
Tuesday, October 12, 2010


IHeart Giveaway: Agapanthus For You!

 **  Attention:  This Giveaway has since ended.  Thanks everyone for participating!!  ** 

Anyone remember this fantastic piece of custom art from my master bedroom reveal?

Well, the piece came from a my gal pal, Amanda, who runs a pretty awesome shop on Etsy.  She created a custom cutout for me, which I then painted and popped into a frame.  SO PRETTY!

And Amanda pretty awesome herself.  In fact, so awesome, that she is offering to giveaway a custom agapanthus cutout to one of you!!

The winner will receive this custom cutout that will be painted to the color of the winner's choice!


1} Anyone is eligible to enter.  Only one entry per person, duplicate entries will be disqualified.
2} Leave your email or blog address so I have a way to contact you if you win.
3} Leave a comment on the giveaway post stating "IHeart Agapanthus" and for fun, tell me about your all time favorite piece of artwork you have floating around your home.

Giveaway is open from Tuesday, 10/12 through 9 p.m. central time Thursday, 10/14.  One winner will be selected using, and announced via the blog on Friday, 10/15.

Make sure to take a second to check out Amanda's blog, where you can see oodles of amazing artwork that she has created around her beautiful abode  See something you like?  Feel free to check with her, because she does all sorts of amazing custom orders, including, but not limited to the cutouts!

Thanks everyone and good luck!  


  1. IHeart Agapanthus! I love my "keep calm and carry on" poster...reminds me to take a deep breath and keep moving. :)

  2. IHeart Agapanthus! We don't have much art around our house yet, but of the pieces we do have, I love to see one that I painted in high school. In no way am I an artist, but I did act as one to finish an assignment.

  3. IHeart Agapanthus! My favorite works of art are created by my talented Painting Ponies. They are so cheerful and bright, an make me think of them everytime I look at them.

    contact info through my website.

  4. Iheart Agapanthus! My bf and I are pretty sick of our current artwork right now.. We need some new art!

  5. IHeart Agapanthus
    My current favorite is one i whipped up on photoshop of the lyrics to my favorite song! I''m kind of addicted now...

  6. IHeart Agapanthus! My favorite artwork is a painting/drawing my sister in law gave me of the effel tower from her trip to Paris.

  7. IHeart Agapanthus! My favorite art in our house right now is the five-frame display of wedding photos in our stairwell. They're huge photos in b&w and are a nice reminder of our wedding, which is especially nice when we're knee deep in a project and ready to kill each other :)

  8. Laura ( 12, 2010 at 10:52 AM

    IHeart Agapanthus!
    drawings my kids make!

  9. IHeart Agapanthus! My favorite piece of artwork is the modern multicolored square artwork we have hanging in our dining was a piece I had been eyeing for quite awhile and was super excited when I received a gift card last year for my birthday that allowed me to purchase it!

  10. IHeart Agapanthus! ONE of my favorite pieces of art is a painting my youngest son ( I also have 3 boys-love them!!)painted when he was probably 5 yrs old. I framed it..wish I had done the same with my 2 older boys.

  11. IHeart Agapanthus! We have several of my husband's grandfather's original paintings that I love.

  12. "IHeart Agapanthus" I like to buy local art when we travel, so my favorite piece is a mardi gras mask from New Orleans

  13. IHeart Agapanthus! My favorite piece of art in our house is a fairly large painting of my hubby & I. Our Polish friend painted it and gave it to us as a wedding gift.

  14. IHeart Agapanthus! My favorite piece of art is a painting my cousin did. Its of a green field and a stormy sky. It adds a lot of color to my room.

