
Monday, November 8, 2010


Bucket-o-Bath Toys

I recently stole a basket from my bathroom {when I was shopping my house for another room, go figure}, which meant that I no longer had a place for all of the bath toys....

So I dumped them into the tub for a day or two... or ten.

Until that bright light went off and I remembered I had a couple of pails on my gardening shelf in the garage....

Perfect solution for the kiddo's bath toys!

And now they sit perfectly on a shelf in-between tubbies.

Any "Ah Ha!" moments as of late?  Organizing or not related?


  1. Very chic [and simple] way to store bath toys. I may have to try this one out with endless mountains of bath toys we have! :)

    No 'Aha' moments for me... unless getting wind burned this past weekend could be considered 'Aha!' [of course in a more groany, grumpy, crackled voice].

  2. I'm in need of a good A-Ha! moment. Though I have been super smart about saving leftover bits of batting and fabric from projects that will make a future project (I'd love to learn how to make pillows!)easier and cheaper =)

    My ferrets (weird! i know!) have a few of those same toys ;) They absolutely love children's bath toys for some odd reason!

    Jenn L @ Peas & Crayons

  3. Well, thanks to your post the other day i thought to put all my remote controls in a ceramic bin i have. I am also thinking of suing an extra Lazy Susan for sauces, oils, and non-perishable spreads in the pantry.

  4. Fantastic and chic idea?! Is it rust-proof though?

  5. Yeppers, it's coated so it shouldn't rust!


  6. I just had an Ah-ha moment yesterday while switching out my summer stuff to winter in my closet. I found a way to keep my scarves out where I could see them and my hats in order too...check it out at
    I love those little moments of inspiration!


  7. No real Ah-ha moments recently. Sad, I know. I thought I had one, (I was attempting a light fixture) and it was bad. No, that wasn't a 'lightbulb' pun, either. Really trying to make a light fixture... Total flop, so far...

  8. I need to do something like this...great idea! Right now all our bath toys are just in a large plastic water pitcher. Not very attractive or functional!

  9. That is cute, I do the same thing with my sons toys, only in a basket...But its been getting full lately, he has tons of toys, so I need to go through them and distinguish the ones he still uses from the ones he doest anymore...One of my favorite things to do!! I seriously love organizing and purging!!


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