
Tuesday, December 7, 2010


All I Want For Christmas Is You!

Go ahead, take a moment to belt out the words to some Mariah Carey... it's OK, I am doing it too!

She says it perfectly, "All I want for Christmas is you!"  Really, I just want you to enjoy hanging out with me, here on this lil ol blog.  And that's why I have an itty bitty favor to ask....

What's in it for you?  Why another freebie of course!  Deal?

My blog brain is always racing, and I really started to wonder some questions about my fantastic clan of readers.  So, I would be forever grateful if you would take a moment to read through the questions, and leave a comment, answering one, some or all of the inquiries I have.  By you doing this, I am hoping that I can really gain an understanding of why you are here today, and what I can do to keep you coming back for more!  Win win!

Ok, here we go.

Question #1:   What are your "must" read blogs, and why?  {don't worry, I won't be offended if I don't top your list, I am still a blogger newbie with oodles to learn!}  What is the most important thing you look for in a blog?  What are your favorite blog topics?  {sorry, I guess that is like three questions in one...}

Question #2:  What is currently your biggest organizing dilemma?  What type of advice are you patiently waiting for?

Question #3:  Why do you visit IHeart Organizing?  What is bringing you back each day?

Question #4:  What is missing from IHeart Organizing that you would like to see more of?

Question #5:  What is something that made you laugh recently?  Just because I wanna know!

That's it.  Painless right?  I would be forever grateful if you would just take an extra second out of your busy day to leave some words for me.  And feel free to comment Anonymously if you would like.  I won't mind.  It's all for the sake of this blog.  Because IHeart this blog, and IHeart you.

Now, here is your freebie... Holiday Address Labels!  Enjoy!

{click here to download your FREE copy of the Holiday Address Labels}

Just click the "Download" link above and update your information in Microsoft Word {they are formatted to fit Avery Template 5160}.

Happy Holidays my blog peeps!


  1. Question #1: What are your "must" read blogs, and why? I started blogging by reading coupon blogs but over the last year my MUSTS are Couponing to Disney, I'm an Org Junkie (Which is how I found you!), Once a Month Mom and now IHeartOrganizing after I found you a few months ago!

    What is the most important thing you look for in a blog? Person and Topic I can relate to
    What are your favorite blog topics? Coupoining and Orgnaizing

    Question #3: Why do you visit IHeart Organizing? What is bringing you back each day? I love the projects you do and you give me insipiration to tackle my projects at home! I love the Tiles you do and will be asking about you doing one for my kitchen very soon!

  2. Question #1: What are your "must" read blogs, and why?
    Young House Love, Bower Power, Making it Lovely, and of course, I heart organising! Because I like to do things myself. I like crafts and I love to recycle and reuse things rather than buying new. I dream about my home being clutter-free and tidy all the time, and instead of getting up and doing it, I like to read about it! No, that's only partly true, I've made so many great changes since reading all the blogs.

    Question #2: What is currently your biggest organizing dilemma? What type of advice are you patiently waiting for?

    Bookshelves. Bathrooms. Linen cupboards. And functional offices at the workplace would be good - having a pretty and functional office at home is one thing, but in a professional workplace I need all the organisation, but no ribbons and pretty labels! I'd love to see you tackle someone's real-life cube. Also, I just love it when you go and organise other people's houses as well, I'd love to see more of that. Your house is already looking great (so sorry about the flood by the way), but you can do some amazing before and afters on less organised people's homes.

    Question #3: Why do you visit IHeart Organizing? What is bringing you back each day?

    New ideas. I love that you take lots of photos - good and plentiful photos is the difference between a blog I only look at once, and blogs I keep coming back to. Also, I love that I once asked a question, and you answered me directly, and it solved my problem! I feel like I am now a loyal 'customer'. I also love that you don't do lots of posts about things to buy - I use blogs because I don't want to be shopping too much and buying more clutter, so when I see moodboards and things on other blogs I just skip them.

    Question #4: What is missing from IHeart Organizing that you would like to see more of?

    I'd be very happy to see readers putting your ideas into practice - I love all organising inspiration and different people can take the same idea and execute it very differently. I've seen a couple of reader makeovers, but I'd be happy to see more. I'd also like to see more detail on specific areas - cutlery and kitchen utensil storage, or coffee and tea making facilities perhaps. I loved the post about your spice jars!

    Question #5: What is something that made you laugh recently? Just because I wanna know!
    It was an in-joke, so it's not worth repeating, but we had a good laugh and I felt better for it!

    Finally, thanks for all your hard work, you are so generous for sharing this all with us. I really do visit every day, and I'm always so excited to see what you are up to. Merry Christmas to you and your family xxx

  3. Question #1: What are your "must" read blogs, and why? {don't worry, I won't be offended if I don't top your list, I am still a blogger newbie with oodles to learn!} What is the most important thing you look for in a blog? What are your favorite blog topics? {sorry, I guess that is like three questions in one...}
    iheartorganizing :)

    Relatable topics (crafting, scrapbooking, organizing, family, home, recipes)

    Question #2: What is currently your biggest organizing dilemma? Moved into my Parents home with my hubby and three kids 4 years ago. They moved next door. STILL trying to purge and combine 2 households into one. What type of advice are you patiently waiting for?
    How to get it all done - for me feels like not enough time in the day. Work full time, three children.

    Question #3: Why do you visit IHeart Organizing? The inspiration. What is bringing you back each day? Same.

    Question #4: What is missing from IHeart Organizing that you would like to see more of?
    Acutal photos of a project (in the midst of it). Purging, storing, organizing. Would love to see a plan for organizing an entire household - broken down by month? next year.

    Question #5: What is something that made you laugh recently? Just because I wanna know!
    My 4 year old recently asked me (playing pretend) to be her "wife" - I agreed and she replies "well let's get busy and make some children!" LOL!

    Thanks for the feedback opportunity! Love your blog!

  4. #1 Your blog is really the blog that got me reading blogs and now I'm hooked! I love Bower Power, YHL, Sweet Something Designs, Under the Table and Dreaming, and the Nesting Place. I like blogs that share craft, decorating and basic family life and these touch on all of that.

    #2 I can't say that I'm waiting for any particular advice (other than how to wean my 13mth old off the bedtime bottle!) I find that your posts influence me in my own life. I am looking at spaces much more differently now. My biggest challenge is organizing my time. I am still trying to get my husband to accept the cleaning schedule (I used your template!) I think once the day to day organizing (lunches, dinners, cleaning) that I can move on to bigger projects.

    #3 I read each day for a variety of reasons. 1) I just like your blog and style of writing. It feels personal as we see your family and the challenges. 2) GREAT ideas!!! 3) I am always inspired!

    #4 As I mentioned, I am always interested in how to organize time. Overall I feel that you do a good job of balancing different types of organizing projects from the big down to the little things like the fridge handles! (I have to try that!)

    #5 My 13mth old daughter always has us laughing. She gets really silly before bedtime. She was walking around putting a large Halloween candy bowl on her head and sticking her arms out like Frankenstien. She was cracking up and so were we!

