
Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Reader Space: Becky's Beautiful Bedroom Closet

Oh goodness, the timing for this reader space couldn't be any better!  August's featured space was the bedroom, and although September is now here, I am continuing on with featuring bedrooms since there is oodles more content that I didn't get to cover last month. 

And as I mentioned yesterday, I am diving into some closet organizing of my own, and this reader is providing me with some extra motivation and inspiration to get that done!!

Becky wrote:

Hi, Jen! 

I like your blog...since I'm also an avid organizer myself!  Here is a link to a page I did on organizing bedroom closet:

I also want to include a before shot:

 ...and how I've organized the closet since we moved in:

Feel free to browse around and see other stuff I've done and organizing tips like this one where I show how to fit more in your closets and drawers:

Enjoy!  I have enjoyed your blog, too!  We organizing-loving people love to pick up new tricks and tips from each other :)

~ Becky

Oh there is so much to love about Becky's closet!  It's every girl's dream, with LOADS of drawer storage for all sorts of goodies that can't be hung up.  She has shoe storage, belt storage, sock and purse storage, oh my!  {I found oodles more on her blog!}

Here is another photo that I snagged from her blog:

I just heart those organizers inside the drawers so very much!  What a great way to keep her socks matched up together!

I also love to see that all her drawers are neatly labeled, totally melts my label making heart!  And to know that she stashes purses into those floral boxes {which can be found at Ikea}, is lovely to me since I did the exact same thing in my walk in!  Apparently, organizing minds think alike!

This is a perfect example of what a huge change that the investment in a closet system can make!  An immense amount of new and functional real estate because available once those drawers and racks were installed.  I just adore it!

Thanks so much for reading this blog and sharing your story with us Becky!  And for giving me that little extra push to get me working on our closet storage!

So what's your favorite part?  All those labeled drawers?  Her fantastic shoes?  The fun floral boxes?  I could go on and on....

P.S.  Have an awesome story to share?  How about some organizing tips and tricks?  Maybe a project completed from an inspiration found?  Please send your story and photos to and I would heart to feature them right here, on the blog!!


  1. Are those the closet components from The Container Store? Looooooove those. We need need to do something to our master's a disaster. Becky did a great job - thanks for featuring her closet. I love getting new ideas!

  2. The thing I like about this article is, everything she did in that closet was simple, People think you have to get extravagant, they see pictures of huge closets with thousands of dollars of cabinets, not the case closet organization can be simple. Don't get me wrong closet organization is my business, I love extravagant closets, but there are plenty of solutions we offer and others offer that are simple and inexpensive. The link goes to a really funny article on our blog, Closet Organization – 5 Warning Signs your current closet system is not working. The key is to get people to stop thinking about organization, and get people doing something about it. Organization takes pressure off, it makes life better and easier.

  3. Thanks for featuring me, Jen! I really love my closet and it feels like a little dressing room every time I use it! It's so easy to keep organized, too!

  4. wow! It looks so much more peaceful and not like a daunting task to find a coordinating outfit :) I love my label maker too! heehee!

    ~Emily N. from "too Blessed to Stress"

  5. Closet organizing is just so fun especially when you are one of those who truly like doing it. These days especially, there are many resources to utilize in order to make your closet organizing better and neater.


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