
Friday, October 22, 2010


October Featured Space: Kitchen - Got 15? Linen Love

Got an extra 15 minutes laying around?  If you do, a quicky organizing project for the weekend could be to tackle or create a linen drawer in the cocina!

Super simple stuff here my loves!

1.  Roll table runners:

2:  Fold cloth napkins:

3.  Toss napkin rings into an easy access dish:

4:  Call it a done deal and have a fabulous weekend!

Who's in?!


  1. PRETTY drawer! :) I will spare you....and not show you mine...ha!

  2. I have mine in a large basket on top of my fridge! :)

  3. Loving the floral napkins!!! My drawers def do not look that fabulous yet... emphasis on the YET =)

    Jenn L @ Peas & Crayons

  4. Well, this is sweet but since I ahve probably 20-30 tablecloths, NUMEROUS placemats and napkins etc. my linens are in closets. Tablecloths on hangers, placemats and napkins stacked, napkin rings in clear shoe boxes etc. I love to do tablescaping so have an extensive collection:):)

  5. I am liking the "15 Minute" Posts, very effective and makes me feel as if I can actually accomplish something and it wont' take a weekend. I apply this organizing philosophy to my elementary art classroom as well! Thanks!

  6. I dream about having a drawer to dedicate to kitchen linens. Looks great!

  7. My dream is to have more kitchen drawers too. I have 3 and one of them breaks when I open it. It's my microwave cabinet that is made for garage storage. lol I need an upgrade one day. :)

  8. Where did you get your pretty cloth napkins from?


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