
Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Some Flattering Sunshine Fun!

As many of you know, I am a "blogger" newbie.  I originally started because I have big dreams of organizing homes for a living someday, and figured blogging would give me that little extra push and motivation to follow those dreams.  It was also a fun place for me to start sharing tips and tricks of things I do around the house, and before I knew it, I was using every spare second of my mommy evening quiet time, to write up blog posts, because "gasp" I suddenly had a small following!  Yep, I was naive coming into this... I actually hadn't really gotten into the blog world before a couple of months ago when I stumbled across my numero uno favorite:  Young House Love.  I started blogging here and there when I had a little extra time, and secretly hoping of making it big someday.  Little did I know it's a blog eat blog world out there people.  That is correct, I am one itty bitty spec in the entire blog-o-sphere, waiting for my big break.  The more I got into this whole blogging thing, the more I realized how many other amazingly talented folks are out there, for me to gain loads of inspiration from!  I absolutely have become a part of a totally supportive family, known as the Bloggers.  Therefore, I am changing my name to Jennifer Blogger... Ok, not really, that would be complete nonsense and sound just insane, but it doesn't mean I don't Heart my new family with a passion!

Anywho, as I mentioned earlier, I started out slow and posted in some random spare time, and other than some friendly neighbors and friends, I hadn't gotten any comments or feedback on the time I was investing.  But then one sunshiny fabuloso day, I received a comment from my first new blog friend, that I had never met or seen in person.  I about fell over!!  Thank you Chelsea for being my first and most popular blog commenter, without you, I wouldn't have had as much drive to get into this funtastic hobby on a daily basis!

Now, imagine my shock when my new bff ,Chelsea over at This Fresh Fossil, sent me my first ever blog award, the Sunshine Award!  My jaw dropped and I got giddy butterflies... I was beyond flattered and honored!

I have to admit it was my first time hearing of such an award, so I am not totally aware of all the rules, however, I am to pass on the award to 12 more bloggers, so that is what I am here to do today!

I also think that I am not supposed to pass it backwards, but I am going to be a rebel rule breaker and send one back to Chelsea, since I do Heart checking into her blog very frequently to see what kind of fun projects she has going on in her uber adorable abode.

I am also a reader of many popular blogs along with a few less popular catching my eye, and my list contains some of both.  So give the following a round of applause, because they definitely know how to get my inspirational wheels a spinning!

Without further ado in no particular order, I award the Blog Sunshine Award to:

Chelsea at This Fresh Fossil
Dusty at All Things G&D
J&P at The Pemberwick Pages
Roeshel  at The DIY Showoff
Bon, Ali & Hanna at Drab to Fab
Jennifer at The Old Painted Cottage
Whitney and Ashley at Shanty to Chic
Jill at Homemade By Jill
Kari at Ucreate
Ana at Knock off Wood
Samantha at This Home Sweet Home
Sarah at A Beach Cottage

So take a second to check out some of their blogs and leave them a comment or two, they are all worth your time!!   And I can attest, any comment from a fellow reader will make their day, every comment I get sure plasters a smile on my face, causing people to wonder if I have a smiling impediment or if I idol the Joker from Batman!

Thank you Chelsea and fellow bloggers!  What a great way to spread some blogging joy!


  1. Aw, thanks so much, Jen! :) It's super sweet that you would break the "rules" for me! And congrats on the Sunshine Award - you totally deserve it for all the hard work you put into your super-awesome blog.

    Now I'm off to visit some of the other blogs you've mentioned that I haven't heard of before... :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Jen, thank you so much for including us on your list! We <3 your blog too!!


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