
Monday, July 12, 2010


Welcome to IHeart Organizing 2.0!

You may have noticed a little somethin' somethin' when you stopped by today.  No, I didn't switch out that area rug, move that ceramic egg crate or forget to shower... I did however, do a little re-organizing project this weekend.  And I am hoping that you like?  Yeppers, this blog got a little bit of a face lift and a whole lot of cleaning up! 

You all know what a crazy person I am when it comes to keeping things in tip top order, so imagine my daily frustration with my previous blogger template and appearance.  It was a little bit overwhelming for this gal, and that was the last thing I wanted for any of you.  So, I decided to take matters into my own hands and streamline it, A LOT!

Here are the top five things that make the new blog layout so much more awesome:

1.  Ready?  Set?  Logo!  

The IHeart Organizing logo got a little bit of a face lift this weekend thanks to Dr. 90210 and Botox... or maybe just thanks to Photoshop... same thing in the blog world right?  Why update it you ask?  Well, it is kind of like updating a wall color in your humble abode, it can give a space a whole new life, which is exactly what I was looking to do! 

2.  Can I see a menu please?

Previous IHeart Organizing blog version visitors may recall that the side bar was the only way to navigate around the blog.  And the icons were large and didn't always carry a consistent theme.  The NEW blog template allows navigation along the top menu bar to some of the key pages that you may be looking for!  It also opened up much of that valuable side bar real estate!

3.  Speaking of the Sidebar... 

Now each portion of the sidebar is neatly labeled, hopefully making it easy for you to find exactly what you are looking for!  Labels aren't just for pantries and kid cubbies... they are the "in" thing for the blog world too!

4.  And now for your Featured Presentation!

As many of you may know, I really enjoy focusing my spare organizing time on a different room each month.  This helps keep organizing projects less overwhelming and keeps me on a plan.  So, each month, I share tips and tricks, projects and items IHeart from a different featured space.  And now the current space will be visible on the sidebar, and even better, when you click the picture, it will take you to all of the blog featured space posts!

5.  Who are those kids in your pictures?  And that guy you call your hubs?  What's up with him?

One thing that I really have learned to love about some of the blog I personally divulge in, is their story.  And I don't mean that I am that creepy neighbor lurking in the bushes to gather some good gossip, I just feel like when I know a blogger on a more personal level, their blog posts always make more sense.  Some bloggers are quite great about sharing those deets with us, and others {i.e. me} are not!  When I started this here blog, it was meant to focus the great benefits and enjoyment of organizing, and I definitely do chat about my family frequently, since they are drivers behind how and why I organize the way I do, that's about where it ends.  Some of you may not care that Parker is obsessed with monkey p.j's or that Peyton is getting his abnormally large tonsil's removed soon or that Preston is a Lego building genius... but for those of you that do want to know more about "The Jones", I have started up a family blog as well!  So feel free to stop by, the blog door is always open!

So that's my top 5 list of blog beauty updates.  Hopefully it will be a great example of how keeping things streamlined and organized, really does simplify things, in all of the worlds that we live in!

But what about the content?  This is where I REALLY need your help!

I have thought of a couple of things I would like to do to update some of the content to be found here, like a 15 minute weekly organizing challenge or chats about items I am totally digging each month... but this blog wouldn't exist without you.  And I want what you want.  Really!  So if you could take a second to answer the following questions, I would be forever grateful!!

1.  Each month a new space is featured.  What types of things would you like to consistently see brought up?  {Free organizing updates?  Essential space items?  What's hot now?  Keeping the space green? Etc...}

2.  What's missing?  What do you personally Heart about other blogs, that you aren't getting here?

3.  What keeps you coming back?  What types of posts get you giddy and inspired?

4.  What space in your home or area in your life, could use the most organizational help, or is the biggest challenge to you?

5.  Tell me about you!!!  Having an understanding of who is stopping by to check things out, will hopefully help me to tailor posts more accordingly!  What's your age {20's, 30's, 60's}?  Where are you from?  Family?  Kids?  Dogs?  Passions?  Fetishes? {OK, maybe not...}  Please feel free to share as much or little as you wish, I just can't wait to here all about you!

Finally, I can't say it enough!  THANK YOU!  Your daily emails, visits and comments inspire me in more ways than you know!  I have nothing but appreciation for you!


  1. Jen!Love the new look!! Really easy to navigate and pretty to look at.


  2. I seriously heart your blog! I also heart the updates - everything looks great. Look forward to subscribing to your personal blog too, you're right that I love to hear about bloggers real lives - although I'm happy that you've decided to start a separate blog because I really feel like I learn a lot here and I wouldn't want to be distracted by your kids cuteness! For me, I keep coming back because we just bought our first new home and I want to learn how to organize it! I am very 'into' organizing, but I'm not yet very good at it. I really just enjoy seeing how a family keeps everything straight and organized (no family yet here but I'd like to start with just my husband and I!) I think the only thing I'd like to see - which maybe you have done, I have to admit I haven't read every single post, (yet!) is to talk about paint colors or other decor colors/themes you chose and why? Think YHL style. umm other then that you rock and this is the longest comment ever!

