
Monday, September 13, 2010


IHeart Giveaway: Meal Planning Matters!

 **  Attention:  This Giveaway has since ended.  Thanks everyone for participating!!  ** 

You all know by now what a fan I am about planning our meals... I have chatted about how I do it here and here...  It is such a key way to keep a busy week running smoothly!

So imagine my excitement when I was contacted by Michelle from Make 5 Dinners in an Hour!  Her concept is really genius and perfect for busy families that need some assistance with meal planning.  And it's SO organized which just tickles my fancy!

Here is the lowdown!

You could spend one hour on a Saturday or Sunday preparing 5 meals for your busy week!!  Yep, it only costs you the cost of the groceries and the one hour time investment, and you have meals for the whole week!  Done!

Not only does the fact that you can make 5 dinners in one hour sound incredible, but nothing is better than coming home from work and having your dinner already prepared before you run off to that kiddo's sporting event or music lesson.  It saves money on eating out and causes so much less stress in trying to find time to feed your family on a busy work/school night!  This is such music to this mom's ears I tell you!!!

When you become a subscriber, you will receive full month of menu plans for a family of 5.  Every week's list includes a menu, grocery list, cooking hour directions and heating instructions!

The cooking plans and menu's are easy to read and follow.  They have step by step cooking directions to get you in and out of the kitchen in about an hour and have 5 dinners in the refrigerator ready for your busy week ahead.

Each week will include at least one freezable meal.  Some weeks you may not need all 5 meals so toss that one in the freezer and have an easy go to meal later on.

Like what you are hearing?  Isn't it music to your ears that you could spend less time dwelling over that "What's for dinner" or "We just had that last week" or "We need to think of something new" feeling?  And spend many less endless hours digging through magazines and cookbooks for new ideas?!

Well... Make 5 Dinners in an Hour is not just here to share the amazing concept of the site, but also to do a fantastic giveaway to not one, but TWO lucky readers!!  SA-WEET!

"Meal Planning Matters" Giveaway!

Two winners will receive a month of menu's, shopping lists and cooking directions.

For everyone else, a one week trial menu to anyone who contacts Michelle via her blog {}

To enter: 

1} Anyone is eligible to enter.  Only one entry per person, duplicate entries will be disqualified.
2} Leave your email or blog address so I have a way to contact you if you win.
3} Leave a comment on the giveaway post stating "Feed Me!" and share your favorite "Go To" meal when in a pinch for time.

Giveaway is open from Monday, 9/13 through 9 p.m. central time Wednesday, 9/15.  Two winners will be selected using, and announced via the blog on Thursday, 9/16.

Make sure to check out more on the blog.  It has money saving ideas along with additional tips and tricks and recipes!  Oh My!

Thanks Michelle for offering up this giveaway!


  1. Feed Me! I would love to win this! I have such a hard time with meal planning and cooking after work.

    rebeccalynn78 at

  2. Feed Me! What a great idea!! My go to meal is spaghetti!

  3. Feed Me! I would love to win this!

    My go to meal is pasta and jar of sauce. I usually always have those on hand. My 2 yr old is a pasta fan, so it is definatly an easy go to meal when we are in a pinch and busy.

  4. Feed me!!! My go to meal is definitely a quick batch of sandwiches.

  5. Feed me! Like others, figuring dinner out after work is always an ordeal. Our go to is spaghetti or tacos. In a pinch, frozen nuggets and mac and cheese.

  6. Feed me! Our quick go to meal is usually some type of quesadilla.


  7. Feed me! This would be a great thing to try. I am always looking for new ideas and recipes. My favorite go-to recipe is homemade pizza.

    My email can be found in my profile.

    P.S. I've just come across your blog a couple days ago and spent a good chunk of the evening looking through it. :) Now I'm following you.

  8. Feed Me! This is a great idea. My favorite go-to meal is probably baked ziti. Thanks for having this giveaway because meal planning is something I really need to tweak!

  9. Feed Me! is it bad if I say my favorite "go to" meal is a $5 pizza from Caesars? but if you're looking for something made at home I'd say chicken roll-ups or pear sandwiches (french bread with a slice of pear, sharp cheddar and a strip of bacon (turkey bacon, pancetta or prosciutto work too) drizzled with honey, easy, light and not horribly bad for you)

  10. Feed Me! I'm not much of a cook so I head for rice and beans in a pinch.

  11. Feed ME! My go to meal is bbq chicken in the crockpot. That is if I remember to start it up in the morning!
    nddalzell at cs dot com

  12. Feed me! My go to meal is chicken parm in the easy.

  13. Feed me! My favorite go to meal is chicken caesar salad.

    tracyfran at sbcglobal dot net

  14. Feed me!!

    My favorite go to meal is frozen pizza. I obviously need this! LOL!

