
Friday, April 9, 2010


Frigid Freezer Fun

Ok, forgive the cheesy title, I was getting desperate...

Before the weekend hits, I wanted to share a before and after that literally happened in a couple of easy quick minutes.  Anyone that has a little freezer disorganization disaster as I did, can accomplish this project in the blink of an eye, and then feel a world of accomplishment for the rest of the weekend year.

You see, we have two fantastic freezer spaces, our main one in the kitchen and a larger freezer chest in the garage.  However, the one in the kitchen tends to hold all of the leftover package remainders... waffles, french fries, waffles, frozen veggies and waffles.

All those random bags drives this gal a little batty.  I was freaking out every time I had to open the freezer, partially afraid of objects flying out and landing on my toes, along with the fact that I was going to have to dig in the coldness.  

It was time to gain control back for my freeze baby fingers.  No more endless minutes of searching... 

That's when I stumbled across a fantastic sale at The Container Store on some office supplies.  Nope, still writing a freezer post, just bare with me.  They had these Multi-Purpose File Bins included in their sale {for $2.79 at the time}:

And that's when I knew I had solved my freezer problem.  And when I ordered online and put in my 20% off coupon code, they were even cheaper, and when I picked them up in store when I was out shopping with my bff, I didn't pay shipping.

I picked up three of the medium sized bins to the tune of $7 total.

Now for the embarrassing Before picture of my mass freezer chaos:

Not good enough for you?  Want more up close of the madness?

Pretty disturbing right?

But, after snagging a laundry basket {I knew I was gonna be speed lightning with this project}, and tossing all of the goods in the laundry basket, placing the new bins on the shelf and then putting everything back inside the freezer, in a more organized fashion, 5 short minutes later I had this vision when opening up the freezer:

I wanted to sing, "A whole new world" like Jasmine did with Aladdin.  It explained exactly how I was feeling about my new freezer space.

Now for the oh so much better close up:

The bins gave me SO much extra space!  One contains frozen fruits and veggies, another contains potato sides and the last one... waffles of course!

Leaving the bottom shelf pretty wide open for the rest of the awkward shaped items.  

A little side by side action:


Aside from gaining massive amounts of storage and organization, this really quick project also forced me to toss out items that were no longer good and condense some other items, which also really helped create space and order.  Gotta heart it!

And of course, just about any bins will do in this situation, I just loved the size and height on these file sized bins, they were more narrow and taller which allowed me to maximize the use of the space!

Don't you just love when a little 5 minute investment can save LOADS and minutes in the future?  Plus, an organizing junkie like me feels obligated to do at least one project a weekend to keep things from going downhill fast, so when I find these types where a tiny bit of time offers a huge payoff, I can kick back and enjoy the rest of the weekend without worry!

Anyone out there have a quick and easy weekend organizing project ahead of them?  How about a major overhaul happening?  It sure would be fun to share some weekend warrior type stuff with the readers on Monday morning!


  1. Wow!!! I will defently try it! Great idea!!!

    Thank You so much!

    Grettins from Puerto Rico

  2. I was actually just thinking that I needed to figure out a way to get our chaotic freezer in order and I LOVE this! What a great idea! And I absolutely LOVE your site - thanks for posting such helpful and fun articles! I found it via

  3. Marry me. Seriously. I love your blog, and that is an inspired idea! You're on my blogroll so that both of my readers will discover this.

  4. Love it!! Great idea... thanks so much!!

    A Design Story

  5. Ok I know this is an old post but this transformation in the freezer gave me heart palpitations!! I am so excited!! I love your blogs and your writing, it's funny and makes me smile because I feel like I am reading my own life stories of how I feel about spaces that are not organized :-) Unfortunately The Container Store is not near my house but I will search for ones similar to those in my area or find a coupon online. Thanks!