  5. Thanks for the freebie.. I needed those. Gotta send out my Christmas cards~ :)

  6. q1: I love many blogs but among my favourites: desipre to inspire, honey we're home, Hooked on houses, the decorista, belle masion, la dolce vita. I want to feel inspired by a blog.

    q2: Linen cupboard, recycling, cleaning eco-friendly.

    q3: I loooooooove organizing and I like the great ideas.

    q4:I'd love to se a post a about organizing a linen cup board. I love cleaning and recycling tips. I think it is very nice when you show how readers have organized.

    q5: My husband confessing his love for comics! We've known each other for 10 years and I had no idea he loved reading Donald Duck comics.

  7. Question #1-I love reading going home to roost, and white waxflower. I love reading about before and afters, bargains and how to recreate ideas for cheap!

    Question #2-I have been trying to figure out how
    to organize my cleaning stuff. I have some stuff under our kitchen sink, in both bathrooms and vacuums and mops in a closet. I usually make my own cleanin products so i have all the ingredients in my laundry room. I thought about getting a shoe rack to go on the door of my laundry room and putting all my cleaning stuff in there but what about when i need to move around? i like having everything for example "cleaning supplies" in one place not scattered around the house. i need your help :)

    Question #3-I LOVE organizing and i love seeing how other people do it, you have great ideas and inspiration!

    Question #4-I would love to see more decorating how to's. Like how to throw a christmas party, or how to set a table. Also cheaply :)

    Question #5-My friend put a video on fb of her little boy laughing, he is 1 and he sounded like woody the wood pecker! it was hilarious!

  8. I haven't been reading for very long, but I love seeing your ideas!

    #1: Young House Love, New Dress A Day, iHeart Organizing, and *Remodolaholic* are my top reads among the blogs I follow. Each of these blogs sets a fire under me with inspiration. Each makes me feel as though I'm bursting at the seams to try some of these projects. I guess I look for blogs that would make me become better at "domestic" activities like DIY projects, decorating, cooking, sewing, organizing, and all around better home management. My favorite topics are those that are inexpensive and easy to take on myself.

    #2: My biggest dilemma is not having the finances I need to make things happen. My current "dilemma" is trying to figure out how to make more closet space in our tiny master bedroom closet. I want to do something like the hidden master bedroom closets on Young House Love blog, but we're in a rental, so making a "built in" is kind of ridiculous.

    #3: I like the seemingly simple solutions that it takes someone else to bring up that makes me go "DUH - Why didn't I think of that!" I love the refreshingly creative and thrifty ideas.

    #4: I haven't been a follower for very long, so I don't know all of what's here in the archives. But maybe more ideas for people living with small spaces or in rentals that have to be organized by non-permanent changes (paint, wallpaper, built-ins, etc).

    #5: I went to go see my sister play the part of Ouiser in "Steel Magnolias" over the weekend and it was pretty hilarious.

  9. Question #1: What are your "must" read blogs, and why? {don't worry, I won't be offended if I don't top your list, I am still a blogger newbie will oodles to learn!} What is the most important thing you look for in a blog? What are your favorite blog topics? {sorry, I guess that is like three questions in one...}
    My Favorite Blog of all is Young House Love because I like that they do home improvement projects that don’t break the budget and they’re also very crafty without being too hokie. They also post on a variety of topics that pertain to my life, home improvement, baby gear, buying/selling a home, DIY topics. The most important thing I look for in a blog is something that will inspire me to do something I need to do, like get rid of things I’m not using. I read your blog because it offers manageable tips to organize things without having to run out and buy tons of things. I also like that you post about organizing things that I haven’t figured out what to do with them yet. My favorite blog topics are home improvement, great deals, organzing, baking, sewing, and creating modern crafts.

    Question #2: What is currently your biggest organizing dilemma? What type of advice are you patiently waiting for?
    I have been struggling with our unfinished basement. We have storage bins down there but I’d like to figure out how to pare down what we have. I have lots of cake baking/decorating things to organize in the basement, over flow office items and the usual luggage and holiday items I’m trying to organize.

    Question #3: Why do you visit IHeart Organizing? What is bringing you back each day?
    I like your approach to organizing. You offer a realistic depiction including how it often gets worse before it gets better when you start a project. I also like the labels you create and that they’re offered for readers to download and customize. I honestly haven’t downloaded any yet but it’s on my to-do list.

    Question #4: What is missing from IHeart Organizing that you would like to see more of?
    If you could magically figure out how to organize my basement that would be awesome 

    Question #5: What is something that made you laugh recently? Just because I wanna know!
    I’m a school librarian and the other day a little girl asked me if we had any books about “getting rid of your teacher” because she was tired of being corrected.

  10. Question #1: YHL, White Flower Farm House, A Beach Cottage, Tasty Kitchen Blog, and several blogs from personal friends of mine (and I Heart Organizing too!). I look for content- things that pertain to me and my life. Since my husband and I just got married and bought our first home together, that's what grabbing my attention most right now. Blogs that make me laugh, are WELL written, and have great photos keep me coming back. And of course- things that are creative, DIY, green, and budget friendly *really* make me smile even bigger.

    Question #2: our "new" condo is a total fixer upper with one centralized space that includes a home office, living room, & dining room. How to make them organized into 3 separate rooms that are still cohesive- is a mind boggler for me. Also, kitchen cabinets, drawers, general kitchen organization- would love more about that! Oh- and closets! I have a really hard time with linen closets for some reason.

    Question #3: I was born organizing. When I see a closet with everything in it's place with all sorts of labels and bins, I get tingly all over. So when I came across your blog- woowie! I knew I'd be a loyal follower to see what other ideas you might have, to get warm fuzzies, and to help inspire me to stay motivated.

    Question #4: You are doing a superb job my friend! I just started my own blog a few months back and I know how hard it is (sometimes) to keep it up. And your photo editing- EXCELLENT! (that really does matter). Oh- and you address reader comments- such a nice touch! Maybe I'd like to see more of the plan prior to tackling a project. An analysis of sorts. Then the implementation of said plan. Before and afters are awesome, but sometimes it's nice to see the 'durings' too. Also, anything super unique. Topics that are rare or aren't addressed (like your fridge post was great!) or creative WAYS to tackle a project. It's all about creating that need for us to want to want more. But you are doing a great job- nice work!

    Question 5: Our pooch likes to snuggle with us in bed in the morning. This morning, she was extra close to my husband so he used this to reason that she loved him more than she loved me. Then she tooted.


    A few times.

    It was priceless. :)

  11. Q 1: Your blog is in my top 5. I love it! Keep up the good work! I also read Young House Love, Bower Power, Org Junkie, and a few others along the same lines.

    Q 2: I would love to hear your advice on photo storage and displays. I have two small kids, so I have hundreds of photos that are currently on my computer. I rarely print them off, which bothers me. I don't have time to scrapbook, and I would love to know how you handle family and kid photos.

    Q 3: I love your practical and affordable ideas for making my house a home. Ive had so many " why didn't I think of that?!" moments while reading your blog. You inspire me :).

