
Friday, September 24, 2010


Got 15?: No Nonsense Nightstand!

I am back with another "Got 15?" post, in which I assign a quick organizing challenge that can be completed in 15 minutes or less!! Today we are going to chat all about getting your nightstand/night table in tip top organized shape, inside and out!

I recently just tackled this project and it's totally doable!  And I mean doable in less than 15 spare minutes.  Wanna know how?  Ready, Set, Go!

1.  Remove.  Empty all contents from your drawer{s} and nightstand top.
2.  Assess.  What do you really need/use out of everything you removed?  What's getting love and what's not?
3.  Purge.  Ensure your nightstand isn't giving you nightmares.  Keep it simple and organized, toss outdated or unused products/items.  It's not fun to get all flustered right before bed because you can't find something.  Go to sleep smiling!
4.  Re-Assemble!  Put back all the remaining goods!  And then open and close the drawer{s} a couple hundred times, smiling at your successful accomplishment!

Here's a couple of things I personally thought of when deciding what to keep in my nightstand.

I thought all about my nightly routine.  How do I plan on spending my time in my room before I go to sleep or while I am sleeping?  I typically like to read a book or magazine, and don't really care to get back out of bed once I am nice and cozy.  So, for me, I chose to keep my facial cleansing wipes and night cream at arms reach.

I also kept some nourishing body and foot lotion near by.  This is so the hubs has no excuse to give me an oh so splendid foot-rub after a long busy day!  {wink wink - you gals all know I have to lotion and rub my own feet when they are tired, but I can dream right?}

And what's in the pink lidded bin?  I tossed in some aspirin bottles just in case I get a late night or early morning headache or body ache.

I also decided I am definitely not a fan of waking up with dry lips, so right before sleepy time and right when I awaken, I moisturize my kissers with some lip balm.

Which sits upon my current nightly reading material.

And last but not least, I corralled my night masks in a cheapo plastic basket, so they aren't just floatin' around.

So to recap.  Essential items only.
  • Facial Cleansing Wipes and Creams
  • Lotion
  • Lip Balm
  • Aspirin
  • Reading Material
  • Eye Masks
Anything more than that and I am sure it would cause nightly rummaging, which I totally don't have time for.

What we all tend to keep inside the drawers is typically the less aesthetically pleasing stuff, which is tucked away so there is no need to worry about making it "pretty".  Inside the drawers, function is all that really matters.  However, selecting what goes on top of the nightstand has a lot more impact on the overall feeling of the room.

I tried to stick with items that not only "look good to me" but what also "makes sense to me" as well.

Like my cell phone.  I do have a charging station in my living room that the hubs and I use throughout the day or on weekends, however, I am a tad phone obsessed {it really doesn't leave my side}.  I have a fear of missing out on something or an important call, so I found myself taking my phone to my bedside each night.  Why not give the phone a nice charge and a place to call home while it's there?  This charging station was a Target clearance find for under $7, and really has made my phone's life a lot happier.

And the small decorative bowl is my easy solution to corralling all of the jewels and hairbands I remove before I shut out the lights.

Of course lighting is key for my nightly reads, so I choose to have a lamp bedside.  And I chose to add a more decorative alarm clock to keep with the overall feeling I was going for in the room, vs. the standard digital style.

With some pops of color in a colorless room, in the form of some pretty pink flowers in a pretty white vase, I called the nightstand complete!

So again, when choosing what to place on display, it's simple.  Go with your heart, keep out what you cherish, but also don't overdo it or loose the things that function for you to get a good nights rest.  Keep out things like stacks of books, flowers, a water carafe or small framed photographs.

As I always overly say "Easy Peasy" or "Easy as Pie"!  Whichever way you choose to say it, it's EASY to make your nighttime routine EASY!

I dare you!  Triple dog dare you.  Take on this task and then send me pics of the results.  I would heart to see how you achieve bliss in 15 minutes or less!

Anyone else tackle their bedside table as of late?  What is one night time item you absolutely could never live without? {Keep it PG ladies!}  Any additional tips for keeping your nightstand, absolutely nightstandtasic?


  1. Wow, this is actually on my To Do list for this clean up this area. I really need to clean out the drawer. I can't live without my lip balm either or my phone (it's my alarm). I love that alarm clock! If you'd like you can check out my blog on Thursday to see how I did (that's when I go over what I've done on my To Do list...helps to keep me accountable).

  2. I really need to clean out my nightstand. BAD. I shove so much stuff in the drawer that I can barely close it. My own personal "junk drawer" I guess!