    Oops forgot my email address:

  15. Feed me!!

    My go to meal is lemon chicken in the crock pot.

  16. Feed me!
    My go-to meal is sandwiches all around. Or cereal. *lol* Cereal can be the perfect meal replacement as long as it's healthy and not something like Capt. Crunch. :)

  17. FEED ME!! My go-to meals are wraps. You can make anything into a wrap. We have a GT Express maker that warms the wrap and makes it crunchy...we use it all the time! Thanks for the chance to win!


  18. Feed me! My go-to quick meal is spaghetti. So easy!

  19. Feed Me! My favorite go to meal is something I can dump in the crockpot before work. Salsa chicken is something I always go to because it doesn't require a bunch of ingredients and is healthy.

  20. Feed Me! My go to meal is breakfast for dinner

  21. Feed me!
    My go to meal is a rotisserie chicken from the store and frozen veggies.

  22. Feed me! Pasta is always my go to meal.


  23. Feed Me! My go to meal is pizza. Lots of different toppings = lots of variety. Thanks for a chance to win.

  24. feed me! Chicken Soup is always a favorite in my house!

  25. FEED ME!!
    My go to meal is Shrimp Pasta!

  26. Feed Me!
    My go to meal is an onion crispy chicken that we LOVE and are having for dinner tonight :)
    jacobsonbeth at yahoo dot com

  27. Feed me! I'd love to try this out, sounds like a fantastic concept. My go-to meal is stir-fry, because it's healthy and quick!

    carolyn3737 at gmail dot com

  28. Feed Me!
    This is like a dream come true to me. My husband and I always talk about trying to find something like this on-line.

  29. Feed Me! What a great idea!

    Our last minute meal is usually some sort of pasta! Quick, easy and always on hand.

  30. Feed Me!!

    What an awesome idea! My quick meal would be grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup!

  31. Feed Me! My go to meal is Dijorno Pizza.

  32. Feed Me! I have many last minutes meals, but lately it is salad(cheap, healthy and quick!)

    amanda_elliott333 (at) hotmail (dot) com

  33. Feed Me!! My go to meal is anything that goes with pasta... broccoli, lentils, etc... and top it with romano cheese. The kids love it!

  34. feed me

    pasta is always a pleaser.

  35. Feed Me!! My go to quick meal is Kraft Mac and Cheese. How awful is that!! I really need help.

  36. Feed Me! I'm home alone a lot with my kiddo, so having something ready to go would be AWESOME!!!

  37. Feed Me! This is a great giveaway, and I hope to win! My go-to meal is shredded BBQ Chicken sandwiches from the Crockpot. Or breakfast for dinner if I am even less organized!

  38. Feed Me! My go-to meal is usually a simple 15-30 minute marinade with chicken or fish, and grilled or steamed veggies on the side.

    What an awesome give-away. Michelle's meal planning service sounds great!

  39. Feed Me! My go to meal is tacos!

    Mindy Shaffer

  40. Feed Me!! My go to meal is the frozen Barber Foods stuffed chicken with some rice and stuffing. Nice and easy!

  41. Ooops, I forgot to include my email address...

  42. Feed me! Great giveaway idea :) Our go-to meal when we're rushed but still want something to fill our bellies is breakfast! That usually means a skillet of frozen potatoes, eggs, cheese, veggies (onion, pepper, and whatever else we might have chopped in the fridge) and maybe some turkey bacon. YUM! If we're REALLY strapped for time, it's a call to Pizza Hut!

  43. Feed Me

    Our go to meal is probably some type of pasta

  44. FEED ME!! My go to meal is spaghetti! I always have lots of home-ade sauce in the freezer ready to defrost!

    Amanda Culver

  45. Feed me! This would be a great addition to my weekly routine!

    Shelli Rose

  46. Feed Me! My go to meal is spaghetti.

    What a great giveaway. Thanks!

  47. Feed Me! What a great idea!

    My go to meal is: shredded chix tacos

  48. Feed Me! I LOVE this idea! I have 4 VERY small children (oldest is 4 and the youngest are twins who just turned 1) and would LOVE to cook for just one hour! :)

    My go to meal is usually meatloaf...because I know the recipe by heart and my kids will eat it!

