
Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Shower Curtain Call!

I love my kids. I love them more than anything.  I would do anything for my kids.  They are magical.  They are kind.  They are caring.  Their smiles make everything good.  Their big blue eyes make it hard to ever tell them no.  Their hearts are made of gold.  I love my kids.

My kids are also curious.  They love to get into anything and everything, and keeping up behind them is definitely a full time job.  Oh, and our house doesn't stand a chance.  Not one chance of surviving these three boys.javascript:void(0)... in fact, just yesterday, my youngest {for the 7th time now} decided to take his marker from his paper to the carpet in a matter of .02 nanoseconds.  Oh yes, we are heavily stocked on carpet cleaner and drywall mud.

Where am I going with this?  Let's just say that one of my sweet little P's had a not so sweet little incident with our main bathroom's shower curtain.  And that incident caused the shower curtain to be rushed to the washing machine and run on a very sanitary cycle, without more than a second to think about what was going on.  And then, without any knowledge of the situation, an innocent husband who was just trying to be helpful, transfers that shower curtain to the dryer.  And runs it on high.  Goodbye shower curtain.  You were loved.

Enter the need to find a new shower curtain.  In very un-like me fashion, I decided to begin searching for an easy out option, one that already matches my current decor and color scheme, vs. finding one that I love and re-doing the entire bathroom to accommodate the new curtain choice.  What I thought was the easiest option, is not.  Turns out not a lot of shower curtains are made to match Behr's Grape Leaves green and Behr's Navajo White paint colors.

So, from the comfort of my couch and after hours of online browsing, a couple showed up at my front door for me to compare.  But this task isn't one I am taking lightly.

Which is why I need you.  I need you like I need my morning coffee.  Like I need my daily vitamin.  Like I need daily mental sanity checks.  I need your decision making capabilities because I officially have exhausted mine {at least for today}.  I like all of the shower curtains that arrived, for different reasons, and at the same time, I don't know that I really heart any of them enough to say, that's the one.

So here they are, in no particular order.  Please pay close attention, because I am hoping you are going to vote on the end all be all new Jones main bathroom shower curtain!!  And of course, I will probably be doing a couple little things to freshen things up in the bathroom, based on whichever shower curtain makes the cut, like updating the art and cabinetry hardware!

{Click the title of the curtain to link to the curtain's store website}

Option Number One: Shakira Shower Curtain

Option Number Two: Prito Shower Curtain

Option Number Three: Floral Block Shower Curtain

Option Number Four: Shadow Leaves Shower Curtain

Seeing any trends?  IHeart bold, botanical, geometric and fresh patterns.

So what do you think?  What's it's gonna be?

As you can see, I gave an option to select, "None of the Above".  If you pick that option, I beg you to leave me a comment with a solution to my shower curtain dilemma, for I feel I have scoured the internet in all my typical locations, and am left with some pretty limited options. 

I am not opposed to re-doing the bathroom if I find a different shower curtain that IHeart, but doesn't match my current colors.  And of course, if I go that route, I would happily share that process along the way!

So thank you all in advance, for taking a moment to vote!  And for sharing your thoughts via comments!  Or for sharing your favorite go to place for shower curtain purchases, favorite local shop or online hot spot!


  1. I am torn between one and four. One is bright fun! And all the possibilities of changing accessories down the road for a fresh look are endless with all those colors. Then with number four it's such a clean, fresh and crisp look for a small space. Doesn't take over the space with too much going on for the eye to process. Keep both and change them out from time to time? lol Could you post the sources for all four in case anyone is interested in where they came from?

  2. Hi April!

    Thank you for leaving your comment! The titles of each curtain actually do contain a link to the website where I purchased them from. I will update the post to state that since they are hard to see!

    Thanks again!


  3. Oh my! I'm so glad I'm not the only person who has to buy four shower curtains to decide which one is best!

    I love # three!

  4. Ack!! I usually spot stuff like that!! LOL Thank you, Jen!

  5. I voted for #3 because I think it is so awesome against the brighter green and it looks like it complements the darker wood and lighter counter and toilet very well. It's also the boldest to me, which I love!

    I actually have #1, the Shakira, in our guest bath right now. I have dark brown walls with white tile, white cabinets, and white I needed color! I love it too but for your space I like #3 the best!

    All good choices though, so good luck! Can't wait to see what you pick and see the new changes!

  6. I agree with Elizabeth, I had the very same reasons for liking #3 the most - because of the nice contrast with the green walls, but picking up on your vanity.

    Good luck! A shower curtain is never an easy decision!

  7. I'm very torn between 2 and 4. I like the calming tones of #4 but also love the vintagey look of #2!

  8. They're all great but I voted for #4.


  9. Hey there!

    I LOVE number 2 it totally ties into the brown tones in your bathroom. its bold and it matches!
    have fun!

  10. Sometimes life happens. :)

    I really like option #3 and #4, but voted for #4 because I felt that #3 was a little too dark and bold? Although I normally like big and bold stuff, I thought that the colors and shapes in #4 matched your bathroom better. Although all of them could definitely work! And no worries, I do the same thing with throw pillows... once I came home wtih 10 different ones and returned all but 1 the next day, haha!


  11. I like #4 the best but #2 is neat too. I like the dark band on the bottom on #2. It makes it look taller and makes more of a statement. I wonder if there's a way to add a band of wide ribbon or something to the bottom of a shower curtain without it looking strange and obvious. I like #4 b/c it's soothing and neutral...but it's almost too neutral and it needs something to kick it up a little.

  12. Hi Jen! I recently found your blog and LOVE it! Your organization is inspiring me to organize my new apartment.

    As for the shower curtains, I voted for #4 because it compliments your wall color. #4 wouldn't require much extra work in the bathroom, which could be good if you're short on time and/or money. But I love #3 because I think the contrasting brown picks up the other brown in the bathroom. Can you keep 2 shower curtains, ya case life happens again?

  13. Jen--I'm on your website daily! Love it! Ok-you have to pick #2. I know #4 is a smidgen more popular, but #2 goes with what I think is the style of your home and the decor you have. #4 is nice, but it is just "pretty". #2 makes a statement! :)

    Have fun with the decision!!


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