
Tuesday, October 19, 2010


October Featured Space: Kitchen - A Winning Water Storage Solution

I tend to get really excited about the weirdest things.  And being organized is at the top of that list.  And finding the perfect items to keep me and my clan organized, really causes some odd squealing, and my husband just has to roll his eyes and smile.  

So imagine the perma-grin I had awhile back when I found the perfect product to help keep the fam organized and replenished at the same time.

These water bottles are the perfect solution to this family of five.  In fact, they are typically meant for one person to load up five bottles, keep them in their fridge for a quick grab and go concept {one for each day of the workweek I suppose}.  However, I found that they were really great for a family of five, constantly running to sporting events and the park and everywhere in-between.


So what makes these such a perfect organizational kitchen tool for us?

  • BPA free means safe for the family! {I plan on keepin' them around for awhile!}
  • They come with an awesome slim holder, which keeps them perfectly corralled in the fridge!  {Oh, can you hear the pitter patter of my heart?}
  • Each family member has their own color, so we always know who's is who's!  {So organized!}
  • They are dishwasher safe, which makes them easy to maintain! {Less time hand washing means more time with my dears}
  • They eliminate the need to purchase bottled water for our on the go needs, SO much better for our earth!  {We heart our earth!  She is pretty darn good to us!}

And the best part is that I found these for about $16 {I have since seen them cheaper at Home Goods}, making them about $3 and some change per bottle.


I can't get over how easy it is to store five water bottles in our fridge, they take up such a small amount of space because of their sweet little caddy!

They hold up pretty well also, the kiddos are pretty prone to throwing dropping their water bottles on the concrete, and not one crack yet!

I would have to say that these bottles are one {of a few} of my favorite kitchen organizational time savers.  What are yours?


    1. I have these! I love that they are dishwasher safe! :)

    2. Ohhh, those are cute. And I love that we get a peek into your fridge. Will you be doing a post on fridge organization soon?

    3. I love these! Can't wait to get some of my own. :)

    4. Dishwasher safe, you say?!?!?! We use similar bottles, and it just ticks me off to no end that I have to handwash the dumb things. These are a dream come true!

    5. Anonymous, I will totally do a fridge post, and Life in Rehab, they are definitely dishwasher and {I forgot to mention} FREEZER safe! Love that! I was nervous the lids would melt in the dishwasher, but I just toss them in my utensil basket and they have been great for months!


    6. These are awesome, I totally need to invest in these. My husband takes bottled water with his lunch everyday. These would cut down greatly on waste.

    7. Love the bottles! Such a great idea!

    8. GREAT Idea!!! Where do I find them??? I've never seen them at Home Goods, but then again I wasn't really looking for them either! Can you find them anywhere else? Love you blog and love your ideas!

    9. Love these!! I have a few of the BPA-free bottles, and I've started using them in the fridge instead of plastic water bottles...but they fall all ove the place! I will definitely check these out, since they have that handy tray to sit in. Renee, the link above takes you to WalMart. They have a bunch of different designs :)

    10. Oh, I get your excitement. I'd have been dying with excitement over the little fridge tray thingy . . . and Ryan would have mocked me for it.

    11. We heart these at our house! I'm greedy and keep 5 just for me and the boychild has the smaller size set all to himself. Because they can go in the freezer I half fill them, freeze them, top them up in the morning and then they're ready for his lunch box and still cold at lunch time.
      For his last party, I bought 2 sets of the little ones and gave each child their own bottle to use at the party and to take home - they LOVED them! And their parents loved that they were BPA free.

    12. I've got to find those. I've (finally) started recycling, but hubby still buys water by the case. I cringe every time I see all those plastic bottles. Thanks.

    13. Hi all!

      I have seen these bottles at Home Goods, The Container Store, and Amazon. Just Google: "Water Week Water Bottle Set" and you will probably find a couple of online vendors.



    14. How is it I'm the only one to post "where did you find IZZE in a CAN??"
      BTW, cute bottles :D

    15. Hi mom2irishtwins! I find them at Super Target! Oh how IHeart IZZE!!!


    16. I get my Izze in a can at Costco. Back to the bottles... where are they made? I'd buy them if the are not made in China. :)

    17. we April 2012. How did the bottles hold up?? With (going on) 7 kiddos.....I think I'm going to need a few sets! ;-) Thanks for any update! (You've inspired me to go plastics free in my kitchen too!!! My Ikea kids cabinet will be sad.)

      1. They actually held up really well! They are a great inexpensive solution.

        Double check the IKEA stuff before donating it, it may be BPA free, I believe it is in fact as I recall I jumped the gun before knowing that.


      2. We've had two sets of these bottles for years and they've held up great. They're a really nice size, leakproof and so easy to toss in the diswasher. The only problem I've had with them is that 4 of them have gone missing! I replaced them with some glass bottles, which I really like, except that they're heavy! I love tossing the plastic ones in my purse, I can easily hold two and they never leak.

    18. I just bought the boy set of these! Thanks for the tip! (Also, I just discovered your site yesterday, and I've already cleaned out and organized my fridge and freezer. Next stop - the pantry! Thank you!)

    19. I love this idea! I have been collecting water bottles over the years but never thought of buying a set or buying 5 all the same (such a hassle to match bottle tops!). I'm curious... What water filter system do you use? If none, that is fine too. No judgement here :)

      1. Hello!

        We have used both water filtration setup through our fridge and the bobble water pitcher.



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