
Monday, September 27, 2010


September Featured Space: Bedroom - IHeart Art

So I am back with how we are putting the finishing touches on our "Master Bedroom Switcharoo", in which we moved out the guest room to move in the master bedroom.  So far we have created a desk, added some curtains to conceal closet storage, added a fantastic water tray and organized our nightstands.

And since we are pinching every penny around this joint to save up for our lower level redo, all projects I have been doing to our former guest bedroom turned temporary master bedroom, have to either be free, or be utilized as part of the guest room when we move back downstairs, or have to be able to move with us back downstairs to our master.

With all we had already done, the space was really coming along and starting to feel like a comfortable place to take residence over the next year {or ten} until we get things finished up downstairs.  However, it was missing something.  Something every space needs to give it that pop.  To give it that finishing touch.  To pull it all together.  It was missing art.

So, knowing I had zero budget, I decided to steal from myself.  I knew I wanted to add a mirror and some reuse some already owned frames.

That's when I shopped my house and found exactly the right pieces.  I took a mirror from the living room:

And some cheapo poster art from our old guest bedroom:

So I had the mirror and some art, however, I also {as you can see above} have a wall color that has a slight tint to it, but is pretty stark and has very little noticeable color.  The cream frame would have just blended in.

That's why I painted it {the same gray blue from our old master bedroom and the same color I also used in our new closet space}

Now how to handle the art?  I had these two frames I had received as a gift laying around that I was just urging to use:

The only problem is that the opening is SO small, I really couldn't figure out what to put inside.  Until I spotted that art I stole from the ol' guest room!

However, it was WAY too big.  Super simple fix.  I knew that what I loved about the poster was the detailing within the flower, so I focused on that.  And I placed the two glass pieces of the frame over my favorite parts of the flower to trace around the glass.

Then I cut out the pieces of the flower and popped them into the frames!

The result made my heart beat oh so quickly with giddy!  I just hearted my new art!  But again, I didn't heart how it would look on those super stark walls!  Urg.

Which is when I again, whipped out the ol' paint can!

And then my dog decided to play with it as well! 

Three hours later of catching up on loads of DVR'd design shows and painting every little cutout on the frames, they were even more fantastic!

This was a perfect example to me of how you can take uber boring and stark walls {I am really focusing on renters when I say that}, and spice them up beautifully with pops of marvelous color!

Ready to see how they pulled everything together!?!

All I can say is "Ooh La La!"  IHeart Art!!  Especially FREE art!!

Alrighty, now it's time to hear what all you have been doing around your joint, to spruce things up on the walls?  What is your favorite piece of art and why?  How about incredibly cheap art projects that make massive room impacts?


  1. I love your free art! It really adds a beautiful pop of color to the walls! I love to frame and matte beautiful scrapbook paper for free art.


  2. i Love that color! what is it? i have so much trouble picking the perfect color, do you have any tips??
    Here is my free wall art!

  3. I eyed those frames a few days ago and want them SO badly! I have a space in our bedroom that 4 of them would work great in, but I just can't bring myself to buy them. I know me, I'll kick myself later!

    I love that you painted them, great idea and if I ever take the plunge I'll definitely paint mine too! Looks beautiful. :)

  4. Great JOb! And Please do tell us the name of the paint color!

    Ps...I was vacuuming/cleaning out my car today and totally starting thinking about you.....You have 3 boys and i have 3 boys and maybe you do ( but prob not) have this problem. My car is a mess always. I try and stay on top of it. We have soccer balls, footballs, sunglasses and things the boys have to keep themselves entertained in the car and dvd's, etc. Anywho, Im sure you have some fabulous organizing system you use and was wondering if you would share a little post for us all? I hope i"m not the only one out there with this problem!

    Thanks and i love reading your blog! Its so motivating for me to keep purging and getting all the junk cleared out!!


  5. Wow, LOVE that paint color and those frames!!!

  6. Oh la la is right! How awesome! Love this!

  7. Hi All!

    Thanks so much for the great comments! The color I used is Behr's Premium Paint/Primer combo in Frozen Pond.

    Laina, most often when I am picking a paint color, I use things from the room I am painting as color inspiration and match accordingly. I can always be seen bringing in accessories to the paint store {such as throw pillows, shower curtains, bedding, etc...}, to ensure I find the right color.

    Hope that helps a little!

    I had done some posts regarding our auto and garage storage which may be helpful?

    Thanks again everyone!!


  8. Looks great Jen! I really admire your continued positive attitude, and your ability to re-purpose in this interim stage.

    I too love those frames, but will have to wait until they go on sale. None the less, they look fantastic in their new home, and painted!

  9. I just found your blog a few days ago, and have been having fun going through your previous posts (pretty much all of them, thanks to my sweet little baby who has decided that 4am is a good time to wake up for the day). Thanks for the inspiration to get going on those organization projects--even if its only 15 minutes at a time. You definitely have a talent for organizing and making things beautiful and functional! Thanks for sharing your talent!

  10. K, so here is yet another project that you have inspired me to do. I know it nowhere compares to the impact your art made in your room, but this CHEAP update made a huge difference in my boring bathroom. Thanks for the great ideas.


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