
Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Picture Perfect

These bins were a snap to create!  How did I do it?  They are actually $1 photo boxes I picked up at a craft store.  I figure, if they are safe for my ultra precious photo memories, then they are definitely safe enough for my socks and scarves!

First, I cut the ribbon just long enough to cover the front and some of the sides (only the visible stuff to keep the budget in mind).  I attached the ribbon to the box using hot glue.  Then, using some flower petals I had purchased from a scrapbook store, I also hot glued those to the front.

Next I printed out some cute labels I created using Microsoft Word, and slid them in the slot on the front of the box.  Super easy!

And that's it!  I finished all 6 in under an hour and for a total of about $15, which included the ribbon, photo boxes and flower petals!

Now that truly is Picture Perfect!


  1. These are really cute! I don't have the kind of shelving you do for it to hold socks (and I don't have a lot of scarves) but I could definitely use this for some many other options around my house.

  2. Hi! This is such a cute way to organize. Can you tell me where you bought your photo boxes? I love visiting your blog!

  3. Now I need an honest answer from you. Are all the photos inside those boxes organized ? I've got almost 50 years of photos in plastic storage boxes under my bed..tried putting them in order once or twice and finding got frustrated and gave up and threw them all back in the you separate by family, by event, by year, by family member's name? Some are black and white, but most are color photos..I tried scrapbooking and spend hundreds to get started supplies,etc. and I got frustrated and stopped.. Now the grandchildren are 19,16 and 13..and our kids 46 and 43..and today is our 48th. but we've been together a few years longer than that.
    Would love to know how others separate their photos. There's got to be an easier way. I would start separating, then after a while, I spent more time reminiscing about the memories those photos brought back and not much more got done. I'm sure the same thing has happened to many others besides me.

  4. Here is a post on organizing my photos:

    Thank you!


  5. I'm glad to see someone else using the photo boxes for things other than photos! I have (at last count) 18 of them and use them for a huge range of things: nail polish storage (as does my roommate), craft supplies, jewelry making supplies, the small amount of fabric I have, various kinds of glue, photos, programs from plays, concerts, and games, ribbon, stickers, stamps, craft paint, and to collect the random cords, cds, and other tech stuff I needed to wrangle because I don't have a desk. I love them because they're cheap and you can get them in a variety of patterns. I live in an apartment so there isn't much storage. I love that I can have them on a bookshelf because they look nice and have lids.

  6. What a brilliant idea for dressy shoes I don't wear as often - the container store shoe boxes are too expensive - thanks!


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