  15. IHeart Agapanthus! I love my Buddah & Ganesh paintings! :D

  16. IHeart Agapanthus! I Heart Heart Heart Agapanthus and know exactly where it would fit in my home! My favorite piece of artwork is a black and white simple tulip print. It was a gift for my college graduation to help me get started in decorating my first very own apartment. I think it will always hold a special place in any house that I call home. :)

  17. IHeart Agapanthus! My favorite piece of art is a painting that my Great Uncle Marcel made many years ago.

  18. IHeart Agapanthus!! My favorite piece is an old ship painting that has been in my family for years.

  19. iheart agapanthus!! i love it! my favorite art piece in my house is a giant vintage photograph of paris.

  20. I heart Agapanthus!

    My favorite piece of art is a giant wood 'L' to represent our last name. It's a nice personal touch.

  21. I Heart Agapanthus! I love my Basset Hound's picture that my sister painted for me.

  22. IHeart Agapanthus! Our house is sadly lacking art altogether, so this would be a great start!! :)

  23. IHeart Agapanthus! My favorite art piece in my house is an oil painting of an Iris that my mom did. :)

  24. IHeart Agapanthus! My favorite artwork includes the many family photos we have around the house. We have made mini galleries of our family photos, so that ends up being our art! :)

  25. IHeart Agapanthus! My favorite is a decoupaged canvas I did that hangs in my bathroom. It's very cheerful. LOVE your blog!!

  26. IHeart Agapanthus!
    I love my cheap and easy framed scrapbook paper wall art I have hung around the house.

  27. IHeart Agapanthus!! My favorite pieces of art belong to my kids but I would love soemthing a littlemore grown up for the master bedroom. : )


  28. I Heart Agapanthus!! It's hard to pick just one because I frame and hang up a lot of my kids' artwork. I'll vote for a b & w of my girls when they were little that I used as a Christmas card but then had blown up into a poster.

  29. IHeart Agapanthus!
    I am split between my beatiful 3x3 calla lily canvas art abd my diy painted canvas attempt to match our new bathroom. I love all kinds of art!

  30. IHeart Agapanthus!

    My favorite piece of art (right now) is an underwater picture of hubs and I during our trash the dress photoshoot after our wedding. It's such and ethereal canvas that goes perfectly in our "beachy" themed bedroom!


  31. IHeart Agapanthus!

    I love our watercolour of a dolphin, it was painted by our neighbour.


  32. IHeart Agapanthus!
    I love my personal photos I have taken as my artwork.

  33. IHeart Agapanthus too! my fave piece of art is a pastel piece I did in high school. On of my biggest accomplishments. Great blog! I came over from Amanda's blog.


    yay! thanks for this great giveaway

  34. IHeart Agapanthus! My 2 favorite pieces of art are a painting my daughter did for me and a piece from Ikea from a few years back.

  35. IHeart Agapanthus!

    My favorite artwork that is floating around would be a rocking chair crafted out of wood by my great grandpa. He made it probably 60 years ago and it has been passed down to me. It doesn't technically hang on the wall like most artwork, but it is only for show. I love it.


    Meredith @ meredithandmaggie

  36. IHeart Agapanthus! My favorite piece is a family portrait taken right after my son was born! I love it!

  37. IHeart Agapanthus!

    My current favorite(s) are some framed photographs that I took on our honeymoon. They are sunrises and sunsets that I took as we arrived and departed different ports on our cruise. It brings back such wonderful memories.


  38. IHeart Agapanthus!

    My favorite I own is a neat little poppy print.

    -Molly Cecil

    My favorite artwork is in our living room. It is a huge canvas from Pier 1. It is a huge square with a circle in the middle in a neutral colors.

    Lauren G

  40. "IHeart Agapanthus"
    This is so pretty, would look great in my family room.
    Julie H.

  41. IHeart Agapanthus! I love your master bedroom. Mine is in a desperate need of a makeover! My favorite piece of artwork in our house is currently a photo of my kiddos kissing!


  42. iHeart Agapanthus! My favorite art in our house is a piece I made out of clay that now hangs in our bedroom!

  43. IHeart Agapanthus! My favorite piece of art is a picture of a window in a French castle. My husband and I saw it at a local art fair, and both loved it!