    Q 4: Cant think of anything off the top of my head

    Q 5: My 18 month old daugter with Red lipstick all over her face and bangles up to her elbows!

  12. 1) I have 4 area of passion for me personally, so I read blogs accordingly: Baking (Cupcakes Take The Cake, Bake at 350, Piece of Cake, Three Baking Sheets To The Wind, Bakerella). Organization and DIY (Young House Love, IHeart Organizing, Buzzings of a Queen Bee). Photography (Paisley Wallpaper, Donna Harris Photography, Jasmine Star Photography, Life With My 3 Boybarians, Jessica Claire). Motherhood (Fly Through Our Window, Ducks In A Row).

    Wow I read a lot of blogs!

    2) I have a shoe box sized house. 1080sqft. With NO basement, NO garage, and NO extra closets for storage. No one seems to want to tackle this!

    3) I visit because it's a bright and cheerful blog. The organizational tips and decorating ideas are awesome! I've put many to use in my own house. I love the happy tone of your blog as well. It has become one of my happy places.

    4) Nothing

    5) My son is 2 1/2 so he's constantly keeping me in stitches!

    Just a personal note: Thank you for sharing your passions and your talents on this blog. You have literally elevated the quality of my life because I read your blog. Truly.

  13. Question #1: What are your "must" read blogs, and why? I love Young House Love, Meet My Ugly Baby, Remodelholic, and I Heart Organizing. I love blogs that make projects that I might look at as a huge challenge seem doable!

    Question #2: What is currently your biggest organizing dilemma? What type of advice are you patiently waiting for? Oh gosh, everything? We moved less than two months ago and have an entire house worth of stuff to get organized still!

    Question #3: Why do you visit IHeart Organizing? What is bringing you back each day? It's my calming influence! I love seeing the solutions you've come up with in your space and figuring out how I can adapt them into my own home.

    Question #4: What is missing from IHeart Organizing that you would like to see more of? I can't think of anything that's missing! I love what you're doing now!

    Question #5: What is something that made you laugh recently? Just because I wanna know! The episode of How I Met Your Mother I watched last night!

  14. Question #1: IHeart Organizing, YHL, Bower Power, Centsational Girl, and House of Smiths are my daily reads. Then I have some that I'll look at once or twice a week. Oh, Copy Cat Chic is a great one, too.

    Question #2: Our entry and coat closet. Seriously small and it flows right into our entry. Must add furniture! I think you do a great job and I don't think anything is missing :)

    Question #3: I come back becuase I love your style, both in decorating and writing. I think you have great, useable, user friendly ideas and I think most of us are missing out on organization.

    Question #4: I don't think you're missing anything. Though, if you added something, I'm sure I'd love it!

    Question #5: My kids! They're so strange, yet so cute! My 3 year old is obsessed with the strangest things, like post its and scratched dvds. My 9 month old has started GROWLING at people. And, he has the cutest, cheesy grin and expressive eyebrows. Laugh all the time.

  15. Question #1: I love Apartment Therapy and Young House Love. Apartment Therapy has a lot of ideas and updates a billion times per day; Young House Love - I just love their style! I typically look for blogs with a lot of photos and Before/Afters. Blog topic faves - organizing, before/afters, etc.

    Question #2: I live in a small apartment, and it's hard to organize closet space effectively for my boyfriend and I. I'm trying to find a way to store product boxes discretely, and organize closets to maximize their small spaces.

    Question #3: Because I HEART ORGANIZING, too! lol

    Question #4: The content itself leaves little to be desired -- the site could use a spruce-up, though.

    Question #5: Not something you or your readers might find funny, but I was playing a video game and a little critter was following me around through a minefield, and kept hitting them...and started bouncing back and forth between land mine explosions for a solid 5 minutes. It was hysterical!

  16. My favorite blogs are Notes from a Cottage Industry, Young House Love, Resolved2Worship, Organizing Junkie. Your blog has become my new favorite blog because you have made a beautiful home in a real house. I love seeing the big, beautiful homes on blogs, but I live in a simple house. You have given me hope that I can make my house beautiful and organized. Thank you.

  17. i read your blog for short time, i stumbled upon it on other organizing blog, i'm sorry but i don't remember which one. i added it to my reader because i like organising and redecorating, and i actually enjoy organising-related stuff. at this moment my biggest problem is daily rhythm/routine - how to organise my day! (and my closet - i mean, my landlord's closet which i'm renting and cannot change it permanently).
    i like to read about people's lives, for example, i'm great fan of soulemama. i like decorating, so i enjoy peeks into other people's well designed spaces.

  18. Question #1: What are your "must" read blogs, and why? {don't worry, I won't be offended if I don't top your list, I am still a blogger newbie with oodles to learn!} What is the most important thing you look for in a blog? What are your favorite blog topics? {sorry, I guess that is like three questions in one...}

    YHL (I came over here after seeing your amazing office), Making it Lovely, Bower Power, Freckles Chick, The Lettered Cottage, Makeit-Loveit, Make-it-do. So they're mostly decorate-y or crafty blogs. I like blogs with inspiring ideas that I feel like I could do, entertaining writing, nice pictures, and frequent posts.

    Question #3: Why do you visit IHeart Organizing? What is bringing you back each day?
    ALL of the reasons listed above! :) Plus we're both from WI.

    Question #5: What is something that made you laugh recently? Just because I wanna know!
    My mom's reaction when she opened a b-day present from me.

  19. Question #1: What are your "must" read blogs, and why? iheartorganizing, nienie, icjanerun, simplysogood, sisters4saymoreismore and I think that is all my "most" have to read each day. I like to read them all because they either inspire me or encourage me to do something and better the person that I am.

    Question #2: What is currently your biggest organizing dilemma? What type of advice are you patiently waiting for?
    *Honestly, You have helped me get my WHOLE house organized MINUS that coat closet I have in the hall. I want something done- I just haven't decided what to do with it yet.
    *To also be happy with the way you have organized- You don't have to change it UNLESS it will better use time/space! :)
    Question #3: Why do you visit IHeart Organizing? What is bringing you back each day?
    I just love your little/big hints and tips. You are encouraging. I like to see before and afters- Or how to spice up something that is small and plain.
    Question #4: What is missing from IHeart Organizing that you would like to see more of? Hmm..That is a hard one because everyone is so different. I'm not sure what your income is- but somethings that you show on here are way over the top and for regular girls like me- We can't go out and buy this or that. So I guess I have really enjoyed "shopping at your own house." Using what you already have. :) I would like to see Ways to store food in your storage room and freezing prepared meals. This is something that I am trying to "conquer" right now. I am trying different ways...right now.

    Question #5: What is something that made you laugh recently? Just because I wanna know!
    My Hubby hanging up Christmas lights. And dancing to Christmas music with my Hub and kids! Little things do make me happy!

  20. Question #1: What are your "must" read blogs, and why? {don't worry, I won't be offended if I don't top your list, I am still a blogger newbie with oodles to learn!} What is the most important thing you look for in a blog? What are your favorite blog topics? {sorry, I guess that is like three questions in one...}

    I'm always looking at new ones, but the one's I've stuck with, (my dailys) youhouselove, Iheartorganizing, and I'm obsessed with my home(literally), my husband and I have worked very hard for it, and I want to make it the most beautiful, functional, heathly, happy home I can. My fav topics are decorating and organizing. I have 3 boys, (middle one is a Parker also:) and I will take all the advice I can get.

