
Thursday, October 7, 2010


October Featured Space: Kitchen - Glasstacular!

I definitely wasn't kidding when I said we had some additional organizing to do in our cocina de Jones.

Take this glass cabinet for example!

Not only is there some mis-matched glassware, but again, we were bursting at the seems and having to stack mugs upon one another....

I decided the biggest problem was all of our vino glasses.  And then I decided we needed some of these:


Simple under cabinet wine glass holders.

But I didn't want to put them under our cabinets, since our kitchen already feels quite small and I feared it would look slightly cluttered.

Remember when we installed our two floating shelves in our kitchen?

Bingo, perfect spot for some wine glass storage.  Since I was already stashing some sippy beverages there anyway!

So some measuring and three simple screws later....

We had new found storage for our wineglasses!

Leaving the floating shelves looking a little like this!

I really can't stop staring at the new storage.  The glasses add extra sparkle and shimmer throughout the day as the sun glows in!  Love a little bling bling!

And now back to that cabinet?  Wanna see what I was able to do in .2 seconds once the wine glasses were out?

Ahhh, much better!

So some side by sides shall we?  Before and After:


Total time investment?  About 15 minutes!  Hmmm Got 15 minutes of your own?  It's amazing the things that can be accomplished in such a short amount of time, that leaves an eternity grin plastered across your face!

Anyone else hanging anything fun in the kitchen lately?  Anything that adds some extra storage or just a fun piece of art?  


  1. I love the wine glass holders. Such a great idea!!

  2. The wine glass holders look they were meant to be under that shelf. It really makes the whole area sparkle and shine! Your regular glass cabinet looks so nice and tidy now too!

  3. really great change up.

  4. Fabulous solution!

    I did a mini organizing job on my spice cabinet today, still a work in progress though.

  5. It is wonderful the great ideas you come up with! Love this, it looks terrific and really finishes the area!

  6. Love it. Where did you get the basket on your buffet that holds the cookbooks?

  7. I love the addition of the glass racks, Jen! Definitely a better use of space, while adding some pizazz.

  8. i like the's just hard to see it working when you live somewhere where there are earthquakes. Otherwise, it's great!

  9. Hi Palmer Family!

    I found that basket in the bathroom section at Target, on clearance! Love it!

    Hope that helps!

  10. Great idea. I spy some skinny girl margarita's! :)

  11. Found your website through a link on Pinterest and I've been reading for almost an hour now - I'm hooked! :) I love the light over your kitchen table. Where did you get it?

  12. @Sarah:

    Here is a link with all the details on the pendant:

    Thanks so much!


  13. I too found your blog from an item on Pinterest. Can you tell me where you bought the buffet table you added the wine rack to? It is exactly the style I am looking for. - Thanks!Aubrey

  14. Hi Aubrey! It originally came from, but they have since stopped carrying it. Ours actually looked just like any other, we just switched out the hardware and it gave it a whole fresh more expensive feeling. I would also scour craigslist!


  15. Thanks Jen. I have been keeping my eye on craigslist; my husband and I have practically furnished our house that way. I have just sent your blog to my bff and sister. They are going to love it! Thanks for sharing...I have been reading for the past hour or so. Btw your kids are beautiful - love the first day of each grade signs. Take care! - Aubrey

  16. I did the same thing but I got 1 strip of T-molding in the molding dept. at Home Depot and cut it in 3 pieces,then screwed the pieces, beside each other upside down, to the underside of my shelves and the wine glasses fit right in ! :o))))

  17. Where did you find the racks for your wine glasses? I too reorganized and found that my wine glasses needed a new home. I put them in our sideboard cabinet but I like this idea and I already have a black shelf I would like to use. Thanks for the idea and thank you for sharing your home.

    1. Hi Tamara!

      I found them on amazon here:


  18. I must ask, where did you purchase your buffet table? I have been shopping for one that doesn't have glass doors.

    1. Hi Virginia!

      I found it a few years back at They don't carry the same version any longer, but they still have some great options. We swapped out the hardware on ours to give it a higher end look {it came with stock wooden knobs}.


  19. I must ask, where did you purchase your buffet table? I've been shopping for one that doesn't have glass doors.

  20. Love the look! What are the measurements between the buffet n first shelf and then between shelves? My buffet is a bit tall so not sure I can pull off 2 without one being way too high!

  21. Please tell me where you found the long under the cabinet wine glass holders? I can only find short ones...


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