  6. Great idea! I will add this on my list of things to do this weekend.

  7. I think we have the same freezer. I want to know if your family puts the things back into the bins? I want to try this b/c my freezer needs help too. Seriously.... other than a little different foods, they look the same! lol
    But I have serious doubts that my family will use the bins.
    Heck I can't even get them to put the lunch meat and cheese in the ref. drawer.

    1. If they can't abide by the rules of the kitchen then they don't need the privilege of using it! When I was a child, I was not allowed free access to the kitchen and I raised my child the same way.

  8. Hi Sandy!

    My husband is the only one that actually uses the freezer {aside from myself}, and he is pretty good about using the bins! In fact, he really liked them since they made it so much easier for him to find things than prior to this.



  9. I had no idea there was such a simple solution to my freezer drama. I'll be looking out for some suitable containers next time I'm in the shops. Better measure up the space inside the freezer first though!
    Thanks for sharing.

  10. My freezer looks like a rocket launcher has hit it and when I saw this, I think I might have this weekend's project. Thanks for such a fab idea!

  11. HOw do you organize your chest freezer? I find that things just keep get piled up and don't know what to do. Help!

    1. Here's an un-executed theory: Use "bank boxes" & sturdy shoe boxes covered in contact paper or painted as storage...or any other handled box w/ a lid. 1.) See which freezer staples fit into which size boxes. 2.) Cover general categories in the same or similar paper/paint. (example: meat containers are all in a beige or brown color. Veggie containers are all in a pretty green. Ice cream containers are all in a brightly colored polka dot.) 3.) Label all five sides (so it doesn't matter how hubby or kiddo puts it in the freezer) of each container w/ a simple, but large cartoonish clipart of the item that goes inside (chicken, bacon, beef, ham, etc.). Important are the lids (for stacking) and handles (for pulling out vertically).

  12. That is awesome!!! I need to go to the dollar store and see if I can find some containers like that! My freezer is soooo small!!!

  13. OH WOW! I love so many elements in all of them and have certainly been thinking of all good things. SO CUTE, thanks for the inspiration.

    Freezers sale

  14. Wow! This is so simple but great. Can't wait to apply the concept to my messy freezer. It's the bread ends that really drive me nuts.

  15. Probably a silly question, but what size is your fridge? It looks like the same size as mine, but I would hate to order the bins and they wouldn't fit.

  16. @Anonymous, the inside freezer dimensions are 2'4" wide x 1'6' tall.


  17. Hi Jen,

    I was wondering how you organize your chest freezer? Love your blog by the way and have been using quite a few of your ideas around my house, I am now sooo hooked on this organization stuff!!
    keep up the great work,

  18. Thanks to your post, I did this for my freezer (which looks identical to yours other than the fridge is black on the exterior). It is so much better now. It also forced me to get rid of meats that had freezer burn or that I foolishly had unlabeled.

  19. I love this idea! Our freezer is a disaster. We have a freezer drawer and can never find anything. It all sinks to the bottom and then things get thrown in on top of it. So this idea won't exactly work for us. Do you have any suggestions? Thanks, Shelly

  20. @Shelly,

    I love this post for some great tips and ideas:


  21. Great idea! Thanks for sharing. We have started eating healthier and I have a freezer full of frozen (bagged) fruits and veggies. The bags are the hardest to organize but I think this will work perfectly for me.

  22. i will definitely try this! I have tried other types of bins in the past, but I think clear is the way to go. It helps to know at a glance where things are

  23. That is wonderful! I have the same problem. Thanks for the tip!

  24. Such a great idea! I bought 4 of the large ones (Container Stores has them on sale right now!) and used two in the freezer as you suggested, and two in the fridge: one to store/stack all of my daughters various single-serve fridge snacks (applesauce, yogurt, yogurt smoothies, etc.) and used another large to store my husband's energy and workout drinks. Works great!