    Question #2: What is currently your biggest organizing dilemma? What type of advice are you patiently waiting for?

    I was thrilled to see the school paper topic last week, it's my nemisis! The biggest issue is paper in general. I would like some advice on unfinished basement storage space. (We're still holding on to all the baby stuff)

    Question #3: Why do you visit IHeart Organizing? What is bringing you back each day?

    I check it every day, sometimes more than once if I'm trying to reference an archived article. I love how you're my age with 3 boys and I think- if she can do it- I can do it!
    I love how you share where you've purchased items, (and on a budget- love**!) I'm also IKEA obsessed & will make a 4 hour day trip each way- yes, 4 hrs one way, in one day- lol. (this is what happens when you live in Iowa.)

    Question #4: What is missing from IHeart Organizing that you would like to see more of?

    Just keep posting! I love it all!

    Question #5: What is something that made you laugh recently? Just because I wanna know!

    My 14 month old dancing while my other 2 boys sing the Spiderman theme song to him.

  21. Question #1: What are your "must" read blogs, and why? I read quite a few blogs but organizing is my top need, then comes crafts and finally home making blogs.

    Question #2: What is currently your biggest organizing dilemma? What type of advice are you patiently waiting for?

    My biggest dilemma currently is keeping up with laundry and dishes on a daily basis. Looking for advice on this and also how to homeschool and keep home decently livable at the same time.

    Question #3: Why do you visit IHeart Organizing? What is bringing you back each day?

    I am always looking for ideas and tips on how to run my home smoother.

    Question #4: What is missing from IHeart Organizing that you would like to see more of?

    I find all post useful keep up the awesome posts.

    Question #5: What is something that made you laugh recently? Just because I wanna know!

    My 3 yr old when he does things I didn't expect him to do. He is getting to be pretty sneaky lil guy.

  22. Question #1: What are your "must" read blogs, and why? {don't worry, I won't be offended if I don't top your list, I am still a blogger newbie with oodles to learn!} What is the most important thing you look for in a blog? What are your favorite blog topics? {sorry, I guess that is like three questions in one...}
    iheartorganizing, YHL, Fantabulous Cricut,
    I love organizing and crafting.

    Question #2: What is currently your biggest organizing dilemma? What type of advice are you patiently waiting for? I live in a small 800 sqft house with 2 young boys. So living in small spaces would be great

    Question #3: Why do you visit IHeart Organizing? What is bringing you back each day?
    Love the way you write and I can relate.

    Question #4: What is missing from IHeart Organizing that you would like to see more of?
    Nothing love it!!!!

  23. I read quite a few blogs. I like each one for different reasons. What everyone has in common is that I can improve my life somehow. It could be a good coupon deal, decorating, crafing organizing etc. It is fun to see what other people are doing.

    Thanks for your blog. I enjoy reading it and learning. : )

    Martha from VA

  24. Question #1: Younghouselove, Iheart Organizing, Aurajoon, Kevin & Amanda, Freckled Nest, Confections of a Foodie Bride...I have tons, so I'm going to cut it down. I tend to be drawn towards decorating blogs or blogs that I find inspirational and inspiring. I'm also very big into blogs with interesting, fun or just plain easy recipes.

    Question #2: My biggest organizing dilemma has been organizing around my boyfriend. Having a place for everything so it can just go right back, but with him, he can never put anything back in it's place. I doubt there is a solution for that though lol.

    Question #3: I was hooked the first time I visited. I love all your organizing tips! You've really inspired me to be more organized (which is scary because I was pretty organized to begin with.) I keep coming back because your tips, tricks and posts never cease to inspire me!

    Question #4: I think it's pretty good, I can't think of any improvements!

    Question #5:

  25. Question #1: What are your "must" read blogs, and why? {don't worry, I won't be offended if I don't top your list, I am still a blogger newbie with oodles to learn!} What is the most important thing you look for in a blog? What are your favorite blog topics? {sorry, I guess that is like three questions in one...}

    iheartorganizing, Becky Higgins, Super Organiser Mum & Sunny Side Up are my absolute favs.

    I look for lots of photos, I like to see what the blogger is writing about.

    Favourite blog topics are parenting, organising and lately some basic craft ideas.

    Question #2: What is currently your biggest organizing dilemma? What type of advice are you patiently waiting for?
    My biggest dilemma is adapting my organising methods to ever changing houses. My husband is a soldier and my young children (6 & 3) are in their 4th house in the 3rd state. I have had to adjust to no pantry at all, tiny wardrobes and tiny kitchens with no storage to walk in robes and storage rooms with shelves galore.

    Question #3: Why do you visit IHeart Organizing? What is bringing you back each day?
    Your home and methods are realistic and achievable. A lot of organising blogs are great but often the homes are huge and the money is a little more free flowing than the average family. You offer affordable solutions and make your home beautiful.

    Question #4: What is missing from IHeart Organizing that you would like to see more of?
    I think you have it spot on, I have passed your blog onto friends and all have raved about it and stalked your posts back to the beginning. Well done!

    Question #5: What is something that made you laugh recently? Just because I wanna know!
    My youngest, Daisy had her 3yo assessment yesterday to check she was ready for Kinder next year. When the nurse quizzed her she asked her last name. The response: "Daisy McCrazy". My poor darling, after 3 years of her parents calling her that she is now fully convinced it's her real name.

  26. Question #1:

    I have a whole lotta favs. But there are only a few I have gone back to the beginning and read Those would be Iheartorganizing, Webbisodes, My Little Life, Remodelaholic, YHL, Enjoying the Small Things, and eighteen25.

    Question 2:

    My biggest organizing dilemma right now is my master bedroom. We have two small closets, no dresser and a HUGE room. I guess Im just trying to figure out what to do with all the extra space.

    Question 3:
    I visit you because I get inspired to get off my lazy butt and DO something about the clutter and the mess. My pantry and my living room are happier because of it!

    Question 4:
    I honestly cant think of anything! I really love everything that your doing. Although I think I agree with the person that said they liked it when you featured friends spaces you helped to organize. I love those!!

    Question 5:

    My 2 and a half year old is constantly showing us how his "head falls down" onto his shoulders and he struggles to get it back upright. Its so cute and so funny. I just love it!

