
Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Reader Space: Did You Get the Memo? {Part Deux}

A few weeks back I did a post regarding our current memo station:

I also mentioned that filing memo related items, doesn't always have to be costly:

And then, I begged for you guys to send in some memo board ideas going on in your own abodes.  And imagine my shock when I got two submissions that VERY DAY!

I about fell over when I opened the emails... I couldn't believe what I was seeing before me....

Kristine Wrote:

I couldn't believe my eyes when I read your post today!  I had just made my own family organizer three days ago and bought the same bins from Target that you used for your batteries, etc!  I was going to send you a photo and ask for advice on a great way to make name labels for them as they are somewhat textured and slick and my temporary sticker labels will peel off any day.  Please help!  I want something that looks more substantial and 'solid' then the stickers.  Oh yeah, and the reason why I made my own organizer is that I fell in love with the Pottery bBarn one you purchased but was not about to shell out that kind of money (husband would have been very, very mad at me).  I know this one is no where near as nice as the Pottery Barn organizer, but hey, it was definitely cheaper!  Thanks again for your inspirational posts!

If anyone is interested, like you wrote, the bins are from Target, I bought smooth plywood from Home Depot as well as color matched a small sample Glidden paint jar for roughly $2.48, and then used a glossy clear coat to finish it off.  The clips came from Office Depot and I broke out the magnets and used screws to attach them to the board.  Nails were used from recycled hooks for the key holders.

Kristine in Fort Worth, TX

(the one who also painted my son's bedroom like your oldest's)

SERIOUSLY!  Are your jaws still on the floor?  Because even as I type this up, my hearts a fluttering again!  CAN'T BELIEVE MY BLUE EYES!

Do you see all of the function that this fantastical DIY memo station has created for Kristine's family!  Look at all those slots, a place for her keys, a place for her coupons, a place for mail, sunglasses and other personal items.  Not many things can pack that much organized function in one place, so a HUGE round of applause to Kristine for pulling it all together!

And she is absolutely correct.  She gained all that function for FAR less than the Pottery Barn versions... so Kristine, pat yourself on the back, then treat yourself to some ice cream... and maybe a pedi?  You deserve it girl!

Oh, and for her label dilemma, here is what I suggested...  They make some pretty metal scrapbook label holders, that would look just lovely on her already functional and beautiful memo station.

Thanks again Kristine!  I hope you are lovin' your new station as much as I am from here!

Oh, but don't leave me yet... the fun and eye candy is just getting started!  More amazingness is to be seen!

Cat wrote:

Hey Jen!

I think we are on the same wavelength because as you asked your readers about their letter/key/accessories organizing, I was working on revamping our system! Before we had a cheap-o $1.00 Target hook system for the dog leash and our keys. When I started putting our coupons in a ziplock bag and hooking them on there, I knew something had to change. I snagged a piece of wood and several accessories like cork board and thumb tacks and did a whole lot of painting white. I actually snagged your cute idea from your bathroom mini-makeover of painting letters white on white. With our memo boards, we can not only stay organized but now my hubby will remember to "kiss me" when he walks in the door (you'll see what I mean in the pics!) As you can see, this system is right by the door when you walk in, so we can put up our keys, set any letters in the antique letter holder around the corner, and grab the leash to take the puppy out! You can read all about the process here on my blog! And best of all, it only cost me around $20.00 total!

I'm loving everything you do! Thank you for continuing to inspire me to get organized!


You ready for this?

You just HAVE to go over to Cat's amazing blog {full of budget friendly ideas!} and check out her step by step process of putting this incredibly functional masterpiece together!

What's not to love!  Pretty painted pattern!  Multi-functional pieces all put together in one place, to hold mail, notes, coupons, keys, inspirational quotes!  I have a huge smile plastered across my face, and I bet Cat does also every time she get's more use out of her new station!

So there you have it!

Two completely different, yet uber inspiring memo station ideas!  Goes to show you, anyone can DIY something that works for them and their family, on a budget!  It just takes a little inspiration, knowing what you want the end function to do for you, and a "go getter" attitude, and the sky is the limit!

Because having stories like these delivered to my in-box is just like the delivery man showing up at my door with massive amounts of flowers, I can't help but get a little greedy and want some more.

If you have a memo/mail/family station story as well, feel free to link up and share it that way!  I would love to be able to hop on over and see your story {link up for this week only, sharing your marvelous memo solutions!}

And if you don't have a blog post to share, leave a comment and let us know if you tackled a memo organizing project after the first post?  What do you heart about the stations seen here today?  Or, you could just leave a comment for Cat & Kristine letting them know how fab they are, because, well, they are!

P.S.  Have an awesome story to share?  How about some organizing tips and tricks?  Maybe a project completed from an inspiration found?  Please send your story and photos to and I would heart to feature them right here, on the blog!!


  1. Oh man, these are both fabulous. I seriously need to get a memo board made up for my office. I have all these magazine clippings just cluttering up a drawer, and I need a special place for reminders and inspiration.

  2. Aw, thanks for the feature Jen! You are too sweet as always!

  3. Those are both great solutions! Thanks for sharing. My current 'system' is a certain file bin, something on the wall for keys and bills to pay, and another sorter for things I need to file and/or use often. I wish I had it figured out so I could link up, but it's definitely still a work in progress. Thanks for the inspiration!

  4. OH MY!!! I wish you lived near me! I would SO hire you for a home visit! I am new to blogging and stumbled on your site from another that I visited via Janet of all Trades. I SUCK at organizing!!! You have so many wonderful ideas I am getting dizzy just reading and making lists in my head of things to try! I need to do one of these organizers for sure...just today I sifted through a mountain of paper work on my crazy desk to find a bill that I missed. OOPS! That has got to stop! So glad I found your site and I look forward to having some Mamma time to read more of your great ideas! Thanks....

  5. Amazing!! What would you suggest for someone that has absolutely NO wall space in the kitchen or entry way to make a "command center"? I've considered getting a small corner desk for the dining room and adding the Pottery Barn daily system above that. Or, is the laundry room or garage a more logical place in your opinion? (we always go in & out the garage)

  6. LOVE IT!!! Way to go Kristine and Cat!!

    Lindsey in NY

  7. Totally off topic, but where did you get your purse you have hanging in your photo? Love it:)

    Your pottery barn mail station inspired me to get rid of the black metal eye sore sitting on our kitchen counter. I bought a few small baskets from Pier 1 and attached them to the wall instead. Beautiful!

    Thanks for keeping me inspired! -Nicole

  8. Anonymous,

    Carving out a command station can totally be a challenge when space is limited, because the trick is really to keep it easy on the eyes and enjoyable vs a feeling of eye clutter in a small space. The best places are those easily accessed by all family members. We keep ours located right by our back garage door, because that's where we also come and go and can hang backpacks and keep papers/mail right when we come and go. So entries are a great place {foyers, mudrooms, garage...} Also, the kitchen/dining areas are also practical solutions because that's where everyone tends to congregate. What about attaching labeled pocket folders to the side of a fridge or cabinet {they take up little room} with some magnetic hooks?

    Hope that helps a little!


  9. Hi Nicole!

    The purse was a find at Fossil a couple years ago!



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