  3. looking nice! (it's a shame RSS doesn't pull the nice layout) i stole a button for the recipe blog.

  4. I love, love, love the new look Jen! It's clean and fresh and easy to navigate!

  5. Love the new look! It's way more in line with the style of your posts and home!

    The biggest challenge for me in our home right now is trying to update everything to make it more our (or MY?? haha) style from when we first moved in. We got a lot of hand-me-down stuff (mostly furniture) and I started bringing in a bunch of random "budget items" from like Ross or Marshalls, plus the stuff we registered for our wedding before we had a house. So it's this crazy mix of a bunch of stuff and I'm trying to get it more our style and more polished and of course without spending a lot.

    What I love most about your blog is your attention to detail for things around the house. You have so many great ideas that I would never think of and that, once implemented, make life a lot easier. You just have to actually DO IT, right??

    My little stat rundown - I'm 25, live in Houston, married for 2 years, homeowner for 1.5 years, have two dogs (a doberman and a dachshund) and no kids (but maybe within a couple of years??).

    Love your blog and can't wait to see more!

  6. LOVE the new layout/design!
    Keep up the great work!

  7. I absolutely love the new look! You are right, it's much easier to navigate, and the new logo and labels are sooo adorable! Here are my answers to your q's:

    1. I am big on saving bucks, so I always love free/cheap space solutions. But I do also like to keep up with what's cool, so knowing current trends would be great. Maybe you could even do some type of post where you take the current trend and then show us how to imitate it using less expensive products?

    2. Hmmm...not really much! I love your blog!

    3. I really like to see your before & afters and the reader Q & A. But I do read and love each and every post!

    4. I have a tricky time in the closet because I have holiday items stored there as well. Also, the office can be a headache due to all of the wires and supplies that I need handy, but don't want to have on outright display.

    5. I am 22, engaged, and about to move 22 hours away from home! I am going to graduate school for creative writing in the fall. I love DIY decor and organizing tricks.

  8. 1. I don't often have the $$$ to go out and buy more expensive containers a la container store, etc. Would love to see something that is easy to organize without a whole lot of shopping...

    2. Like your content a lot!

    3. I like the different uses for things. I think I gathered from your blog to re-purpose tissue box holders. I store my extra plastic bags in there - genius!

    4. Media Room! I have two of them and what a pain!

    5. I'm Lindsay, originally from Ohio but now living in Oregon. I'm married, 30, have two dogs, no kids, and love to remodel, etc, etc. I even have a blog ( and love blogging.

    Love your site and the new look - keep it up!!

  9. Love the new layout! It looks great and organized.
    I love your before & afters as well as reader questions. But really I love all your posts. You are motivating me to get more organized. I have a huge house with way too much stuff that needs to find a home. My biggest challenge right now is all the paperwork that seems to overtake our house. My office is a nightmare. To the point that I can't even work in there! More posts about managing the everyday clutter and paperwork crap would be great.

    My stats: I'm a 30 something full time working mom of 2 kids with a wonderful hubby. We are very active on our days off and love doing home improvement projects as well. We live in the beautiful state of Oregon and I do have a little blog that details our home projects & family life as well. (

    Thanks for being an inspiration and sharing your expertise with us!

  10. your new page looks great!! i love seeing before and afters and different tips on organizing random stuff! my problem area is problem my kitchen since it is majorly lacking in the storage department. i'm 25, married, no kiddos yet and one pup! our blog is
    Thanks for all the inpiration and tips on your blog. It' awesome! :)

  11. I ran across your blog via Google, and love it! You have inspired me to tackle those many small, niggling projects that add up to be so overwhelming. Last night I bought a lazy Susan and organized the bathroom cabinet on my side of the vanity! And I bought a new key rack/hook thing b/c the old one was ugly and I was sick of it. Tonight I'm catching up on my filing in my home office. My goal is 1 small project, 3 days per week. Hope I can stick to it!

  12. First - I LOVE the new look! It looks fabulous, so streamlined and organized. Way to go!

    Second - How funny! I've been working on a new layout/design for This Fresh Fossil, too, focusing on being streamlined/updated/organized, too. We rolled out the new desgin yesterday (hurray!)

    Third - your survey:

    1) I'd love to see more What's Hot Now items, as well as essential space-savers (and maybe where to get them?).

    2) Nothing's missing - you ALWAYS have great content and advice!

    3) Same things - great advice.

    4) Uhhh... right now? Our garage is in horrible shape. Seriously.

    5) I'm married, 20's, with a cute pooch and a serious fixer-upper to remodel. With ALOT of organizational SOS.

    Thanks for doing all that you do, Jen!



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