  27. Q1: must read blogs:,, howaboutorange, zakkalife, ourhumbleabowed, younghouselove and of course, yours! im pretty sure i found your site through one of those about 3 months ago. so far i have LOVED going back and reading all your archives! ive reorganized our kitchen,fridge, study, bedroom and will redo the storage room soon! as far as what keeps me going back to those blogs is how the people writing htem are real people and are quirky and dont try to make everything glamorous - cause my life certainly isn't =P i like your simple layout, ive tried to follow more blogs but the more stuff there is to click on and load - well i loose interest.

    q2: biggest organizing dilemma is more of a design dilemma. I have a vaulted ceiling in the front room/dining room. the front room isnt used very often by us since we tend to hang out in the study. we do have a tv on the wall that meets to be the BIG wall - so there is a HUGE blank wall. i keep wanting ot paint something on a huge canvas, but what? something that big needs to make a statement without being overwhelming. my other problem is we have no money so we still use floppy bookcases we got at target which are falling apart and dont look very chic. its hard to use things we have since we dont have much to use - we are young though, and have time =)

    Q3: i like your blog because it is simple and you are bubbly when you write - i can almost imagine you just talking to me, your excitement is contagious! i read all your archives one weekend and promptly redid the whole kitchen - cabinets, drawers, fridge, dining room!

    Q4:i like seeing readers redos- i know that requires people to email you pictures (i really should, i know) and i like the colors you use in your house. in my parents house, no wall is white and every room is a different color - it reminds me that its ok to use color and not be afraid - you can repaint =) so back on topic, id like to see more readers responses or even just ideas you come across - seeing it all in one place is a lot more efficient than me searching google for ideas (as you can tell, i can go on some tangents and kill a few hours without knowing it)

    Q5: something that made me laugh recently was my boy kitty getting into the christmas tree, finally getting comfortable and looking out the window, then my girl kitty came by and started asking for rubs and he got jealous - then watching him try to get out of the tree - it was so difficult for him, and he got glitter all over himself. (im not a crazy cat lady, ive just working a lot lately so not much else has gone on lately)

    thanks again! happy holidays!

  28. Question #1: What are your "must" read blogs, and why? I visit blogs that are all about craft or reusing things in your house eg: painting a secondhand cupboard. New ideas for storage that dont cost the earth.

    Question #2: What is currently your biggest organizing dilemma? What type of advice are you patiently waiting for? My house is fairly organized. I follow these sites for tweaks and inspiration.

    Question #3: Why do you visit IHeart Organizing? What is bringing you back each day? I am an organization addict and love to see new ideas and thoughts on organizing. I have used some of the ideas that I have found on your site, but because we rent I cant do as much as I want.

    Question #4: What is missing from IHeart Organizing that you would like to see more of? I would love to see the follow up pictures from people who you have offered advice to. I love the readers makeovers, but maybe you could set a theme once a month where people organize one area in their homes, such as the linen cupboard, and then send in their photos so that we can see how different people attack the same areas but come up with different solutions. Your site in a great reference tool to use as a starting point.

    Question #5: What is something that made you laugh recently? Just because I wanna know! My kids make me laugh everyday.

  29. Question #1: Superorganiser mum, iheart organizing, Confessions of an organizing junkie and YHL - I am VERY intererested in seeing what everyone is doing to organise.

    Question #2: Sitting down and working out just what I want from each place and then making it that way, but I am getting there, oh and my terrible filing system!!!

    Question #3: Your inspirational ideas, I love them and I visit every day for more ideas and then look at the archives as I am reasonably new here. You give me ideas that are doable and I love them, I just want to get onto organising things around my house!! Oh and I love seeing all the pics you post too, its great to see it all going on.

    Question #4: Just keep putting up posts and inspiring me, oh and I would love to see more of what others are doing from being inspired by you.

    Question #5: My 6.5 year old DD coming down the stairs after going to bed and saying "Can you two keep it down please" as my DH and I were having a louder conversation than normal at that time. I just laughed and laughed at that

  30. Question #1: This one, mostly.

    Question #2: How to successfully declutter my office space, where and how to organize all my damn papers!

    Question #3: I love your makeovers! I love the photos of a room or area of a room before and after. It gives me lots of ideas and it's very inspiring! Especially the ones where you don't spend money- you make over a space using what you already have!

    Question #4: Not much- I'd love more posts because I love your work.

    Question #5: The faces my seven week old daughter makes when she's on the potty. We're practicing elimination communication and it's a blast!

  31. Question #1: What are your "must" read blogs, and why? They are simple and not cluttered, easy to navigate (yours), updated frequently (yours), interesting (yours!)

    Question #2: What is currently your biggest organizing dilemma? I am very visual and so is my husband so I don't know what to do with the clutter that collects on the counter/table. Things that if I put them away I will forget to do them or that I have them. I have a system for grocery coupons and for our bills but all the other stuff I don't know what to do with!

    Question #3: Why do you visit IHeart Organizing? Great tips, before and afters and freebies! Inspiration.

    Question #5: What is something that made you laugh recently? Just because I wanna know! My one year old...she makes me laugh, she makes me cry....mostly laugh.

  32. 1. I have about 6 that I must read because they have a mix of house renos, fashion, craft, all of which interest me the most. I look for lots of pictures, words with a bit of humour, something to make me smile and keep reading on. Fav topics are before and afters, organising the house, easy crafts for the seasons (ie: Xmas)
    2. How to organise my craft room better than just drawers for my zillions of papers, stickers and scrapping supplies. How to organise my jewellery so its all stored neatly and easy for me to accessories.
    3. I love to visit your blog as you are full of fresh ideas, show real life stories, explain how you organise things so anyone can do it. Personally, giveaways don’t draw me in at all I’m there for you and your ideas, not to win something.
    4. I’m a sucker for a Before and After!
    5. Bantering with my friends, they can always put a smile on my face when I need it the most.
    P.S. Its a family tradition to put on the Mariah Carey Christmas CD every year when putting up the Xmas tree :)

  33. Question #1: Your blog and 5 Dinners in 1 hour are my top 2. I'm new to blogging and totally captured. I like topics concerning home-keeping such as cleaning, organizing and how to make/keep our home beautiful. 5DinnersIn1Hour isn't necessarily one on those topics but it has completely changed my way of providing a good home cooked meal every night with ease.
    I look for a blogs that are on the above topics that update often with great ideas and photos which is why I love (heart) your blog.

    Question #2: My current dilemma is organizing my hall only small hall closet and my sons play toys in his closet. I hope to send photos to you once I tackle them but currently working on our bathroom update so it'll be a couple weeks before I can tackle those

    Question #3: I visit each day to see your new post and to read some older post since I'm new.

    Question #4: As someone else mentioned, I wouldn't mind seeing more organizing in other homes since yours is so beautiful already. Also I liked when you determine a month to be centered on a certain area of the home. It helps focus my energy.

  34. Question #2: What is currently your biggest organizing dilemma? What type of advice are you patiently waiting for? Paper work - from kids school stuff to medical info to tax junk all of it drives me crazy and there is no end to it. Thanks for the freebie:)

  35. Question #1: I have about 30 on my Google homepage of which I read about 25 daily. But if I can't get to them all daily, I MUST read the following (home-paged on the ol' iPad): Young House Love, Centsational Girl, House of Smiths, Peppermint Bliss, Jones Design Co., Made By Girl, Tied with a Bouw, Hesseltime and IHeart Organizing (seriously!!).
    The most important thing I look for is that they update their blog! I don't mind if it's every other day, but if someone is constantly "taking a break from blogging" I sort of give up. Next, I really only like them if they're creative in their own right. I dislike when some bloggers just post things they've found in magazines and its photo after photo (usually uncredited) of a bedroom or living room (so boring).
    My fave blog topics are usually before & afters and money savers. I don't particularly like reading about all of the great scores people made at their local thrift store, because most likely they live no where near me. Also, I do usually enjoy true product reviews (not those that you're being paid for, even though I know its all your opinion - it still feels forced).

