
Sunday, September 27, 2009


Vote for my LOGO!!

Ok, so my first order of business with this new Professional Organizing venture, is to throw some creativity around and come up with a fun and fresh logo, so when I am all big and stuff some day, I have a great logo to bring along with me, that represents me!  Right.....  I have already come up with the name, I Heart Organizing (I know, not THAT original, but it's EXACTLY how I feel!) but now it needs a something to go with it.

Please know, that these were compiled in the matter of a couple of hours, and definately wouldn't be the final product, just an idea that would be worked on and progression towards the final product.  Leave comments with your logo ideas, suggestions, color combos, etc... as again, your opinion is what I cherish!  Who knows, I might just scratch all these and start over based on your thoughts and comments!  :)

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE VOTE!!!!  You can either leave a comment or vote in the poll on the side of the page!








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