda runs one of my favorite shops on Etsy, where you can snag all sorts of goodies, from a trendy desktop calendar to incredible modern portraits.  

I got to give her a real appreciation hug in person last weekend when we met for the first time.  I adore her!

As many of you who write blogs know, it's like a full time job!  It requires time to think up ideas, write up posts, edit pictures and reply to loads of comments and emails.  These gals are making this dream job of mine, possible for me by sponsoring this blog.  There are no words for how grateful I truly am.

P.S.  Interested in becoming a Sponsor of IHeart Organizing?  Check out my "Contact Me" page for additional details!  I would heart to partner up!


  1. I need to get my ad to you. Im excited to advertise on such a fabulous blog! Merry Christmas.

    ps. Im having my link party today... woud love for you to link up an organizing post. ;)

  2. Thanks, have just subscribed to 5 dinners in 1 hour, sounds like a great idea!!


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