    Question #2: My biggest organizing dilemma is coming home from work with mail, groceries, dinner dishes, change of work clothes, load of laundry, primetime tv, paying bills, etc. i.e. My "day in the life of me" has no rhythm or organization.
    I can't think of anything. I'll let you know if I do! :)

    Question #3: I really enjoy that your posts are upbeat and friendly. I never feel like you are trying to be better than your readers, but instead you're relating to us. I enjoy how you take the time to organize small things like kitchen drawers - something so small in the big picture, but it makes a difference on a daily basis. I also love your office re-do posts and your Got 10 posts!

    Question #4: Not too much is missing. I could use some crafting projects, but when I come to an organizing blog, I like that it's about organizing. But, just FYI, I don't mind if you post about topics outside of general organization. :)

    Question #5:

  36. **I also love and so appreciate that you comment back to reader questions! Thank you for that!

    And for #3 your side by side pics are so useful when comparing before and afters.

  37. Question #1: What are your "must" read blogs, and why?
    Too many too list them all! Some of my faves are IHeart Organizing, YHL, Bower Power, The Borrowed Abode, Unclutterer, Get Rich Slowly, A Slob Comes Clean. I mostly like blogs about decorating and organizing I guess!

    Question #2: What is currently your biggest organizing dilemma? What type of advice are you patiently waiting for?

    Hmmm, nothing I can think of right now.

    Question #3: Why do you visit IHeart Organizing? What is bringing you back each day?

    Things are pretty decluttered and organized around here, but I like getting new ideas for organizing things. I also like that you put the extra effort into making things pretty when you organize them. Your amazing office on YHL was what brought me here, and your recent office posts have also been great! You really have a knack for creating a desk space! I guess I just love seeing how other people cleverly organize things. It inspires me to keep working on my own home.

    I also really love the fact that you re-organize spaces periodically to make them more useful, like your shoe closet. It used to bug me when I would have to organize a space more than once because it just didn't work quite right the first time around. It made me feel like I just wasn't very good at organizing because I couldn't get it "right" the first time. It's nice to see that someone who is clearly naturally gifted as an organizer like you re-works spaces to get the most out of them!

    I also love when people send in pics of how they use your suggestions and when they write in for help with an organizing dilemma.

    Question #4: What is missing from IHeart Organizing that you would like to see more of?

    I would love to give you some awesome inspiration, but I can't think of anything that's missing. Just keep doing what you do girl! You rock!

    Question #5: What is something that made you laugh recently? Just because I wanna know!

    A funny email my friend forwarded to me today with 10 reasons why you shouldn't take your husband shopping!

  38. My must-read blogs? Centsational Girl, Making This Home, Small and Chic in C-Ville, iHeart Organizing, Sew Mama Sew, Life in Rehab, Decor8.

    I love your blog just the way it is - chock full of great info and inspiration. But particularly, iHeart the fact that you are so into organizing that you'd even organize your fridge - and post about it. :)

    My biggest organizing dilemma? The fact that I can be messy at times. But I already know how to handle that - PUT THINGS AWAY WHEN I"M DONE WITH THEM, darnit!

    What made me laugh? Tonight? Oh my. The part where I had to use a hairdryer to set up our Christmas tree. Weird, huh? Don't worry, I'll be sure to share that explanation later this week on the blog.

  39. Don't have much time, so I'll just answer the first two...

    1. Must reads: ecowhore,, and

    2. I live in a very small space (6m by 2m), so I'm always interested in tips for small-space living. That is what I like about this blog. Though many of the topics don't help me much, occasionally I'll see something that gives me a good idea for my own space.

  40. Question #1: Actually I have a tab on my blog for "places I wander off to"... I picked my faves of each thing I like... you for organizing/home stuff, Nester for crafts,home design, etc, Twilighted for my guilty pleasure of reading fan fic (I can't believe I'm admitting that and not doing this anonymously), and YouCantCallItIt blog for interesting thoughts on naming your children/name trends/etc. But my google reader is filled mostly with home design/crafts/diy blogs and my friends. The ones I love the most are ones that keep it real and attainable, I don't need more outside influence to make myself feel inadequate or like I'm failing.

    Question #2: How to do it with a 4 yr old and a 2 yr old that think our house is the Thunderdome (they're sweet kids, just not at home!). And most all organizing advice (not here, I just mean in general) is from going to a larger space to a smaller space or making due with small space. I feel embarassed that we almost tripled the size of our home over a year ago... and still almost nothing has a home. There's so many cabinets, closets, rooms, etc... I just can't decide where to put what. So things are getting bad since they don't have a home, we just shove it whereever. I hate it, it makes me so angry with myself!

    Question #3: The way you present the issue and how to solve it. It's almost like you're here in person showing me, and that's what I need. Now if I could just get you to hold my hand and help me get this organzing DONE around here!

    Question #4: Gosh I can't think of anything off the top of my head. You're home is in such great order, I think we need to see more B&A's of you doing someone else's space... but I know that requires a business, time and all that (all in due time!). So it's not missing persae, but I'd still love to see your work on someone starting out not as organized :)

    Question #5: The little one helped me feed the animals this morning... the dog ended up with 2 pieces of food and the cat ended up with a pryamid of food so big you almost couldn't see her bowl! ;P

  41. Hey, I have been reading your blog for the last several weeks. YOu have beautiful ideas for organizing with style.

    Question 1 - YoungHouseLove, Centsational Girl, Orangette, Chocolate and Zuchini, Ann's Blog, Nothing but Bonfires and yours too.

    Question 2 - I am not waiting for anything specific really.Just like to get inspired.

    Question 3 - I think the writing is fresh and from the heart. The ideas are great. If I didn't live in a rental I'd put more work into my own place, but it's nice to see options on how to organize things or make desks all over the house for future reference.

    Question 4 - I'd love to see some ideas for small space living. I live in a 600sq ft place and its hard to fit everything in. We have lots of books and magazines and kitchen stuff and it's sometimes hard to figure out what to do with it all as their is not really an assigned pantry in our condo.

    Question 5 - Watching Dirty Jobs last night. Mike Rowe is aweomse.

  42. Question #1: What are your "must" read blogs, and why? Mostly sewing blogs like Twelve crafts till Christmas, Ucreate, Sew Mama Sew, Crap I've Made and yours! All the sewing and crafting stuff NEEDS to be Organized somehow!
    What is the most important thing you look for in a blog? I look for blogs with good tutorials or instructions on things I may actually have a need for and TIME to do!
    What are your favorite blog topics? Crafts, Real life stuff (Mom's with kids), blogs that are OK telling real life stories so the rest of us don't feel less than OK! Storage ideas.