  25. We have a big chest freezer, and organisation had to happen, as I was scared of falling in looking for stuff!. We had and purchased more of, the Bags for Life - a campaign here in the UK to buy a stronger bag instead of the chuckaway&destroytheplanet kind. We put meat in the red bag, fish in the blue, veggies and veggie options in the green bag. We then had a multicoloured bag for desserts/frozen fruit, and yet another bag for chillies, herbs etc. That's five bags at £1/$2 each. Wayhey!

  26. NICE.. I really have to do this. Problem is I have to figure out storing meats in there too, but my freezer does look a little bigger than yours. Wish me luck :)

  27. I really love your site and am reading everything. I will be copying this tip, thank you! I would LOVE it if you could do a chest freezer makeover, my chest freezer is the most difficult space for me. PLEASE! xx

    1. I used the large freezer metal bins found at the Container store

  28. Great idea! I think I will 2 bins for the bottom of the freezer, so that i can just slide them out and get the items I need! Thanks, you have some wonderful tips!

  29. This is fabulous! I had three of these sitting around, wasting space. Once I saw this post, I jumped out of my chair, cleaned them up and put them to use! I'm not sure the freezer is at perfection yet, but WoW does it look SooOo much better!! Thanks!

  30. Would love to see ideas for a chest freezer

  31. Thank you so much for the idea! I just ordered mine from the CS! ;)

  32. Kinda love this idea! The plastic has held up to the cccccold temps? Going to have to give this a try. thanks!

    1. They are still holding up wonderfully! Not a single crack! :)


  33. How do you have your chest freezer organized? I've tried several different options but haven't really been happy with anything I've done so far. Thanks! :)

    1. Brook I use the tall file folder sterilite bins with the blue lid. They fit my frigidaire upright freezer perfectly. I have one for veggies, beef,pork,chicken, & misc. They are clear and labeled so you can see what's in them when you are freezing out in the garage trying to find what you need.

  34. LOVE this....nearly two years later, is it still working just as well? I'm in the process of re-organizing the kitchen after being inspired from your blog. The fridge looks great, as does the pantry - tomorrow it is the freezer and lazy susan's turn! My mums been saying she wants to do this stuff for ages, and now I actually have the time - so hopefully my parents will keep it up!

    1. Hi Emma!

      Two years later and we are still using the same bins and systems! LOVE!


  35. Any suggestions for those of us with the bottom drawer-style freezers?

    Curious about the chest freezer also. Ours is somewhat organized...but I keep telling hubby it's not enough & even though it works perfectly fine I want to go buy one of the stand-up kind - for the SOLE purpose of organizing! :p

    P.S. ~ your blog makes me feel like I have a kindred spirit out there. I am constantly teased by hubby, friends AND family about how I get TOO crazy about organizing! SO good to know I'm not the only one!

  36. Looks great! Which size bins did you get?

    1. Oops... just saw that you said you bought the medium sized ones. Thanks!

  37. I found this yesterday and ran out and got three medium and since you and I appear to have the same freezer, they fit perfectly! Love finally having a great way to rein in the bags of fruits and veggies. I'm using the third for meats and cheeses. I also bought 2 large bins and have them under the sink for all the cleaning products. LOVE your blog, I'm finding so much inspiration for my new year house cleaning and purging!!

  38. Good Ideas. I happen to have a freezer drawer. :)

  39. Was inspired by this post and have done the same! 3 bins fit in my freezer but do not leave room for my ice tray, so I'm going to swap out one of them for the skinnier size.

    I wanted to say that a great benefit of this scheme (I use one for meats & prepared dinners, one for frozen fruits & veg, and one for leftovers/soup starters) is that I never run out of frozen veggies any more -- it's always to see exactly how much is left.

  40. Love the blog, would just like to share my method . I portion- pkg. items like Brown Rice, Beans, Marinated fish, marinated Shrimp and put them in Labelled 9x13 Rubbermaid Containers. Frozen Veggies are also in 9x13 containers . They stack well and are easy to locate.

  41. An oldie but goodie :) Love this post- and your BH&G organization! Do you have any tips on organizing a chest freezer? Would be MUCH appreciated :)


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