
Friday, September 17, 2010


September Featured Space: Bedroom - Tray for Two

As we have been transitioning our master bedroom to our upstairs guest bedroom, I couldn't help but do something I had wanted to do when we were living in our previous space.... I guess the move just put a little fire into me to get 'er done!

Since we are going to start pinching every penny around this joint to save up for our lower level redo, all projects I am doing to our former guest bedroom turned temporary master bedroom, have to either be free, or be utilized as part of the guest room when we move back downstairs, or have to be able to move with us back downstairs to our master {someday...}

This fell into the free and movable categories....

The hubs and I are big water drinkers at night.  And we found ourselves running back to the kitchen a couple of times for refills.  Boo.  Once cozy in bed, doing some reading, who wants to get back out for more water?  Not I.  Time to solve that problem!

Enter this ugly tray.

The tray wasn't always "ugly"... I just decided that it is now, because it has stains, has takin' a kid beating and is a little blah for my liking!

So I used a spray primer on it:

And then gave it two coats of white paint:

Already WAY better!  IHeart paint!

But I wasn't done yet.  I wanted to try out some new Scotch Blue painters tape that I had recently snagged.  It is a new kind with "Edge Lock".  So, this was the perfect opportunity to bring in some stripes!

I started out by measuring and taping a line right down the center of the tray.  That way, my lines on the edges should be approximately the same size.

Then, I just used two small pieces of tape to measure my in-between lines:

And followed that method until the whole tray bottom was taped:

And then I painted!

And quickly removed the tape while the paint was still wet:

The lines were pretty perfect, I have to say!  I was really impressed with this tape!  I can't wait to use it for the rest of my trim painting!

I could have been done at this point, but decided to paint the tray edge as well:

Once I let the tray dry for two whole days, I threw a couple coats or clear spray for a little added protection...

Then I got to put it into it's new home!  That's my favorite part!

I tossed our drink carafe on a blue plate, just do make sure no damage is done to the tray....

Along with some glasses and some pretty florals.... the tray came together perfectly!

And added a little glam {and function} to the space!

Gotta heart a good before and after story!  Especially when I was able to use all items I had on hand {tray and paint from previous projects} to create a fun new bedroom piece for FREE! 

Watcha think?  Any other tray peeps out there?  Anyone else updating old things to new things, with the help of a little painting action?


  1. This is very cute. I am a huge water drinker at night too and this would be perfect. I liked that you used what you had on hand...wonderful job!

  2. Cute stripes.

    I really like that carafe. Where did you get it, or did you make it?

  3. Jen!! I love this project!! It is fabulous!! Angie xo

  4. Jen..this looks beautiful!!!Your guest turned master bedroom really looks great! I love your fancy carafe too!!

    I'm hosting a $40 gift card giveway...I'm sure you could find something for your redone spaces!!

  5. Wow, that looks amazing. I always wonder how people have these high end looking items that they say we reused or remade in someway. I love that you give a glimpse into how to do it. It helps get my creative juices flowing and is teaching me to look at things in a different way.
    BTW, thanks for the tip on the tape, I have an upcoming painting project so I am glad I stumbled across that tip. Also, I never knew you were suppose to remove the tape while the paint was still wet, that could explain why I could never get a perfectly crisp line.
    Love, Love, Love your blog. I am a regular reader and I just think you are great! Keep it coming girl!

  6. What a great idea Jen! Do you have any idea how many times I walk past trays in HomeGoods and think to myself, "nope, it's not the right color". And I love the stripes!

  7. I love the tray and the gray stripes! Cute cute cute! The carafe looks like the perfect size for water, do you know where I can find a similar one?

  8. Wow, Jen - that turned out FAB! I love it! The stripes are perfect! As is your photography... nice photos. :)


  9. I LOVE trays....I have a lot of them because I use them as decor (lean them up against the kitchen backsplash, make groupings, use them for company to cart stuff in and out to the deck, put them all over)! So, that is a super idea.

  10. Hi Jen, I recently came across your blog and have fallen in love with it! I too am an obsessed organizer and I just love all of your beautiful ideas! Thanks for sharing! The tray looks amazing :)


  11. That looks awesome! Did you etch your carafe or buy it that way? If you bought it, where??? Thanks! Pinky

  12. Hi everyone!

    I found the carafe on clearance from Pottery Barn awhile back.

    I found this similar one online that I adore:

    Otherwise, you could do a search for "etched carafe".

    Thanks all!

  13. Jen this is beautiful, I love it! Any tips for using spray paint?

  14. Hi Malia!

    I love spray paint since it's such an easy and instant transformation to just about anything. I really like the Rustoleum 2x spray paint, since I find it drips less and covers more! Biggest tip {besides being safe and doing it in a very well ventilated area}, is to hold it away and just do light dustings. The paint will dry quick and a couple of coats will most likely be necessary, but doing light dustings vs one or two close up sprays will ensure less streaks and drips. For anything on the glossier or dark side, I also like to use a spray primer to ensure a good sticky surface for the color spray.

    Hope that helps!


  15. I absolutely LOVE this tray! I have always been afraid to paint a tray but you have inspired me to give it a try! Thanks Jen!

  16. Amazing! I totally want to do the stripes!


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