    Question #2: What is currently your biggest organizing dilemma? STORAGE! Fabric and craft supplies, pantry stuff, day to day things like paper and cleaning supplies, etc.
    What type of advice are you patiently waiting for? Paper clutter ideas, So much paper comes in the door and sits on my table.....Time management, craft storage fabric storage? I just keep reading and use what I can relate to!! Sometimes I didn't even know I needed the tips that are presented!

    Question #3: Why do you visit IHeart Organizing? What is bringing you back each day? I like your ideas and that you share ideas from others. I also like that you incorporate real stuff and how you deal with it.

    Question #4: What is missing from IHeart Organizing that you would like to see more of?
    Can't think of anything! I am NOT an Organizer so far be it from me to be able to suggest what might be missing....I wouldn't know it was missing if it bit me!!

    Question #5: What is something that made you laugh recently? Just because I wanna know! We had a huge snow fall and it was perfect sticky snow, the kids and I went out and built a snow man and one of the balls was just too big for any of us to lift so we built steps to it and made a slide out of it. The kids had so much fun and we enjoyed some "Mamma play" time which is a rare event.

  43. Question #1: What are your "must" read blogs, and why? YHL, I <3 organising, Atypical Type A, Our Humble A(Bowed), Eat drink chic, Copy Cat Chic, Organising made fun.

    Question #2: What is currently your biggest organizing dilemma? What type of advice are you patiently waiting for?
    Paperwork, toys, utensil drawers

    Question #3: Why do you visit IHeart Organizing? What is bringing you back each day?
    I like your enthusiasm, imagination and really good organising ideas. I love the fact that you don't rush out and buy more stuff in your effort to be organised, because being more minimalistic is my way of being more organised. I like your creative solutions for issues- you do a lot more than just put stuff in baskets and call it organising!! Oh, and who can ever forget your signature dest in a cupboard. Divine.

    Question #4: What is missing from IHeart Organizing that you would like to see more of?
    Just more posts because I love reading them!!

    Question #5: What is something that made you laugh recently? Just because I wanna know!
    My daughter (2). I went to a market recently (to get rid of unwanted clutter), and was gone when she woke up. She asked her Daddy where I was, and when he said I had gone to the market, she replied, "oh, like the little piggy?"

  44. Question #1: What are your "must" read blogs, and why? A black fashion blog, I've followed for years. I love the fashion tips, she's interactive with her readers, celebrity fashion. As a minority, there aren't many fashion sites that cater to my interests. A finance blog. While I don't read every article, there's alot of good info about simple living, and financial responsibility.,, they're natural hair blogs. my hair is natural, and i get ideas from these blogs and inspiration.

    Question #2: What is currently your biggest organizing dilemma? What type of advice are you patiently waiting for?
    i have a room in my house that has become a catch all room. i'm a newlywed so all the stuff from our parents homes from childhood is just piled in there, highschool stuff, books, magazines, randomness...I just don't know where to start. I'd like to see a list of what you should keep in the longrun, what could be tossed, and a list of organizations that you can donate different items to.

    Question #3: Why do you visit IHeart Organizing? What is bringing you back each day?
    Pictures on your site are inspiring. I always want to see what the next project is or how you've helped someone else...maybe you can help me!

    Question #4: What is missing from IHeart Organizing that you would like to see more of?
    I'd like to see a blog roll of blogs you read on the side. I found this one through another site (YHL), and I've looked and can't find any up to date organizing blogs. I'm sure you know of some others...

    Question #5: What is something that made you laugh recently? The south park episode creme fraiche! I don't even watch the show, but my husband put on this episode saying I had to watch it. HILARIOUS.

  45. #1 – Blogs I read: I read several blogs mostly about organizing/decorating, cooking, and crafting. I use google reader and really prefer the one’s where I can see the entire post through the reader without clicking to the actual site (this might be user error). I recently found your blog and I am trying to work my way through you old posts – I love your blog. Others that I try to read ever day are: The Lettered Cottage, House of Smiths, Picky Palate, Pioneer Woman,.

    #2 – Organizing Dilemma: I have so many! Right now I am trying to find ways to organize mail/financial paperwork (I have tried sooo many systems but all of them have failed!). I really would like input on how people store all of the digital pictures (I download them to my computer and backup discs but really don’t think I am using the best system. I need some ideas and figure bloggers have to have them since you take so many pictures! I would be so happy to see some posts on this!) I love creative ideas on how to organize and store things. Our house is a decent size but we have some small spaces. For instance, my kitchen is on the small size – limited cabinets and even less drawers. I would like ideas on how to store all of my gadgets without having to get rid of too many because I actually use a lot of them!

    #3- Why I keep coming back: I really enjoy your posts. The ideas I have read so far seem doable. The pictures are great! I really enjoy the reader posts as well. I like to see different ways of doing things – whether they take your ideas and make it work for their space or just provide their solutions.

  46. Question #1: yhl, Bower Power, iheart organizing, $5 Dinners, The Grocery Cart Challenge, I’m an Organizing Junkie, Organizing made Fun, Thrifty Decor Chick, and Centsational Girl. I love any blogs about organizing, homemaking, and saving money.

    Question #2: Photos. All my digital photos are organized but it’s those old prints from back in the day that are causing me trouble.

    Question #3: I love how pulled together everything is. You are aware of every detail. Also I love all your checklists and tables!

    Question #4: Hmm? Your blog is very comprehensive but I would love to see more organizing for others. I know your time is limited with all your family responsibilities but I enjoyed the post about organizing your mom’s bathroom.

    Question #5: My 2 year old just started stripping down to nothing at the park last week for no apparent reason. My friend and I were laughing so hard I could barely tell her to stop.

  47. #1: I mostly follow craft blogs. Mod Podge Rocks was the gateway craft blog for me, and some other favorites are Dollar Store Crafts, Just Something I Made, and 12 Crafts Till Christmas.

    #2: Organizing dilemma - no real attic storage and with two little ones, we cycle through cloting sizes quickly with nowhere to store them. I want to hold on to a fair amount of it though may part with a lot just to free up space.

    #3: I keep coming back because you have a creative DIY flare to your solutions. It's not just "go to the store and buy things".

  48. Question #1: What are your "must" read blogs, and why? {don't worry, I won't be offended if I don't top your list, I am still a blogger newbie with oodles to learn!} What is the most important thing you look for in a blog? What are your favorite blog topics? {sorry, I guess that is like three questions in one...}

    ~~You are one of my Must Reads, why, you give ideas that are achieveable and relatable and I love the before and afters.

    My good friend Jen's blog and a few others with kids similar in age to mine.

    Question #2: What is currently your biggest organizing dilemma? What type of advice are you patiently waiting for?

    ~~Sadly, I feel like the dilema is everywhere and I have an email from you about how to get started etc... but it's finding the time and then helping my family keep it organized. As far as advice... I don't know. I feel like i have NO sense of style and maybe I just need to take picts of the house and show people I feel have style. Time also isn't my friend, I feel like there's never enough and budget is ZERO.

    Question #3: Why do you visit IHeart Organizing? What is bringing you back each day?

    ~I visit because I LOVE the content and because I hold out hope that my house might one day look 1/2 as great as yours.

