
Friday, May 14, 2010


Reader Space: Kelly's got the Keys to my Heart

You wouldn't believe my excitement when another amazingly talented reader sent some project photos my way.  I could not wait to share the "key" to her organizing success with you!  Kelly wrote: 

Hey Jen,
Since you are my one true organizing inspiration {I share and check your blog daily} I thought I'd share today since I have been tackling my junk drawers! I came across I dunno how many loose keys! Some had the rubber-banding on them to identify them, but who knows how long ago that was and we have since forgotten which color meant what. So I pulled the keys and used cute scrap-booking tags to identify them, then placed them in a drawer cup, in our entry table! Now they are not so strewn about the house but together, and easy for someone else to fetch a spare for us when need be. Looking forward to some junk drawer posts from you!!!! { I still need a lot of help}

Thanks Jen, please keep me inspired!

And here are the pictures of Kelly's crafty key project!

Holy bananas Kelly!  I am so inspired and impressed by YOU!  What a rock star idea!  I really heart the impact this will make down the line, and how adorable it is to boot!  I would say mission accomplished!

What do you heart most about this project?  Aren't you just crushing on how practical yet cute this is!?  IHeart that it probably didn't take her long to do, however, the down the line impact will completely pay back her time investment.  And the tags are just so charming!  Job well done Kelly, and THANK YOU so much for sharing!  And I will add a "junk" drawer post to my growing list of blog "To Do's", so stay tuned!

P.S.  Have an awesome story to share?  How about some organizing tips and tricks?  Maybe a project completed from an inspiration found?  Please send your story and photos to and I would heart to feature them right here, on the blog!!


  1. Oooh! I love it! What a cute and easy idea to keep keys organized. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Cute idea! I love the junk drawer idea. FINALLY started my blog a month ago. Name? One Junk Drawer

  3. Great idea! As far as junk drawers go, I got rid of mine completely. That was so freeing. The only thing in my "TOWEL drawer" that isn't a towel is a candle lighter, roll of tape and scissors, because those are the things I grab often enough and don't want to go to the basement or garage to fetch. No more junk. Everything else has another home. Liberating! :)

  4. Oh, what a great idea! Love the cute tags for the keys. We're not too bad in the key department yet, but I definitely forsee it becoming very confusing in the years ahead (I remember my parents' key-conundrum they always had!). Awesome job, Kelly, thanks for sharing!



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