
Tuesday, September 7, 2010


What I Learned This Weekend...

I learned a very important lesson this weekend....

Not to paint in the house....

.... while your extremely friendly Weimaraner puppy is running free...

Notice anything in the above picture?  Other than an upcoming project for me to share?  Like a little paw print?

The paw prints/disaster totally didn't stop there... Mr. Bentley heard me giggle and came charging after me with excitement.  He missed tackling me, and instead hopped right into my paint can!


Not really sure how he managed to do what he did, since it all happened so quickly... but after this, he decided to do a quick lap around the main floor, leaving a happy gray blue trail of dog prints behind him, before we could get him outside....

...where I finally got him to lay down long enough to take a quick picture of his little mishap...

In fact, I was quite impressed with his ability to cover himself in so many different places in the matter of seconds!  I can't even coat my paintbrush that fast!

Mr. Bentley got a bath and is all pretty and shiny again.  And all I could do was keep giggling while I wiped up the mess... {life with three kids and two dogs leaves endless amounts of laughable moments}

Anyone else learn any good life lessons this holiday weekend?  Or get any lesson-less projects completed?


  1. OH NO! What a mess...he is adorable though.

    I learned to ALWAYS wear safely glassed when using a liquid deglosser, even if you think you are being careful.

  2. Ha. That seems like something our puppy would do. You gotta love them.

    Oh, and this weekend I learned to spackle drywall. It wasn't planned.

  3. Oh no!! I'm glad you can giggle about this! Great story and photos!!!

    Of course you can feature my pantry makeover. I'd be sooooo honored!!!!

  4. Uh oh!! Glad you were able to laugh about it! I made some artwork for my boys this weekend:

  5. Oh my goodness! I know it probably NOT funny at the time.. but from this point of you.. it's very cute.

    Our weekend was pretty mellow compared to your adventures :-)

  6. Oh goodness! LOL Maybe Mr. Bentley just wanted some highlights! hehe

    Our weekend was very productive. We got our guest area downstairs ready for company next week and a few things done in the yard.

  7. How funny! I love those little moments. Good for you that you were able to laugh about it and enjoy it, too! :) PS. He looks adorable with that paint all over him, haha!


  8. I'm amazed you could laugh about it. That wouldn't be my first reaction!

    My lesson learnt - reconsider taking a toddler to watch fireworks when 500,000 other people will be watching too! The fireworks were fine, it was the getting home that took FOREVER. At least she enjoyed the 'pretty bangs' in the sky.

  9. Ha! That's funny because my little weenie dog brushed his ear up against the wall while we were painting today.

  10. Oh my, this post was hilarious! Hopefully all that paint cleaned up well. And good for you for laughing it off!

  11. Oh my! That is one cute puppy...I had a pet paint disaster last week as well. My cat walked right through my paint pan, then across the bed, out of the room and down the steps- leaving little cream kitty paw prints all the way...I agree, you just have to laugh : )

  12. I'm dying laughing...been there, cleaned that up.

  13. I hate to laugh, but that dog is just the cutest thing...even all covered in paint!

    Also, thanks for your response to my cords question a few posts ago - I'm planning on doing some major cord organizaton in hte near future and will post about it and link to yours!


  14. FUNNY!!!

    This is actually perfect timing that you posted this... we just painted this weekend and had to block off our labs with tipped over chairs and other random things to keep them away from the wet walls... we def didnt want to end up with pictures like you hahaha!

  15. First off, I love your blog so much. Your new closet-office is SO beautiful!

    And, same as Melanie above, I once had a little kitten run through a paint tray and all over the new carpet before we managed to catch him...
    Cute little pink paw prints over everything and one VERY, VERY disgruntled little moggy when we tried to dip his paws in the bath to clean them...

    Please keep up these sweet and inspiring posts.
    Karen (Scotland)

  16. I just stumbled upon your blog. I love it! I have a two year old female weim, Millie, and I could totally see her doing something like that. She's not the graceful sort. Currently she is content if she can get ahold of my dish scrub brushes when I'm at work. We've been through 3 in a month. sigh.

  17. Wow ... what a mess! But, how could anyone be mad at such an adorable puppy, huh? It's either laugh or cry ... glad you chose to laugh! :)

    PS - I absolutely love your blog! I've been so inspired! I started with our homeschool shelf. I made all new labels and refreshed our notebook binders to match. I love how fresh the bright colors are! Our homeschooling shelf has never been so cute and organized! It's much more fun to plan our week! Thank you for the inspiration and fun blog! Now for the file cabinets in the office ... and then there's the pictures ... ;o)

  18. Too funny! Love those pictures of him afterwards. My'd you get the paint off the basket? ;)

  19. Hi Tamie!

    I ran through the whole house and scrubbed with water and luckily everything cleaned up. Every once in awhile though I still find little drops on that blue gray paint on things and have to giggle!



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