  3. Okay fine, I'm going to go do it! ;P I might not get it all done, but I WILL give it 15 mins! The night stand is on the hubs side, my side is a leaning bookshelf with 2 magazine cubbies at the bottom (that home decorators doesn't sell anymore or I'd show the link! I love them!)... I need to find a way to sneak in a couple things without taking away too much space from my books. Because you're right, once I'm all nice & cozy I do NOT want to get up. Thanks for the triple dog dare!

  4. I love this. I'm going to clean out my nightstand tonight. I really love your alarm pretty!

  5. Great Blog Post..Nice Share..If you can make a video too that will be great..
    Facial Cleansing

  6. Oh man - I need to do this so badly. How brave of you to open up your drawers for all of us! ;)

  7. I need to do this too! Why does so much junk end up in there???? Thanks for the inspiration! XO, Pinky

  8. Ok Jen- the nightstand I can handle... but what about your clothing drawers. Mine always end up a disaster! I go through every so often and take out the clothes I don't wear anymore. After short while I'm back to stuffing the clothes in heap in the drawer. Please help! -Nicole

  9. I love these types of posts. Thanks & keep up the good work.

  10. I love your posts, your tips, your cute use of things (like the bowl for hair thingys and such) but do you have any secret weapons for keeping kids out? A hidden motion activated alligator that nips at little hands? lol My 2yo (and others) are constantly into things. Chapstick would be a nightmare. Once I found my, ahem, "lotion" rubbed all over an upstairs window, I decided all lubricants (for lips, hands and otherwise) should just stay inconveniently locked away. :D

  11. Ah, another great post. Sometimes I can't muster the inspiration to do a huge room/closet overhaul, but these 15 minuters? I can do.

    Where is your alarm clock from? Tres adorable!

  12. That's something I need to tackle! I'll get back to you. I love that foot cream too!

  13. Hi All My Monkeys!

    Haha, no secret really, the kid's just know that we don't "play" in mommy and daddy's bedroom. They are pretty good about staying out of things for the most part. For anything that I really wouldn't want them to find or get into, I just tuck away in a lidded box under the bed, they definitely go for the drawers and get distracted before they would ever check under the bed ;)

    Whitney, I snagged the alarm clock at {} They actually have quite a selection of attractive alarm clocks.


  14. I was inspired to take control of my nightstand after reading this post. It was a great reminder that even small places need attention every now and again. I did my own little re-do and posted it on my blog (with a link to your blog, of course).

  15. What a great post! I love having my nightstand organized too, it makes my bedtime much more calm and peaceful.

  16. Both of our nightstands are in desperate need of some organization! Great post! :)

  17. Jen this post is inspiring...I may tackle tidying up our bedroom this afternoon after work. Keep the organization coming girl!

  18. what an awesome post - and I read it at just the perfect time! Have just had to empty mine out and rearrange...
    Thank you for the inspiration...
    Feel free to have a look :-)

  19. Great ideas, thanks Jen! I am SO going to put the facial cleaning wipes in my nightstand...never thought of it and it would be so helpful. As usual, you are a genius.

  20. Ooh! I'm so happy that I've stumbled upon your blog! I love being organized, so this is truly a happy place! :) One question: Do you know of any other place to get the white docking stations for phones etc. now? I have seen them at Target before, but not for a while. Just curious!

  21. I see the white docking stations all over now, I would just keep your eyes peeled. Think about other things that may also be transformed into a docking station just by drilling a hole for a cord, such as a decorative box. :)


  22. I am going to clean my nightstand as well! I can't wait.
    I have been using a shelf on my bookcase to keep all my things (because I have bags on my nightstand at the moment), but if I clean it I can then use that extra shelf as well.

  23. Great post! One question though.....where do you put the used facial wipes? Is there a little trash can in there too?

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. I am in LOVE with your nightstands...where are the from?

    1. They were from Slumberland furniture about 10 years ago.

      Thanks so much!


  26. Thanks for this post Jen!! I think this is a task I will accomplish today!! lol

  27. Thanks for this! I absolutely love your blog!!! :) Anyway, I store a few blankets in my nightstand drawer, because if I get cold, they're RIGHT there. :)

  28. Hi Jen,
    I am new to your blog and just LOVE everything. i too have 3 kids so orgenizing is a MUST.
    only 1 thing... please do not charge your cell phone near your bed... this is a risk with radiation and not really healthy.

  29. where did you find that lamp??

    1. The lamp is from Pottery Barn a few years back. Still love it, and you can find similar styles at World Market, Pier1 and HomeGoods. :)


  30. Your nightstand looks so pretty! I love the flowers! And the clock is super cute as well. I have to have a water bottle on my nightstand.

  31. I want this pinned on one of my Pinterest boards but there's link.


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