    Question #4: What is missing from IHeart Organizing that you would like to see more of?

    ~I have no clue on this. I keep thinking you're gonna run out of things to re-do and you keep surprising me. I wonder how you're running the daycare without a basement to access they way you used to :)

    Question #5: What is something that made you laugh recently? Just because I wanna know!

    ~My kids, they make me laugh daily... my hubby also (who you know) The other day I was venting about how much our house feels always cluttered and messy and not a haven that makes me feel good walking into. He deadpanned me with "Do you want me to take my shirt off?? would that help you?"

  49. Q1: only blog I read is this! Found it a few weeks back and I'm hooked!
    Q2: my biggest organising problem is that my things don't stay organised! I clear a cupboard or draw beautifully and a month later it needs doing again!
    Q3: I love or heart! this blog because I'm an organising addict.
    Q4: things I would like to see....
    Linen storage eg: spare/guest bedding towels.
    You often mention your storage room where is this?
    Multi use rooms eg: a dining room that has to house childrens stationary and playdoh etc
    Book storage for people with lots of books
    How and where to store accessorise that you might want to swap in and out like spare pictures or candles
    How you organise your laundry to prevent pile ups of clothes towels bedding etc
    Best way to store gift wrap and cards.
    Q5: my 3 year old boy makes me laugh with his cute comments!

  50. Question #1: What are your "must" read blogs, and why? {don't worry, I won't be offended if I don't top your list, I am still a blogger newbie with oodles to learn!} What is the most important thing you look for in a blog? What are your favorite blog topics? {sorry, I guess that is like three questions in one...}

    planning with kids, super organising mum. I think it is some kind of connection, I have 2 boys and I find I usually gravitate to those with boys also. Favourite blog topics are organising, cooking - especially gluten free and parenting

    Question #2: What is currently your biggest organizing dilemma? What type of advice are you patiently waiting for?

    Biggest dilemma is the study as it is also my scrapping space, just don't know what to do there. Any advice is great.

    Question #3: Why do you visit IHeart Organizing? What is bringing you back each day?

    I love to see what you do with all those boys :) Plus you like to do things frugally and since I don't have a big budget, I love visiting for ideas.

    Question #4: What is missing from IHeart Organizing that you would like to see more of?

    more blogs you like to read, places you like to shop

    Question #5: What is something that made you laugh recently? Just because I wanna know!

    Just the funny things my boys do, they have me in stitches sometimes!

  51. Question #1: What are your "must" read blogs, and why? {don't worry, I won't be offended if I don't top your list, I am still a blogger newbie with oodles to learn!} What is the most important thing you look for in a blog? What are your favorite blog topics? {sorry, I guess that is like three questions in one...}

    My must-reads are: Chez Larsson, Young House Love, The Lettered Cottage, Lavender and Lillies, Clean Mama, Catholic Icing, It's Not All Flowers and Sausages, The Cornerstone Devotions, Girls in the Beauty Dept. and iHeart Organizing. For real! These I have a ton of blogs in my google reader that I enjoy checking in on, but my favorites have to do with design, style, education and crafts (I'm a Catholic school elementary teacher). My must-reads generally have great photographs, and personality. You start to feel like you know the writer's personality through reading their blog posts daily. I have only been reading iHeart organizing since Nov. 15 and it really is one I check on daily!

    My favorite blog topics are definitely before-and-afters! On a grand scale (like your gorgeous closet/office) or a mini-scale... (looking at that teacher's before-and-after desk drawer was disturbingly fun for me!) I love organizing before and afters even more than decorating ones. I am partial to classroom before and afters, and how teachers organize the crazy amount of paperwork we have being a teacher. I know you wouldn't have that as a focus but from time to time I'd love to see more. I probably mostly read blogs for inspiration and humor!

    Question #2: What is currently your biggest organizing dilemma? What type of advice are you patiently waiting for?

    Paperwork, paperwork, paperwork, at home and at school.

    Question #3: Why do you visit IHeart Organizing? What is bringing you back each day?

    I love the projects you work on, including seemingly minor things like a kitchen drawer. I really like the color you use and the humor you show in your writing.

    Question #4: What is missing from IHeart Organizing that you would like to see more of?

    I've only been reading for a month so there are still plenty of back-posts for me to read. Just more "simple solutions" and photos, that kind of thing.

    Question #5: What is something that made you laugh recently? Just because I wanna know!

    My students make me laugh constantly!

  52. Question #1: What are your "must" read blogs, and why?

    1.Younghouselove - beautiful home set up (clean, nicely finished, airy), fun couple (inspires my r'ship), happy attitude, regular posts, promote lifestyle of function, design and thriftiness

    2. Iheartorganizing - organisational topics, inspiration, positivity, aspire to home tidiness and your level of motivation in making things happen. Even though I don't want kids I enjoy reading blogs of people who I know have kids but still do things like this (tidy, organised home with focus on attractive set up). I like that I have the option of reading about your kids in a separate area if I want to check in on your cute family, but if I'm just feeling like straight up homewares and organising I can come to this blog., - fashion, beauty, home decor, positive, stylish. - cats, funny, nice way to lift spirits at work!

    BowerPowerBlog - nice projects around the home, focus on demstic goddess/family living without being too family focused... ok that doesn't make sense!

    Question #2: What is currently your biggest organizing dilemma? What type of advice are you patiently waiting for?

    1. How to get the motivation to stay on top/tidy
    2. How to get my partner to get on board with the cleaning and organising (and keeping things that way!)
    3. How to fit everything into a unit with two people who have their own things (and different hobbies... my craft table often has a guitar case on it) have moved in together!

    Question #3: Why do you visit IHeart Organizing? What is bringing you back each day?

    You inspire me to be tidier, more organised and to strive for a balance between tidiness and beauty - you don't just keep your home clean and tidy, you take the time to think out the layout and add accessories. I love it!

    Question #4: What is missing from IHeart Organizing that you would like to see more of?

    More frequent posts! Perhaps posting challenges and then use a link party to report back 3 days later? That way we're motivated to get going and we check back in to see how you and others went? Even if it's an area of your own home that you've already don,e you could walk us through the steps then set the challnge to do our own?

    Question #5: What is something that made you laugh recently? Just because I wanna know!
    Working at an event last night, wearing the headset and being able to hear the funny things my team were saying to each other while there was a very boring presentation on stage ;)

  53. Jen,
    I wondered if you do mood boards via internet/photos. I am trying to revamp my whole house room by room and would like to have someone `hold my hand` so to speak. I don`t want to hire a interior decorator cause i don`t know what their tastes are and how it will impact into my home. I like your color and feel comfortable with you. I am looking for color choice for walls etc. and floor plan that allows for wheelchair accesibity. Then also storage in each room and last but not least the crowning touches of accesories- this is where i struggle the most. I am starting with my sewing, craft, laundry room. Money is limited of course and would like utilize things within my home, so i could photo all the main pieces within my home so you could work them within your design plan right off the bat. I love your blog and look forward to hearing from you.
    Thanks Tracie

  54. what kind of paper do I print it on to use as a label?


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