  49. Feed Me! My go to meal is eggs, pancakes & bacon.

  50. Feed me! Love to serve chicken bundles in a pinch!

  51. Feed Me! Our quick easy go to meal is spaghetti w/ sauce from a jar. I know not completely healthy but so quick to make.

    This is a great concept. I am tired of menu planning every 2 weeks.

  52. Feed Me! Like many others, my goal to meal is spaghetti with meat sauce.

  53. Feed Me! This would be awesome, a must have for any working mom.

  54. Feed me!! This sounds great! As a mom of 3 little boys our go to meal is quesadillas or nacho with black beans, salsa, etc (depends on what we have on hand) :)


  55. Feed me! Usually breakfast for dinner is our quick go to meal. Eggs, bacon and toast. Yummy!

  56. Feed me (and my poor deprived family!!) My go to meal is usually something like cereal and bananas!

  57. Feed me and my hungry kids!! With Cheer leading and Fall ball season upon us we are out and running almost 5 nights a week!! So need some shortcuts and less fast food runs!!

    Sandhya Ong

  58. Feed Me!!! says the Venus Fly Trap. lol I love the Asian Pork Chops. She had a great idea about saving money on pork by getting the pork loin and having the butcher cut it into slices. Woo hoo!! great recipe and a way to save money.

  59. Feed me! Our backup is usually chinese take out. I know.. we are lame! :)

  60. Feed Me! Our "go-to" dinner is frozen salmon from Aldi. Toss it in the dish (frozen) drizzle with some soy sauce and a little Old Bay. Cook for about 20 min on 400. Add some noodles and some green beans (once again frozen from Aldi). Presto - supper in 20 minutes! Love it!

    aldorn at

  61. Feed Me!! My favorite go to meal is enchillada skillet!!

    ppousson at gmail dot com

  62. Feed Me!!! Our favorite go-to meal is tacos!

  63. Feed Me!
    Our fave go-to meal is chicken enchiladas. Simple, not many ingredients, and I cook extra chicken breasts for lunches for the next few days.

  64. Feed ME!!!

    This is a great idea...LOVE this. My go to meal is bruschetta chicken - one can of fire roasted tomatoes, couple chopped up olives, garlic, olive oil and capers over chicken. Takes 10 minutes.

  65. Feed Me!!

    What an awesome idea, i'm heading over to check it out :) my favourite go to meal is pasta tuna casserole by Sandi Richards and it has a creamed of creamed mushroom soup, milk, onion, celery, pasta, cheese and tuna and we are good to go! or

  66. FEED ME!

    As a poor college student with increasingly limited time, I often find myself eating tuna straight out of the can or Kraft Mac & Cheese smothered in ketchup (my favorite!) Sometimes I eat Kraft Mac % Cheese with tuna (but no ketchup...that would be weird). I need something or some one to guide me in the kitchen department!

  67. FEED ME!
    My go to meal is always burritos. I always seem to have all the fixin's on hand (tortilla shells, beans, lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, and some kind of meat in the freezer) It is also a way to use up leftover meats or veggies from the night before, just saute them up and the seem to have new life. A real winner that my family always loves is chicken burritos. I throw 3 or 4 chix breast in the crock pot with a package of taco seasoning and some water and let it cook all day. When I get home I just shred up with chix with a fork and throw together the rest of the fixins' and we have a super yummy dinner. You will have enough chix for a dinner idea the next night like salad or sandwiches.

  68. Feed me!! My go-to meal is cheese ravioli (pre-made/frozen from Walmart) and my husband's homemade pasta sauce (we always keep tons in our freezer). But... this is why I need help. It's getting used WAY TOO MUCH! So... thanks for the great giveaway. Fingers crossed that I win this one. :) I heart your blog! Very inspiring.

  69. Feed me!! My go to meal is frozen pizza, so needless to say I could really use this!

    Amee S.

  70. "FEED ME, SEYMOUR..." (Who doesn't love "Little Shop of Horrors?" lol)

    When all else fails we go to breakfast for dinner or chicken breast, rice and frozen veggies. We're getting bored and we need HELP!

  71. FEED ME! My "go to" meal is BLT sandwiches. We always have the ingredients.

  72. feed me! such an ingenious idea! frozen pizza is our go-to meal. b-o-r-i-n-g!

    becca7903 [at] yahoo [dot] com

  73. FEED ME!!

    Help feed my family -we spend so much money eating out -actually my children are even getting tired of not staying home -We really need this :-)

  74. Feed Me! My favorite go to meal is tacos.


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