  44. IHeart Agapanthus! My favorite piece of artwork we have right now is a collage of our daughter :)

  45. IHeart Agapanthus! I love this one picture that I bought from Ballard Designs years's of a lady wrapped in a towel in her dressing room...

  46. IHeart Agapanthus! My current favorite is an old window with pansies panted on it. I'm planning on using it to create a gallery wall in the office and this cutout would go well.

  47. IHeart Agapanthus! My husband is an art teacher and my favorite piece I have is a portrait of my husband done by his friend in art school. The quirky part? It's hung above the toilet. Yup. : )

  48. IHeart Agapanthus! My all time favorite piece of artwork in my home is a painting my husband and I bought that reminds of a special place and time.
    - Danielle
    other-option AT hotmail DOT com

  49. I heart Agapanthus! My favorite piece of artwork is an old sheep looking through a fence -his face is adorable :-)

  50. "IHeart Agapanthus"
    We have a cherished piece of custom art. My husband and I were married 6yrs ago on the beach in the Outer Banks. Our artist friend spent each morning painting a water color of the exact spot where we were married. At our reception the following week he presented it to us after it had been framed. We were very moved. It is above our mantle and we love looking at it! Each year we vacation at the same spot, it's interesting to see how much the beach has changed.

  51. IHeart Agapanthus!

    My fav piece(s) in my house right now is a set of shadowboxes with pottery shards I picked up on a trip to Greece & Turkey.

  52. IHeart Agapanthus!

    My favorite piece of artwork in my house is by an artist from my hometown. It's a scene from the river that goes through the middle of town. I received it as a wedding present and really cherish it.

    erlocker at gmail dot com

  53. I heart agapanthus!

    My favorite art is my own art! I am an artist and art teacher and the coolest thing about it is I can just make something I need, but my style is very different from this. I'd love to have it.

  54. IHeart Agapanthus!

    My all time favorite piece of art in my home is the metal wrought iron - not sure why.

  55. IHeart Agapanthus!

    My favorite piece of art is a framed fingerpainting piece that my 6yr old made when she was 3! All the swirls of green and teal are just so beautiful! I have had so many people comment on it when they see it!!

  56. IHeart agapanthus!

    My favourite artwork is a beautiful sketch my sister-in-law drew for my husband and I from one of my favourite wedding day photos. It means so much to me, and really is beautiful.

    I am really enjoying decorating my house with a few more nature themed artworks, so I LOVE this gorgeous agapanthus cut out. Stunning!

    Love your blog!

    katie [dot] cartwright [at] hotmail [dot] com

  57. IHeart Agapanthus!

    My favourite piece of art is actually a wall of photos! I created a photo wall with all photos and trinkets of different sizes and shapes but tied together by having black frames. The photos - of family, friends, fun times and even momentos (a ticket stub, a note we received from a hotel on a romantic getaway) not only bring a smile to my face every time I walk past but they remind me to slow down and enjoy one of the most used but less appreciated areas of my home!

  58. IHeart Agapanthus! My husband and I don't have much art around the house, but we have a neat little painting that his grandma gave us for our wedding present. She is actually quite an artist :-)Love your blog!


  59. I heart Agapanthus! My favourite piece of art is a piece of cloth art that my husband bought for our 25th wedding anniversary of a scene in Newfoundland.

  60. IHeart Agapanthus! My favorite piece of art is a canvas print of plumerias - my favorite flower!

  61. i Heart Agapanthus! My favorite piece (I actually have 2 favorites) of art is 1. My husband's grandfather hand-painted a pic of a rabbi studying. It's beautiful and 2. My husband's photo of the Star of David in the hand. It's absolutely stunning. And they both are placed in our dining room.

  62. IHeart Agapanthus! My favourite piece of art is of 2 grey water birds and was painted by a 16 year old boy in Cambodia which I bought at a charity auction, it helped a great cause and makes me feel good everytime I look at it.

