
Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Office Makeover: Part 2 - Desk

As you may recall, we had started to do an Office Switcharoo, moving a lounge chair from our Master Bedroom sitting area to our new Lounge/Game Room, and moving our desk into our new Office Space.  That sparked a whole new office makeover plan, so consider this as a small teaser of the final new Office Space reveal.  I am hoping that we are able to finish up the space before the end of Home Office month, which gives me officially until this fin de semana to get things buttoned up.  Fingers are crossed....

And now the sneak peak to the feature presentation....

Our desk.  It is one of my bff's.  It is the main functioning piece of furniture in any office space, and ours, is definitely no exception.  It is a custom piece built with my vision and my father-in-law and hubby's hard work.  It was constructed with MDF and painted white.  We designed it to be extra long and deep, to provide a ton of work space on top, and some major storage down below.  We absolutely couldn't be happier with it!  Here is a reminder of our desk:

Now for the teaser.  This room is now gonna be MY space!  My hubster hearts the idea that I have a place to "disappear" away to... hmmm, should I be worried?  He typically works from his portable laptop around the house, and doesn't require anything more. Therefore, because this is my new personal haven, it's time to girl it up a bit.  And because I don't have any little girls of my own to gush over and make pretty spaces for, this one is getting a little extra treatment!

And that is where the desk comes in.  I added a whimsical floral wallpaper to the fronts of the doors and the top of the desk.  And the pictures really don't do it justice, but it looks like a whole new piece of furniture, and I totally am mushy gushy over it!

Again, here are the before pictures:

And.... the after pictures:


The wallpaper really turned out darling yet subtle!  It just gave it a little girly edge, which I am really diggin'!

So, now, what's behind those doors you ask?!  Dare to look inside....

Starting on the left side, you will find inside, the following items tucked inside: A travel memorabilia photo box (not visible), a large file box (in the far back), a plastic basket for recycling paper, a smaller filing tote, a paper tray and a card basket:

First, you may be wondering, why two filing systems?  Well, the large file box holds all of our long term papers and information, such as auto info, personal info, loan info, medical records, etc... anything that we do not access or file frequently, but like to keep records of, just in case.  Then, I have a smaller file tote that is easily accessible and portable, for bill paying.  It nicely houses the current year's utility statements, insurance statements, etc...  After the year is over, all the paper statements that I do still receive (because most of them are taken care of electronically), get moved to a large paper box for long term storage.

Other than that, the rest of the cabinet seems pretty straight forward.  We keep a photo box for all of our travel memorabilia, such as small shells, coins, ticket stubs and brochures.  We haven't been on too many wild and crazy vacations together yet, so any collection is much to small to display yet, but we are working on it!  The paper tray holds envelopes and printer paper.  The card basket, holds Thank You's, Birthday, It's a Baby and Miss You cards.

Onto the right side, where we house our computer tower, some office accessories and filing boxes:

When my hub and his pa built the desk, they notched out a spot for the computer tower, and also made sure to have cabinets and holes.  It's great that the techy guy sooped up eye soar computer, is tucked far away from sight!  The bottom shelf has two paper boxes which I use to hold receipts and tax documents for tax time, and the bowl above it holds all of our memory sticks and SD cards.  Right next to the computer,
pretty genius right?!  And the top shelf has a small basket for note cards and address labels, and another to hold miscellaneous office accessories, such as label maker tape, hole puncher, tape and clips.

And lastly, where are all the cords?  I really struggle with cords.  They drive me nuts, and really are an unnecessary attention grabber.  So, my light bulb lit up.  I was pretty excited when I thought of a free for me way to hide the cords, neatly so no one would know how many were really lingering behind the desk.  Velcro.  I had some heavy duty Velcro strips that I use for attaching labels to kids bins, therefore, this was absolutely a no cost option for me, it's great when you can find things around the house to use!  I just applied a strip of the Velcro to the top underside of the desk, ran the cords over the top, and stuck another piece over the top of them.

Presto Chango!  The clutter mess of cords, are no more!  And although it's not the most sightly up close, it's not at all visible from afar!

And if you don't have some Velcro laying around, there are plenty of other ways to get control of your cords, such as 3M Command Cord Clips, Cable Turtles or these ultra fun and colorful Cable Clips.

Keep checking back, this is just the beginning.  I put together a bulletin board, a magnet board, paper box labels and am in the middle of trying to get everything installed for the final reveal!


  1. is that fiberglass on top of the desk? i love it

  2. I'm confused...... This room was not shown in the house tour

    1. Hi Megan,

      When our home's lower level flooded, we tore out a wall to create a dressing room in this space instead. :)



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