  63. IHeart Agapanthus!

    I love my sea green glass colored chandelier from Urban Outfitters :)

    stonak (at)

  64. IHeart Agapanthus

    I have 2 sketches my brother gave me from his favorite Oklahoma artist. 1 was signed for a wedding gift :-)

    trinityjlh (at) yahoo (.com)

  65. Iheartagapanthus!

    And I almost spelled it incorrectly. Favorite art: the silhoette of our profiles from our honeymoon!

  66. IHeart Agapanthus!

    I have three dollar bills matted and framed that my Grandpa wrote on and sent to me before he passed away. My fave piece of art for sure.

  67. IHeart Agapanthus

    I've been doing photography for about 2 years now and took some pictures of some dandelions that I had blown up in black and white and put into frames in our bedroom. I love it and this art would do perfectly with my decor!

  68. I Heart Agapanthus!
    Two of my favorite pieces of house art are a painting of a mountain valley done by my daughter, and my son's photography.

  69. IHeart Agapanthus! I love that! Sadly, I have been forced to use my own 'artwork' to decorate our entire home. Time for some new ideas!

  70. IHeart Agapanthus! i love any art that can enhance your home and that piece is beautiful and would love to frame it in mine!

  71. IHeart Agapanthus! I have recently noticed my complete lack of art work. I have tons of photos but no art work! So sad.

  72. IHeart Agapanthus.

    I have the most beautiful artwork floating around my house! My 11 year old daughter is a budding artist, and we have framed a lot of her artwork. My collection is growing every month!!

  73. IHeart Agapanthus! My favorite piece of artwork in my house is the finger painted pictures that my daughter did when she was three years old. She did them at daycare and I framed them and put them on the wall in our family room.

  74. IHeart Agapanthus!IHeart Agapanthus!IHeart Agapanthus! Im your newest follower. I love your blog. I found in on "make dinners n one hour".
    My favorite piece of artwork in my home, is a picture of a river in a forest hanging above my bed. It has more sentimental value than anything else. When I was little and would visit my grandparents I remember always loving that painting and looking at it with my grandma telling her how much I liked it!
    I also have a giveaway going on. It started today. You should come check it out.

  75. IHeart Agapanthus! My favorite piece of artwork is my wedding invitation printed on wood that my husband suprised me with on a random tuesday!

  76. IHeart Agapanthus! One of my favorite pieces is a painting my mother in law did for me of poppies. She's so talented and I'm very lucky to have my own personal artist!

    I absolutely *love* the agapanthus cutout!!

  77. IHeart Agapanthus! My absolute favourite piece of art is the triptik painting we brought home from our honeymoon in Bali. it reminds us everyday of how we started our life together :)

  78. IHeart Agapanthus!
    i love my kids artwork and simple is always prettier and better!! thanks for the chance!

  79. IHeart Agapanthus! I purchased a lot of artwork for my home through Etsy and I love the original pieces I find there.

  80. IHeart Agapanthus! My favorite piece of art is one that I created in Photoshop. It has two pics of my hubby & I on our wedding day, names, & wedding date with designs all in our wedding colors. :)

  81. IHeart Agapanthus! My favorite artwork is a painting that my husband created while in college.

  82. IHeart Agapanthus---Photos of my boys <3!

  83. I HEART Agapanthus! We have a abstract painting that was a gift from a family friend. It depicts an artsy movie theatre where my husband and I had one of our most memorable dates.


  84. I HEART Agapanthus! My favorite art I have is one I made out of a cutting board. It is covered with pretty scrapbook paper and embellished with ribbons and buttons to highlight my fave picture of my daughters of when they were younger.

  85. IHeart Agapanthus!!! :)

    I don't have much art in my house, but I did recently put up quite a few family pictures. My son is 8 months old and having pictures of him around the house makes me smile. :)


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